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Joined 12 months ago

I think it means something similar to YOLO.

You can have my meds when you pry them from my cold dead hands. It's not ok to be against something people do of their own free will that helps them out and doesn't hurt anyone.

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I want the rich to not be rich anymore, not for them to be killed. And I definitely don't want children of rich people to be abused, because child abuse is bad.

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Given the current Tribunal of Six, overturning Citizens United would likely involve a ruling that only corporations can vote.

Seems to me it's mostly complaining about Google.

There's a reason "rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic" is a saying and "rearranging the deck chairs on the Eastland Steamer" isn't.

Yeah but cops don't care about the law.

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They weren't elected.

To be fair, if a naive user is going to get a virus, there's a very high chance a browser will be involved.

Nearly every app should have a warning

So it would be how in the US half of all products have a warning saying they cause cancer thanks to California proposition 65? No thanks.

So they can put what drugs they want in their own body?

Is that supposed to be a gotcha?

What even is the point of having separate categories of prescription and OTC drugs if there's nothing stopping unapproved drugs from being sold over the counter?

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The headline and a lot of the article are trying to give the impression Google is screwing customers out of what they paid for even though the article itself admits they're still going to honor the deal for existing customers. They just won't be extending contracts or writing new ones. Seems like the author is trying really hard to make a mountain out of a molehill.

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Can we at least agree that people should never be homeless? No?

Can we at least agree that disabled people should never be homeless? Still no?

How about veterans? Once again no.

Disabled veterans with children? Believe it or not, also no.

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But if this community community isn't flooded with tech business articles, where are people going to post insightful comments like "fuck Google" and "switch to Firefox"?

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If God is punishing us, he's doing it by sending a plague of Republicans.

FWIW, Microsoft explicitly allows having multiple jobs. Their policy basically amounts to "don't cross the streams".

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Based on what I've read in r/childfree, it's far more common than not for doctors to prioritize the needs of a hypothetical husband or fetus over those of a real live woman. I've also known someone in real life who couldn't get a painful medical condition fixed until her mid 30s because the treatment caused sterility. The problem goes way beyond religion; it's more a matter of institutional sexism and the hubris of doctors thinking they know better than any woman who says she doesn't want kids.

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Why are enemies of the United States allowed to own national security infrastructure?

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Anything that makes her mad is probably a good thing.

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This kind of thing should be treated as sedition because it's a direct attempt to undermine democratic processes. People should be scared shitless to even think about fucking with an election.

Or if it's a foreign country it should be considered an act of war just as much as an airstrike.

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It's really quite sad that the Israel simps have abused the idea of antisemitism to the point that when I see accusations of antisemitism, I genuinely have no idea if they're taking about serious bigotry or if they're talking about people saying it's bad to murder civilians.

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I'd be a lot less bothered if the UI for services like Sony didn't use words like "buy" to describe what customers are doing when they pay for content. It would be a lot more honest to describe it as a rental for an indefinite time period. But of course then very few people would choose that option.

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Some 40 percent of respondents said they believe that the Social Security program currently pays out more to retirees than it is receiving in Social Security tax payments, while 26 percent disagreed with this statement.

And who's right? Do your fucking job, Newsweek!

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I'm ok with demonizing wealth hoarders as individuals. More than ok, actually.

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I'm generally for local control over local matters, but this shit should be illegal at the federal level. The right to due process is impossible to implement when the executive and judicial branches are run by the same person.

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Nah, it a brilliant idea if you want to deflect criticism of Israel's right-wing government. What's stupid is believing it.

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I'd like to normalize the notion that an OS shouldn't include any application software except for a browser you can use to install other things. Let people pick what they want to use and install it themselves.

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Wow, looks like you put a lot of effort into being condescending.

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That title made me feel like I was having a stroke.

This is why you don't let your domain registration lapse. It's not the only way computers on the internet verify each other's identity, but a hell of a lot of internet security features are based around domain names, so keeping yours functioning is a very big deal.

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I think you're forgetting about Republicans.

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USB-C is a connector shape, so there's really no need for a USB-D. What you're thinking of is USB 5.0, except the USB has a penchant for coming up with the dumbest names imaginable. The current latest (I think) version is 3.2 Gen 2x2, so the next major version will probably be called some bullshit like USB 3.2 Gen 2x2+1.

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Remember when you could buy a car and it was yours?

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Caesar himself doesn't get nearly enough shit for being a destroyer of democracy.

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Isn't there a word for when people go to a foreign country and attack the locals? Feels like it's right on the tip of my tongue...

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Facebook keeps suggesting a former coworker's daughter to me. I remember when she was born! Creepy AF.

What a ridiculous headline. What about all the other apps they "avoided" naming as their app of the year?

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If you know nothing you'll believe anything.

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