Current and Former (Fast) Food Service Workers - How do you handle requests like “All the fries you can give me”? to Ask – 96 points –

Just curious as I’ve never been on the other side of the counter, how does this sort of thing tend to work at restaurants? Fast food and fast-casual places are where I’ve heard customers say things “pile as much lettuce on there as you’re allowed to” - is there ever a limit your supervisor instructed you for things like that?

Now obviously with up-charge items like extra meat or certain toppings I know the sizes tend to be pre-portioned to a serving utensil, but something like extra onions or tomatoes that goes uncharged - has anyone gotten into trouble for giving “too much”?


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I'd just give you a regular ass large fry if you ordered that.

If you ask for extra lettuce and get a second leaf for free most places won't bat an eye. But there's usually a way things are portioned the way they are. Nobody wants a burger that's one 1/8th pound patty and 3 inches worth of solid lettuce.

Nobody wants a burger that's one 1/8th pound patty and 3 inches worth of solid lettuce.

My name is nobody.

Nobody wants a burger that’s one 1/8th pound patty and 3 inches worth of solid lettuce.

Had regulars when I worked fast food that would order the kid size burger with a fuckton of lettuce and tomato. Just way too much.

There used to be a subway or Quiznos commercial that went something like, "'Cause nobody wants a salad on a bun." I would see it and think, "Me. I do. I want a salad on a bun." WTH's wrong with a burger that’s one 1/8th pound patty and 3 inches worth of solid lettuce?

I've asked for extra veggies and it's been glorious