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Joined 1 years ago

A real parkour champ couldn't be caught in the first place. Check mate.

Still waiting on that pivot?

Good luck with that.

I just threw it into duckduckgo. It came back with the American heritage dictionary having 6 definitions that were evenly split between death and great suffering.

It's adorable when someone who doesn't understand the concept of discussing an idea's existence tries to be condescending.

For example, I can say "there are people who think the earth is flat" while not endorsing the idea of a flat earth.

The conspiracy theorists all say

He pretty clearly stated that it was the conspiracy nuts in his first comment.

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And that one was just recycled from 2016.

Isn't being dead one of the main prerequisites for being a martyr?

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There is. It seemed like every time I opened it, either it or the server needed to be updated though.

Advertisers did it to themselves.

Pop ups, pop unders, loud autoplay, focus stealing, taking up ungodly amounts of screen real estate, etc, etc.

I'm liking ente for photos at the moment.

immich had too many breaking changes.

Four legged pigs, or two legged pigs?

That's cool, he didn't say phobia, he said phobic

640kW should be enough for anyone.

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Seymour doesn't deserve that


I originally had MW but changed it to be more in line with the supposed original quote.

Cry about messaging all you want, that's how the election system in the US works.

One of these two people will be president this time next year. Only one of them has promised to be a dictator and attempted to forcibly stay in power after losing an election.

central planning model and this dictatorial policy

Fuck you, Scott Perry.

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built over an operating limestone mine

I think I found the problem.

Ban the gay agenda! Instead, read this story about Lot's daughters getting him black out drunk so they could fuck him.

Then the government should have gotten a fucking warrant so there wouldn't be any grounds to appeal.

You'll be real sorry the next time a Republican is in office and uses this as precedent to spy on and persecute anyone sympathetic to the LGBT community.

Futurama had some jokes based around the commercial break times.

Even still, there's a difference between losing one AWACS and losing all of them.

That face says he regrets nothing.

a little more than half of voters classified as likely to decide the presidential election say threats to democracy are extremely important to their vote for president, ... Yet, more of them trust Trump to handle those threats than Biden.

Fucking hell. Trump is that threat.

Even the supreme Court disagrees with your censorship bs.

Is she literally entertaining the idea that FBI agents are too stupid to know what national defense information and Presidential records are?

It's all the stuff with SECRET stamped on it. Not that hard. I bet even Cannon could figure it out.

unhoused factory owners

Are you counting the fact that Elon lives in a trailer down by the river launchpad?

A strong contender for most racist trump quote of the day.

Though it is up against Sr discussing a migrant fighting league, so it'll be a close one today.

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It doesn't seem like end users are the ones demanding AI.

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They should have thought of that while they were still on the ground.

52 million seems high for that timeframe.

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American Israel Public Affairs Committee (Aipac) and a crypto-currency Super Pac

Ok, well I'd definitely be voting for the other guy if I lived in that district.

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yank degrees

We prefer the term freedom units, thank you.

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The guy is an idiot, but I don't think he was "looking for blood."

Except that there's a recording of him saying he wanted to shoot people

They did

The child was safely removed from the car after firefighters used an ax to smash through a window

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We've had this discussion before. You're full of shit.

Biden has taken action to protect abortion rights


The kid is on record saying he wants to shoot someone and then he put himself in a position to make it happen.

That's the piece of shit you're defending.