5 Post – 1007 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

The Senate map is basically impossible this cycle.

PopOS! and Endeavor are my two recommendations for newbies. The former for fresh to Linux folks and the latter for those with some experience.

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So no one? Cool, just checking.

Pony up nutjob, who is your candidate who can win 270 Electoral College votes at a higher likelihood than the sitting President?

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All Chinese companies are the CCP. That’s how the system works.

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You so myopic that you ignore any positives to focus on a topic you started to care about right months ago?

In China, they’re the same picture.

This might be worse than when that woman ukeleled her sexual predator apology.

I’ve run Plex servers on Mac Minis (M1). Docker on MacOS runs well finally — the issues that were everywhere a couple of years ago are resolved.

It ran very well on the hardware. The OP of this post is right, 8gb is not enough in 2024; however I would also wager that the vast majority of commenters have not used MacOS recently or regularly. It is actually very performant and has a memory scheduler that rivals that found on GNU/Linux. Apple’s users aren’t wrong when they talk about how much better the OS is than Windows at using memory.

That’s on you. Probably time to look into your spending.

Specifically with Hezbollah, right? Not a broader war with Lebannon, right?

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MacOS’s memory scheduler is leaps and bounds better than what Windows uses. It’s more apt to compare the RAM on a machine running MacOS to one running a common Linux distro. Windows needs more RAM than the other two by two to three times because it’s fuckterrible at using it.

If you can't remember the IP address of every site you'd like to visit, you don't deserve the internet.

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I realize that it is materially better than it has ever been and it continues to improve, despite very obvious issues and inequalities.

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I'm done with Windows and YouTube videos that should have been a written post.

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Because adverting works, yes even on you.

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Ask "Drugs."

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Yeah, even a high-quality truck or SUV compatible tent is a minor fraction of the cost here. I could walk into an REI with $3,000.00 and end up with an incredible kit of camping gear. This is highway robbery.

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Now yes, he is. Bill was a fucking asshole and a total sociopath not too long ago.

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Modi is a fascist and India in its current state is a material threat to a peaceful international community. The world has a moral obligation to bring the country to heel.

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“We’ve looked into this transaction and can confirm that the total of $17.90 was correct, however the mango price of 80 cents each that appeared on the screen was incorrect due to a technical error — they were on clearance for $1.90 each,” the Woolworths spokesperson told

“We understand why this customer was concerned and we apologise for the confusion caused. Our team resolved this with the customer in-store, providing the mangoes free of charge.

Seems pretty straightforward and had a good resolution.

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Russia has always been anti-LGBT+. Stalin called them abomination and Putin is just a dimestore version of that monster.

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The protesters who were with the antiwar group Code Pink.

Not quite, Code Pink is a Chinese propaganda and disinformation front.

Is this the death of LoL on Linux, then? It was possible to get it working pretty well a few days after every patch, but this will change all that.

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Even on Windows, you only get full bitrate Netflix playback in the UWP Windows Store app.

Define "political."

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That's not just a spokesman; that's UAW President Shawn Fain. He's the guy at the union.

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If local authorities are usurping the explicitly enumerated powers of the Federal Government, it's time to federalize the Texas National Guard.

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Joe Biden has led the most progressive Administration in the nation’s history, investing in social justice, environmental programs, curtailing abuses by corporations and predatory institutions, stood with workers (both on the picket line and in the halls of government), developed initiatives and instituted policies to combat racial injustice, staved off a nuclear power’s assault on a weaker neighbor, overseen the largest growth in real wages in over a half century, passed keystone legislation which committed the largest investment ever into green policies and programs while also committing the largest investment ever into revitalizing the nation’s infrastructure, put more federal judges on the bench in his first term than the last two presidents combined, weathered the highest levels of inflation in generations so well that US fared markedly better than peer nations, guided the economy through that inflationary period without the need for a Volcker Shock, expanded trans rights in every corner of the federal government, oversaw the largest reduction in childhood poverty in the nation’s history, reduced pharmaceutical prices for Medicare users by over 20% on average and brought the cost of insulin down to less than $30, and that’s just off the top of my head.

It’s trendy for the terminally online to knock Biden, but he’s gotten more done in three years than any President in recent history has in eight. I’m not ceding this ground to low-information voters like the commenters here seem to perpetually be. I’m excited to vote for the President who has achieved more leftist goals in three years than any other American elected official has over their entire career.

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The tech isn't the hurdle. The industrial capacity is. It's not a good investment due to time and cost of building another full facility. That's why the Biden Administration was so gung ho about the subsidies and tax incentives in the CHIPS act; a government actor is needed to make the math make sense.

Good. Fuck all DRM

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Really weird way to end your career, my man.

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Real wages are up for three straight years; they were unmoved or negative for nearly four decades before that. Your feelings about the economy don't matter when the data all goes in the other direction

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not being subjected to the constant growth demands of shareholders is good

ohhhhhhhhhhhhh man

You don't even want to know about the growth demands in the PE space. You'll be begging for shareholder growth-curve demands in about zero seconds.

This wasn't a scab hire, it was a nepotism hire.

Fleeing from Twitter to Bluesky remains one of the dumbest, most myopic decisions that people have made in recent memory. "Oh, I'm sure a Dorsey-run and designed service won't turn out exactly like the last one did!"

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He can appeal this to the Circuit and then that to SCOTUS. So, closer to exhausting all appeals, but not there yet.

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Childcare should be government-subsidized to the point that it is free. It’s an extremely straightforward way to ensure women are able to participate in the workforce at an equitable rate and it is another way to prevent childhood poverty from causing knock-on effects for the rest of a person’s life. It is one of the simplest ways to raise all of society up.

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Video game ads used to be wild.

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The Zune was great. This reads like someone who heard about these products third hand and then read a Wikipedia page. Big miss.

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