3 Post – 432 Comments
Joined 1 years ago


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Ahh yes making a good sensible choice in a vote is so rigged, let's keep our handcuffs on and vote for the puppets they show us

Their minimum saved you from giving their corporate executive a hard earned bonus for enacting that policy

Vanatoo transparent zeros, you can use optical input if your motherboard has optical out (mine did and I didn't select for it intentionally) cleanest audio ever and you can tell the difference in HD audio compared to mp3/Spotify

They have other speakers but these are the best for Desktop use. They also support USB for audio!

Bernie had the most individual donors by a landslide. Too bad Americans are too dumb and easily manipulated

Puppet of DNC

This way of thinking is how we end up watching this shitshow debate

Creepy fucker was president, WTF is wrong with this country?

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We need more Bernie, really hope he has disciples or something. Man has decades of stamina fighting for the people

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"Texas wants to imprison women." FTFY

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Passed the sniff test

It's about control over women, none of the pedo conservatives care about the well being of kids at all.

Ah yes capitalism where the female partner needs to work and have no time to be a mom. Then politicians worry about dwindling young labor when it's too late. Also banning porn and censoring sexuality... Shaming sex. Fertility is known to be higher when younger but there's no support to allow the young fertile people to thrive so they work until retirement fate, brilliant capitalism

How ironic, but i still love this bot

Cruise already creating huge traffic deadlocks in Texas as their cars stop in the middle of the intersections

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Basically why they are single, you must be desperate lmfao

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Title sounds like the fucking onion

Public execution because of jealousy? And nothing will happen to the cops?

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Why you still on Facebook?

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Crazy barbaric animals

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Religious orgs are cancer, they also steal tax dollars by avoiding taxes, corrupt organizations and their mansions

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So time to devalue their company after purchasing? Aiming for tax writeoffs?

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I can still access r piracy on Reddit, i thought had more freedom of speech than corporate sellouts. 💀

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I'm so done with shorts I've added the whole shorts element to my adblocker.. you can't select the seeker bar in shorts, you can't autoscroll lol literally a retarded copy of tiktok with zero user experience functionalities

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What's an example of a health warning for looking at naked humans? Seriously someone explain what they mean because it doesn't make any sense.

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Electric is so much quieter. They have them in Singapore

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Former employees get touched tho especially if they blow the whistle

Forced? Free market, no bitching

As a pet owner, i enjoy playing with my pets even though i outlive them

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Very odd rule. I just passed 35 recently and i feel like I'm slowly dying already. Feels like a struggle to learn new things

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Ah yes paid vacation for fucking with civilians and shooting their dog

It's like saying tapeworms are good for your nutrition

Pretty sure the guns i see the criminals use aren't even legal. Crazy extended mags

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Dead girls too, waterboarding is no joke

Elon: why is our revenue tanking?

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Can they block Americans as well?

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Can the senders be sent to jail as well?

Ah yes you're right, the Internet is a series of tubes and we need to pay the plumbers to maintain the tubes for leaks

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