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Joined 8 months ago

Too bad this is for a person that:

  1. has enough income to afford an EV
  2. has a house.
  3. has enough income to afford the initial cost of the solar panels and installation.

Sadly most dont

16 more...

We are already at the 1984 double speak level "untruth" fuck outta here with that.

9 more...

Sorry but you are obsolete sir. The suicide booth is right around the corner. You'll have to wait for bender to finish though.

Nintendo is not an internet savvy company. You can tell by how they implement online gaming features like "friend codes" and pushing everything to a phone app for communication (Splatoon).

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It's a continuation of street names. Those were names for people on the block. "oh him? that's lil turk". Just made its way to the rap game.

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That judges threats are emptier than an Donald Trumps head.

They wont use that to abuse their position. no way. /s

Yes show an entire generation what unchecked police forces do at an early age so its nice and memorable so they come after you and dismantle you when they come to power.

Wife is scaley not furry.

I've lost count of how many boomers I've heard say "I don't know what I would do with myself if I didn't have to work". Fuck that generation. They had a chance for everything and said "whatever!" And just did nothing instead.

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They can take the "may" out of that verbiage because they have been proven to do this already.

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Reminding everyone of your major flaws after getting so much attention from the TV show seems kinda stupid. They should have just left it alone and people would have still bought it after watching the show.

- The employee right now.

Translation: Weaker = can't brain wash them into mindless murder machines like we use to be able to.

I use a thumb ball mouse FUCK YOUR GRIPS.

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the 3 people that didn't die from COVID or go to jail for Jan. 6 related crimes will definitely do that Donny lol.

He will inspire a group of young people that will actually make the change when boomers die. So there's that.

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IBM fucking around. Let's see if they find out.

Maybe go after the root cause of the crime and not band-aid the symptoms? Nah status quo it is.

Steal millions of small artist works and no one bats an eye.

Steal works from a mega corp and everyone loses their minds.

STOP HAVING FUN! - The author

The majority are brainwashed like in every country that is doing bad shit America included. The woke are few and far between. Most are eat the status quo and keep on trucking types. They will eat shit til they die and not care.

I wouldn't last more than 15 seconds before projectile vomiting.

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Jesus was a communist then I guess.

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His life? I thought the punishment for treason was death?

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I would believe that he hired someone to read it and then give him the cliff notes and he just kept interrupting the guy when he was trying to explain it to him.

Because everyone is afraid they will use nuclear warheads when the conventional war fails for them.

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How's the mental illness going Lindsey? oh ok.

that's the point. If you take small concessions you wont get anything real workers.

Star Citizen players and Escape from Tarkov players. Both think their game will be finished before they are copied/cloned by a faster/better studio.

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Amazing what happens when you don't use your overhead to run bullshit ads for your Xbox controllers and games.


Live in denial while our country crumbles around us.

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The political equivalent of putting your fingers in your ears and yelling LA LA LA LA LA at the top of your lungs when they get asked a question they don't want to answer.

Lol I pirated a game the other day just because the company was charging full price for a remaster.

Free crosshair for hardcore shooters!

If they lose even a cent doing something new its right back to the old way every time. Can't let the share holders down I guess.

Wait until she needs a doctor and then send her to a clown doctor instead. So she knows how it feels.