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“You can’t arrest me no more – I’ve seen your private parts,” he said, noting how his attitude changed during the stop.

“I wouldn’t want her to be arresting me and I just saw you and your husband last night for $29.99 have sex on OnlyFans. I just can’t respect you or the precinct that you’re working at.”

IDK, I think that says more about you buddy.

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Good. The modern NRA has been the worst thing for guns rights in years. Wayne LaPierre can rot in hell.

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8 gigs of ram for some shitty laptop is fine. Like the air shipping with 8 gigs of ram is fine (not great, but fine)

But for a "Pro" machine, let alone a 1600 dollar computer is insane.

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The point of the article is to have them there for emergencies since we already have systems in place to broadcast emergency info over radio, and it's a lot simpler to implement than satellite for when cell signal is down.

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Gift cards are terrible gifts and I wish people would stop giving them. Just give them straight cash money to spend on whatever they want, an item they actually could use, or even better, nothing at all if they don't actually need it.

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Wearing a mask and staying away from people when sick is a much better approach. Also being aware of what being sick even is since some people just kinda ignore their symptoms as “a cold”.

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This isn’t a college course, and I doubt any random person on the internet is going to sue you.

Why don’t you just copy paste it wholesale and just give them credit? Don’t pretend it’s your own work.

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I'd argue that venture capitalists are the cause of lack of scientific breakthroughs.

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People already post the most racist, hate inducing, vitriolic shit on facebook with their name and life history attached to it.

It might reduce some low effort trolling, but I don't think it will affect much.

They're not going to shoot you for trying to haggle. Shit I've haggled on the purchase of a gun.

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I'll believe it when it's actually in production. Toyota has been making claims about this for a long time now and it always seems to be "just a few years" away.

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What if you really hate support and ease of finding images online?

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That was literally the point of this ruling. The EU only has the power to enforce things in the EU and they can't force Apple to act differently outside of it.

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It’s not enforced in the US at all.

Just like how keeping to the right except to pass isn’t.

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The fear of being targeted by a patent troll makes both small and large companies afraid to innovate.

Shit dealers (and especially the sales people) tend to not at all be trained on how to sell these cars, and can be openly hostile towards people interested in them. EVs don't make them as much money on service.

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The ceo of Boeing was the ceo of my bosses last company. He cut every corner possible, took his paycheck and ran right before the company nose dived into the ground.

Now that he’s CEO of Boeing he did the one thing he set out to do. Get the Max series in the air so he can get his fat paycheck. Hopefully nothing literally nose dives this time.

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To be fair they did far over produce them which is why they’ve been so dirt cheap lately.

But companies did learn over Covid that if you just don’t make something you can charge whatever you want for it and people will pay it.

What someone did in the past doesn't mean they're going to do it again. You may be paranoid about it, but imagine how they feel if they're a legitimately changed person? That said I'd still be cautious.

I agree with @captainlezbian Was he convicted, or found innocent? Unless he's doing weird shit that doesn't justify continued discrimination.

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Good, fuck the NRA and especially Wayne LaPierre in particular. Unfortunately I don't think anything will change any time soon.

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Then a patent troll steals it and makes things worse for everyone.

Patenting something then immediately opening it up is by far the best option.

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You think they will be able to properly learn in such an environment?

Why wouldn't they? In middle school one of the teachers (a long time ago) did some porn and I saw the pictures. It didn't affect my ability to learn. Seeing boobs didn't magically make my brain stop working.

The NRA is a marketing team for gun manufacturers, and what sells guns is fear of gun bans. The NRA does everything in their power to fuel those fears.

Pro and anti gun alike hate them. It's mostly just boomers keeping them going.

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Ensuring the plane is able to fly correctly and not crash isn't stigmatizing weight.

It's absolutely your fault if you lie about your weight, just like how it's your fault if you lie about the weight of your suitcase.

If nobody is using any buildings then there's an indefinety supply and no demand.

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It depends on how much you drive, and what you drive. If you have a Prius and drive 2000 miles a year the emissions payoff for getting an EV would probably be longer than you’d even want to keep the car. If you’re in a diesel F350 and do 20,000 miles a year, mostly city, then yeah an EV will be net zero in like 5 years or less.

As I’m sure someone will mention inevitably, not using a car in the first place is the best option. Public transit, walking, biking, are all much better solutions.

The title is still clickbait.

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I mean no shit? Everyone knows kids will lie about their age to sign up for something. 99% of kids born after the internet got popular have lied about their age. Everyone knows they do it.

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Plus everyone bought new tech during the pandemic, and now it's over people are going outside and touching grass again so they don't need the latest tech just 2.5 years later.

Plus the M2 MBP is barely an upgrade over the M1.

I wonder if just like weed stores, gun stores will start having low/no fee ATMs on sight. Considering how expensive some guns can be it's got to be cheaper than some of the ATM fees.

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Why is it her fault that someone else lied to see porn?

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They're used for noise insulation not theft. In theft it's just a minor inconvenience. Shatter the window with a rock, then punch the floppy laminated shards in.

What I hate is when you click on what’s supposed to be an image that you’d expect to expand, but instead it’s a link because the embed isn’t supported. Then when you hit back you lose your place because the page your on isn’t saved and you’ve lost your place trying to get back.

That’s what confuses me. There are absolutely ads, it’s just fake installed apps. But amount of ads are exactly the same as windows 10. They’re in all the same places, same types (mostly the start menu). Shit you could say 10 has more since that awful edge desktop widget doesn’t exist by default on 11 as far as I’m aware.

Do people just have such deeply debloated windows 10 installs that they’ve forgotten what windows 10 is actually like? Maybe it’s because it’s been 1.5 years without a major update that reinstalls all the garbage automatically?

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Someone’s gotta make all those 2-3 year old certified pre owned vehicles.

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This isn’t even a new thing. They just attached “AI” as a tagline for attention.

They’ve been using computers to automate going through resumes for eons at this point.

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I'd just give you a regular ass large fry if you ordered that.

If you ask for extra lettuce and get a second leaf for free most places won't bat an eye. But there's usually a way things are portioned the way they are. Nobody wants a burger that's one 1/8th pound patty and 3 inches worth of solid lettuce.

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As the saying goes, when seconds count the police are minutes away.