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Joined 1 years ago

Stochastic terrorism.

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Fascists don’t care about the quality of data, but the quality of emotions they can manipulate.

They’ll scream rigged if they lose and we all know it.

Are they literally addicted to fear?

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The public defender was on her game. She immediately asked for an adjournment, hoping the judge wouldn’t catch on.

The judge definitely caught on.


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Normally I’m not a fan of these nothingburger stories, but this made me chuckle.

But the confusion is fleeting, as it always is, because they don’t have the brain power to process the cognitive dissonance.

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What a wonderful compliment for Mr. Smith.

And it was also painfully obvious that once it bit into rural areas, it was going to extract even more blood.

Trump lost GA by less votes than people who died of Covid before the election in GA.

History has proven again and again that rights are taken, not given.

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Not even when they hand out the Flavoraid

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They’re why I don’t go to concerts. But we shall see.

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Sedition.* We’re not at war.

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It’s the racism.

I was once cussing at a stop and go driver, only for the driver to get out and point at her throat. She was choking on her toast. We got it cleared and she was okay.

Assholes seem to be more common than medical emergencies though.

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I wonder why the landlord who has been stiffed repeatedly wouldn’t sign off. Hmm…

He is certainly the first person to ever do this!

Bleachbit or Glary Utilities

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It’s literal cult behavior.

Stay safe, sister.

They believe in medicine to some degree if they were already at the hospital.

Edit: like those covidiots who only went in after the horse dewormer failed

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How much did the scammer pay you?

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Now I want to read a fantasy comedy where someone trying to make cookies from an ancient recipe is whisked off on an adventure to fulfill the prophecy, but they just want snickerdoodles dammit.

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Is Russia paying for this one like the one in Canada too?

I am god of the beavers.

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The insurance industry will love this.

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That would be the dream, but people gotta eat. Hope she at least gets a raise.

Because this was their plan all along.

Edit: request already rejected, but I’m sure they’ll mention it on appeal.

I do not understand how Republicans are so evil.

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Fascist doublespeak 101

They’re too busy thinking that surely THIS slaughter jump starts the second coming.

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But it needs a massive overhaul, as in public healthcare. What Obama did was not enough.

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Why didn’t this asshat just shut the fuck up after 9/11? He would’ve been fondly remembered, and we wouldn’t have known he’s an butthole blowing antisemite.

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I’m taking the snakes 100%. Snakes don’t want to bite you, so stay in open spaces and you’re all good.

Why not just interview a shit ton of people who actually live this daily? And compare that against interviews with white dudes…

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I love the math, but this assumes that all people vote. And we know Republicans have been attacking the voting rights of people for decades now and that too is accelerating.

They have to cheat to win even now.

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Why not bring back the divine right of kings while we’re at it? /s

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We can still blame google for not low prioritizing alcohol ads when people search for sobriety.

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We edited a real trial to be a reality show!

I bet the producers are so, so proud

I’m adoring the “no you” in Latin.

OP I went through this too. Dog had no symptoms and lived to be 14.5, which is great for a lab. Lots of love and vet visits, but Radar will be okay.

Some good news.

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