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Joined 4 months ago

That's no how this works. He is a democrat so by default unofficial. No matter if he orders a hit on Cheeto by Seal Team 6. /s

Democrats = unofficial MAGA/republicans = official.

This may become the 1933 of this century if november the wrong guy gets elected and fast forward to 1939.

You mean the draft dodger, ressurective, dictator admiring, classified document stealing, dementing, lying, grifting, make-up wearing Cheeto ? He only serves himself.

Opens chrome on a 8GB Mac. Sees lifespan of SSD being reduced by 50%. After 2-3 years of heavy usage SSD starts to get errors. Apple solution: buy a new one. No wonder they are 2nd/3rd wealthiest company on the planet.

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I wonder who is still surprised by all this. Convicted felon who wants to play the dictator with a projection of a space Laser....

You don't get the most valuable company by selling a SSD. So, yeah a new Mac of course.

You gotta be a special kind of sad to DDoS

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I mean let's be honest, you gotta be some special kind of stupid to give money to somebody who bankrups a casino, let me repeat a CASINO

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Funny that Russia gets all "I feel threatened by NATO" bullshit is the same Russia who just sends death squads to other sovereign countries as they please. Truly a Mafia ran government.

Almost as true as GOP being the sole defenders of LGBTQ+ rights...

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Surprised they didn't add:

  • Ukraine
  • Hunter Biden's Laptop
  • LGBTQ+ community
  • BLM
  • George Soros
  • Bill Gates

The usual suspects

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Sony just did a Unity here. How the hell can you ruin such a beloved game in a single cheer stupid move, for the purpose of just gathering data. It's beyond me.

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As a European, I hope my American friends will do their uptmost best to ensure Diaper Don does not get elected for the sake of democracy and humanity. We are at the brink of a timeline that resembles a lot like the 1930s, and wish we are not going to relive those times again.

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Ladies and gentlemen, the party of law and order. We know who will be selected as the new supreme court judge soon...

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VPN to Cancun

Backstage footage...


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Not to start whataboutism but is it not strange that he gets 25 years (I mean punishment deserved to be clear) but the biggest con artist in modern history is still on free foot ? Even though you maybe cannot compare it (I mean selling top secret stuff is not that harmful /s) it's a bit of double standards

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And yet another projection of what he truly wants himself. Only problem is. His Heinrich Himmler variant, MTG would lead the gazpacho....

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This is evidence # 37586682 that all MAGA folks are Russian assets, doing their job to destroy the US from within. Because its textbook ruling as in Russia.

Forget about the hush money, this was far more a priority as it is related to national security. Now the thugs of this world know they have carte blanche with trump. This treasonous PoS should rot in a cell for this.

Still playing the victim here for neighboring countries joining NATO. Perhaps prof. Dr. Putin should read a history book that is not Soviet narratively written , which would call out for the unwanted occupation of half of central and eastern Europe. And the unwanted _forced Warsaw pact alliance.

NATO is a voluntary alliance. Maybe by looking in the mirror and see why all formal Warsaw pact counties wanted to join NATO, would answer your question. Bully who bullies doesn't understand why his victims dont want to be bullied.

But it's all for the believers because ignorance is strength.

We have to start understanding that Russia and Iran backed by China are fighting a war against the west. We got to understand that all what is happening now is not a coincidence. China has been step by step showing its colors. This could be the 21st century version of the axis in the 1940s and ppl need to wake up because what might be now far from my bed show, could change over the next few years.

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It's also war economy (Russia) vs non-war economy (Europe/US) which is a big difference. Plus even if you would move into a war economy, to ramp up production will cost time.

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Well I will sound like an old bore but throughout the nearly 20 years Firefox is out I never looked at anything else. Seen the rise and fall of Internet Explorer seeing the rise and fall of chrome.

Even Firefox in its dreadfully slow era (2010-2016) it did not made me change. And let me be clear Firefox is far from perfect. But for my use cases (privacy and security balance over certain conveniences) I would not change for any commercially backed Browser.

Moral of the story. It's better to donate to Mozilla and enjoy the freedom of your browser than giving yourself in on the erratic behavior of the big tech companies.

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I had a US colleague that was ranting to me (a European) that people would still take calls just before having surgery and the moment the anastatics would have worn off work again. So I asked why not root for Bernie as he wants to do a more Scandinavian model (did not use the world socialism because reasons). Answer was no, would not be able to vote for him. Well........

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War is peace, Freedom is slavery, Ignorance is strength.

Russian government doctrine 101.

The day we all knew was coming, sadly. The day he set foot on that plane back to Moscow from Germany, it was not a question of if but when this would happen.

He'll win with 127% of the votes. AfD, Fidesz, FvD and others have witnessed a very fair and democratic ellection

You can sink quite quickly quite hard. From POTUS to ordinary shoe sales person. Donald "Al Bundy" Trump was not something I had on my bingo card.

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Waiting for tsla stock to go up now...

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And we as a EU should not give Orban another penny.

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Both sides will never say the exact numbers. That's how this goes. It's in both interest that actual numbers stay as secret as possible. But I do think that Russian losses are in the 1 to 3 or 1 to 5 range, in Ukraine's favor, just because the meat grind attacks in Adiivka and Bachmut alone.

EDIT: clarifying the numbers

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There is a substantial Russian influence in Niger and surrounding countries.

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Scammers gotta be scammers. Those dollars don't grow by themselves.

Should the title not be "Putin's ally Trump to end the Ukraine war is to totally cut off funding, says Putin's closes (hopefully soon out of the EU and NATO) ally"

This is really starting to feel like "Man in the high castle". Fuck Nazi's

The nuclear wording is as north Korea launching rockets from time to time. It's really to try and stay relevant.

He has his hands full against a country that is running out of ammo. Bully will always say and do bullishness things.

Soon the pirates will be dominating the digital sea again.

Looks like somebody is in need of cash 😂. But to be fair, these games were back in the day mighty good. It's really a shame to see how both greed and ever growing ambitious killed creativity.

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At this point, is it even worth writing about it? We all (that do critical thinking) know who feed comrade Trump. We can't be shocked anymore about this.

Well if the supreme Court will give presidents immunity prior November, so that Trump can participate, then Biden just has to order a hit on him. because, you know presidents are immune... Problem solved

To be fair, Hitler was a more talented painter than Trump is a businessman. A biiiiiiiig /s.

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