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Joined 11 months ago

I advocate for investing him until there's enough dirt dug up to put him in jail for next twenty years.

someone found out

Amazon is just faster shipped temu garbage

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I've tried a few distro's recently. Pop os, mint, and nobara. Mint was pretty bad (i really wanted it not to be), nobara was good but had issues with sleep and after a month my sound quit working. Pop OS has been flawless and I love that I can set the workspaces hot key to the windows key.

He'd get the republikkklown votes.

I've been full time for a year and a half now. I tried switching a bunch of times before that and same problems as you. I love it now, it's a pleasure to use my computer and know that it's not doing any bullshit behind the scenes.

SoMeBoDy HaS tO tHiNk Of ThE sHaReHoLdErS!!!!!

Bots aren't MAGA, and MAGA doesn't need advertised to to vote for the russian asset with 34 felonies.

It's no longer a Supreme Court. It's a Republikkklown court.

Probably the only time I agree on a both sides argument. Hell, while we're at it, lets drug test the house and senate too.

What's the over under for tRump backing out?

There are time limits in place too.

That's a lot of words to say you're a troll.


What could they have done differently??? They could have fought the Russian influence, that would have put an end to this shit before it started. The democrats didn't vote because it was laughable tRump would win. Now they know how serious it is because tRump is a man child, and will vote.

My response was to yours about doing this now for the votes. My point stands, it makes zero difference on votes. You respond like a bot/troll. Which is it?

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It's a pretty shitty take though since tRump is on record saying he would do more for a genocide.

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Hmmm, what voters are going to jump and vote for Biden over this that already weren't voting for Biden? Anyone at this point voting for Mr. 34 felonies is going to vote for him regardless. He's gotten people killed with his incompetence, he's a rapist, he paid for sex with a porn star while his pregnant wife was at home, and well, we could do this for literally weeks. If that isn't a deterrent, I'm sure this isn't going to magically get anyone to walk away from the cult and cast a vote for the adult in the election.

I don't believe for one second tRump will show. No way in hell.

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Lol, cult45 with their red hat dunce caps IS up in arms about Hunter Biden having a felony....

Did Ray Charles put this guys window tint on? Got damn.

I'm sure there were a few more pressing matters to deal with. I mean, our country was run by a vengeful wanna be dictator man child for four years. The fact he even got to this is great. It's not like a republikkklown would have done anything with it, besides, what votes is this going to help with? The only people that are going to appreciate this are already voting for Biden.

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He won't get to say that though. His mic will be muted until it's his time to speak. If he tries that and walks out, he looks weak and looking weak is about the only thing that will turn his cult of republikkklowns against him. He can't show up, if he shows up, he'll look weak. He'll blame the liberal media before hand and not show.

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I wonder if the bots realize they're really not helping their cause, at all.

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Maybe because their gun laws are a lot more strict? Kind of proves the point that gun regulation works doesn't it?

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They'll just wait for him default then sell it to a corporation or greedy landlord. You can't buy a house because they buy them up.

Being a republikkklown is a matter of hypocrisy. She showed her values when she got caught giving a handy in a theater.

With how garbage Alexa is now, there is no way in hell I'm paying them anything. I'd love a refund for the three useless dots I have now.

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Gonna be tough, Russia is financially strapped with the war they started and are losing.

Edit: spelled like a former president

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I keep seeing posts like this, about how bad Biden is. What has Biden done that is so bad? I mean, I don't wake up to some batshit crazy bullshit that the president did every single day like it was with the guy that has 34 felonies. I feel he's been a great president, he sure had his hands full fixing shit from the previous president*, and has to deal with the bullshit from people like that jewis space lasers dipshit and the handy in the theater trash.

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Isn't the right all about "family values?" Being "good" christians and whatnot? It goes with the territory.

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Of course they are, landlords are buying the house for what you would and doubling the mortgage payment as your rent. It should be illegal for people/corporations to rent out more than one single family home.

Boot licker and Putin's Richard licker.

They believe whatever fox "news" tells them to. They don't have their own world view, just the view they're told to have.

I was sure I disabled it, but next time I need it, I'll make sure. Thank you.

Everyday I hope to wake up and find a McHeartattack took his ass.

If you're getting your information from facebook, twitter or fox news (to name a few top offenders) you're in for a bad time.

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I'll remember this if I ever find myself in the position to cheat on my pregnant wife with a pornstar and then run for president.

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Cooling demand.... Let's call it what it is. People don't like Musk since he's a fucking piece of shit nazi, so they don't want to buy his car.

I've said it a bunch, I wanted a Tesla but I couldn't afford it. Now that I can afford it, I will not buy a Tesla solely because of Musk.

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Well, he's not wrong.

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