
1 Post – 324 Comments
Joined 7 months ago

“people still believe my mother drove Kyle or was somehow involved in his decision to go to Kenosha.”

Was she not sitting right there behind him in court supporting what he did?

my brother was involved in a tragic shooting incident,

Fuck you.

Also in Indiana. Pre-pandemic you could get two pizzas, bread sticks and a 2-liter of soda for that price.

Either everyone needs TSA screening or we don't need it at all. Get rid of it. Problem solved.

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But they're banning printed books in libraries instead...

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I assumed she was losing custody as a result of the difficulties of caring for his medical needs as a single parent. But no, it's because they say she failed to protect her kids from her abuser. Yet when she called for help, what happened? It's the experience of most abused women that there is no help. And worse, that the systems designed to help do more harm. That's certainly the case here.

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I very much do not want AR. There will be ads everywhere. What happened to the anger people had toward Google Glass and the feeling that people wearing them would be recording everything around them basically all the time?

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Something my instructors could never explain to me is what Turnitin does with the content of papers after they're scanned. How long are they kept? Are they used for verifying anyone else's work? I didn't consent to any of that. When someone runs for office 20 years later are they going to leak old papers? Are they selling that data to other AI trainers? That's some fucking bullshit. It needs to be out of the classroom for more reasons than just false positives.

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Look, there was a generation between Boomers and Gen X and the fact that they're now just lumped in together is ridiculous. They're called Boomers because they were born during the baby boom immediately following WWII. That boom did not last 20 years. Actual Boomers have been retired for a decade.

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“We all know who Donald Trump is. The question is: Who are we?”

I posted the following elsewhere, just before I read that he said this, as I was thinking about a quote I heard earlier from DL Hughley regarding Trump's election:

“America saw exactly who it was last night… Exactly who we are,” Hughley said. “I think Obama was what we aspire to be, Trump and his supporters are who we are.”

The Democrats' problem is that they don't address who we are. They offer only aspirations. Who are we (beyond the racists and fascists Trump and his supporters represent)? Broke. Sick. Overworked. Exploited. Isolated. Scared. He wants us to vote based on hope that we can push back fascism. Hope that we can win our rights back. He wants us to vote based on some dream of democracy I can't say I've ever witnessed in my lifetime. Give me someone to vote for who's going to meet us where we are.

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Fantastic. I ate that almost exclusively for years because I thought it was the healthier option.

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This is a "feature" that was only ever available in India. It still sucks, but that's a pretty rage-baity headline.

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the core inflation rate... excludes food and energy costs—economic indicators that affect Americans’ daily lives.

This right tf HERE.

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Sushi. I just toss all the ingredients in a bowl and be done with it, instead of bothering to roll.

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I tell them I'm accepting offers of $2,000,000+. My home is worth about $100,000.

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My Boomer parents had one of those "I'm spending my kids' inheritance" bumper stickers on one of their RVs and it was no joke. New RVs every couple of years, driving around the country part of each summer, new boats every couple of years, two timeshares, one in Branson, one on the gulf coast FL, two houses, one in the Adirondacks, one outside Orlando, flying back and forth twice a year, a new gold wing every couple of years. They don't believe they're rich.

My father worked his whole life as a telephone lineman, retired at 55. My mother worked swing shift in processing at Kodak. Neither started wealthy. My dad had to purchase my grandfather's farmhouse. My mother didn't inherit anything. And they didn't think one second about passing anything down.

Placing the blame on medical costs for the generation as a whole is letting them off the hook, again. Boomers are too selfish to pass anything down anyway.

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Colleges will care more about repayment, only giving loans to those with stellar credit, and reducing the number of admissions.

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They also tend to believe compound words don't exist.

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Remember when they promised us advances in technology would mean we would work less while enjoying a life of leisure?

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Does that mean that if we use technology more we’d have enough value in the economy to pay everyone a UBI?

There's already enough value in the economy to pay everyone a UBI.

But we don’t have a UBI, so why? If the value exists than where is it? I don’t believe its being funnelled into the pockets of some shadowy deep-state private 4th branch of government.

It's being funneled into monopolies and doled out as stock dividends into the pockets of investors and billionaires such as Musk, Bezos, and Zuckerberg.

It's about tf time.

Or the fact that he's apparently cut the chest out of his t-shirt, while his vest doesn't wrap around his torso.

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It's the difference between sitting down for 20 minutes unscrewing various components to get to the damaged battery you need to replace, vs. popping off the back cover and simply swapping out one dead battery for a charged one anytime you run out of power. The former is replaceable. The latter is swappable.

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Women can get away with it. My coworker has a beautiful full-length, wool winter cape she wears just for every-day. I bet men could, too, with a suit on a formal occasion.

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It's great that we've finally reached a point where the news is telling us the things everyone always knew, instead of burying or spinning them. But maybe now they could move on to telling us things before we've all seen it with our own two eyes?

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No labels if funded by the conservative who bought Clarence Thomas, so....

Meh, that's me. I don't so much protest gentrification as much as I want to work to ensure my neighbors can continue to live here and reap the benefits themselves as the neighborhood improves. You can't convince me that the people who have lived here for decades want to live in neglected, under-developed, under-supported, neighborhoods. They just don't want to be forced out as change happens.

You're just shifting responsibility to the population that has no real control over the matter. That's completely unethical.

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Personally, merry Christmas just sounds better than happy Christmas. Something about the repeated "m" sound, I think.

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All unions should be taking up the issue of the right to remote work.

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Parents can be licensed for use by other companies.

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Saying you're looking for a critical alternative sounds strange to this American. Here, that book is the critical alternative. It's the counterpoint to all the toxic conservative propaganda we're spoonfed daily. Propaganda that tells us that straight, white, Christian, American men are not only the saviors of democracy, but also the Universe, that God, guns, and money will save us all. That book tells the stories we're taught to deny. If it doesn't convince you, it's because it goes against everything America wants you to believe. If you're just looking to be mad, turn on Fox News. They'll tell you plenty of things that are "wrong" with America.

James also called for lifetime bans for Trump, Weisselberg and McConney from participation in the real estate industry as well as from serving as officers or directors in New York corporations or entities.

It's lifetime. I mean, it's right there in the title. You didn't even have to read the article.

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Against Carceral Feminism: Relying on state violence to curb domestic violence only ends up harming the most marginalized women.

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Pence was far from uncontroversial in Indiana before running for VP. The whole gerrymandered red state hated him as governor. If anyone saw him as uncontroversial they weren't paying attention. Which is kind of the point of the article, I guess.

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Outside of NYC, NY is a red state. But will 100,000 have that great an influence on the electoral college? It doesn't sound like a lot in a population of 19 million.

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You all just keep "Nuh-uh!"-ing yourselves right into a second trump presidency. The fact of the matter is that economists and politicians exclude food and energy costs from inflation calculations, then just want us to believe "the people are wrong." Fuck that shit.

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No, they can't. Even if the Supreme Court says they can, they can't.

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She is such a piece of shit. Everytime I hear about her she's screwing over the little guy. She's supposed to be a Dem.

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