Trump Sounds Alarm For Americans Paying Off Porn Stars: ‘IF THIS CAN HAPPEN TO ME, IT CAN HAPPEN TO ANYONE!’ to Not The – 854 points –
Trump Sounds Alarm For Americans Paying Off Porn Stars: ‘IF THIS CAN HAPPEN TO ME, IT CAN HAPPEN TO ANYONE!’

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I'll remember this if I ever find myself in the position to cheat on my pregnant wife with a pornstar and then run for president.

I'm afraid you're already behind the curve if you weren't born to an obscenely wealthy father.

No, I think he means that even if you don't run for president, it might affect you if you've cheated on your pregnant wife with a pornstar.

That alone sadly is not even the issue. Only when stealing from the government comes in, you can expect to actually get prosecuted.

Trying to pawn off the expenses on your company balance and committing tax fraud, then paying off people to not tell about your tax fraud, that's what gets you.