
26 Post – 624 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

Completely expected for those on mental decline unfortunately

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Can we please not have another obvious dementia president like Reagan, or is that just too much to ask for in this county

it wouldn't be an issue if people didn't keep saying it

Which is just like ignoring/not testing for covid and calling it over

So they're gonna replace Biden now right??

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Just that the numbers makes Israel look bad

I thought they/world rules prohibited that? Same reason why can't copy in the article text

Almost like the dnc goal is to always do what fucks over those wanting to move the party left

Israel/aipac flooded his opponent with money because bowman was critical of Isreal.

Dems also changed their minds one actually supporting the incumbents here.

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Amazing how that happens every time

What else would you expect when they're brainwashed into thinking their neighbors are animals/barbarians who just want to kill them

I'm also curious. I tried reading their medium post on it and it didn't have an answer other than we people capitalize gods pronouns in Christianity

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Which is why the best option was to just stop Israels blockade of supplies not just add a new way it could be blocked

I love how the user you called that immediately proved they were one and wouldn't listen.

Biden also fucked over Obama and Hillary when trying to put pressure on Israel, so it's not even a recent thing for biden to be just ensuring they get weapons

Idk if they tested enough to work out if it will be able to keep up with all the screwing they will happen

Wonder if they made their name emojis to pretend to not be the resident troll

man unwilling to compromise or negotiate in good faith blames everyone else for not compromising

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What part of this great picture got them scared?

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These are the same ones saying they aren't doing an ethnic cleansing or genocide right?

I just wonder how much was left out

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We sure that wasn't already happening?

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Yeah this substac just reads as we abused cloudflare then were surprised they didn't take us saying no well.

It gets better. So many times Dr's will have to start with treatments they know won't work because otherwise insurance will just decline it all together.

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we're going to attack those investigating war crimes

Do they think this is a winning strategy while also admitting Israel is causing a famine?

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Which us manufacturer is even going for the cheap ev market? They're just focusing on suvs

It's hard to not worry when these tariffs appear to only go after an area which no one will try to fill. Similar to the 70s when Japanese cars took off.

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When aren't dems insulting their base?

To the surprise of no one when it was limited by needing to use the Amazon App store

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They also love to talk about how hard they work at those lunches

And that was before others did random trips to Russia

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That's why they're doing the genocide

He said Israel had “basically” accepted the deal, but did not specify whether it still had reservations or what those were.

So its still just lip service?

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On May 17, the National Park Service officially determined that park rangers and other employees cannot attend Pride festivities and parades in uniform. This decision reverses a long history of allowing such participation and even having official delegation in Pride parades across the United States. Anonymous LGBTQ+ employees report feeling betrayed and note that official Pride participation in major cities is uncertain as multiple parades finalize and applications to participate in parades remain unprocessed. The move comes amid increasing crackdowns on Pride flags and LGBTQ+ people nationwide. In most cases, Republican legislators and appointees have been behind such bans, but this time, it appears the National Park Service, led by a Biden-approved director, is restricting park participation in LGBTQ+ celebrations.

obviously it's only fair if Trump wins like he says. Otherwise it's just rigged if he doesn't win

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Wonder what would happen if they went full crazy and shot the planes dropping supplies. they're helping hamas so we shot them down

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Because they'd be the ones cleaning up after those who put in the objects causing death or injuries

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Why would they stop when there's been no consequences?

Probably didn't, it's microsofts dumb roll out of their updated with functionality removed deployment

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Multiple countries blindly trusting Isreal isn't exactly a good thing.

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