Israel vows to press on in Gaza after UN Security Council approves ceasefire proposal to World – 17 points –
Israel vows to press on in Gaza after UN Security Council approves ceasefire proposal | CNN

how much more evidence do we need that Israel are the bad guys? Every reasonable nation in the world is pressing for a ceasefire because of the obscene casualties, and Israel said "nah we came to finish this genocide don't be too mad okay?"

I saw someone say Israel is just Britain, France, and the US in a trench coat and it is way too accurate 😂

Biden has said it out loud for nearly 40 years, “If there were not an Israel, we’d have to invent one.”

It’s power projection in a traditionally less than friendly region. They might not like what they do, they might regret that they let them be an independent government, but they won’t do anything of real substance. Just ask the USS Liberty vets.