Why Won’t Rich Republicans Loan Money to Upstanding Businessman Donald Trump?

Rapidcreek@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 411 points –
Why Won’t Rich Republicans Loan Money to Upstanding Businessman Donald Trump?

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I mean let's be honest, you gotta be some special kind of stupid to give money to somebody who bankrups a casino, let me repeat a CASINO

Multiple casinos.

And he doesn’t even drink. Which calls to mind Hunter S. Thompson:

“It was Bogart who said, ‘You can't trust a man who doesn't drink.’ And it was Raoul Duke who said, ‘I'd never buy a used car from Nixon unless he was drunk.’”

It's literally a free money from dumb people machine that he bankrupted by using it as his personal piggy bank.

Now he's turned the RNC into a free money from dumb people machine and he's using it as his personal piggy bank.

During the CASINO BOOM!!! Then as a little footnote, gets bailed out by Wilbur Ross, who becomes secretary of commerce. The coal baron Wilbur Ross.

The slipper guy. Is he dead yet? He fell asleep at his own hearing.