coyotino [he/him]

@coyotino [he/him]
145 Post – 406 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

i should be gripping rat

Found Putin's Lemmy account

a bonus meme for all my homies that comment:

hey homie, there is no hard and fast rule about what must be posted where, but i think generally the people subbed to this Entertainment community are looking for posts about "Movies, television and Broadway", as it says in the sidebar. Generally, most us are sharing memes in the Jokes and Humor community, unless the meme is about something specific to a community (anime meme in the anime community, etc.). Again, you can post whatever wherever, but i think you'll tend to get more reactions on a post if you post it in the most appropriate community.

maybe he did, but it was his first time and it hits real different at 81.


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Pretty far 😂 I THINK he was almost as big as Ninja at one point. If you don't know who Ninja is, then I think you just gotta tap outta this one. Lol

If you're just catching up on this news now: Twitch dropped him because they found Twitch DMs where he was sexting a minor and discussing plans to meet up with said minor at TwitchCon.

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The accusation from two former Twitch employees, as posted on Twitter, was:

He got banned because got caught sexting a minor in the then existing Twitch whispers product. He was trying to meet up with her at TwitchCon. The powers that be could read in plain text.

Beahm's direct response to that specific allegation is:

Were there twitch whisper messages with an individual minor back in 2017? The answer is yes. Were there real intentions behind these messages, the answer is absolutely not. These were casual, mutual conversations that sometimes leaned too much in the direction of being inappropriate, but nothing more.

So the detail of "sexting" is "in dispute" in the sense that the predator denies the allegations, but predators always deny allegations. And the fact that his formal denial still included details like "sometimes leaned too much in the direction of being inappropriate" is really sus.

So to me, saying "we don’t know if it was sexting, all we know for sure is that inappropriate messages were sent" has the same energy as saying “no criminal charges have ever been brought against me”. We don't need photo evidence to know he was a creep.

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I thought this would be about Truth Social, but it's mostly about stuff like Breitbart. But then at the end:

Baragona observed that Trump's Truth Social platform also saw a significant decline in unique users. In May of 2024, Truth Social had just 2.7 million unique users, which is a 14% drop compared to May of 2023. This marked the platform's second-worst performing month since its launch.

So that's dropping, too. I wonder where all the users are going?

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It's the reality of modern US politics. One party is a complex coalition of vaguely progressive neolibs, and the other is a literal cult. Either you say "Jan 6th wasn't a big deal" or they force you to quit.

One of the few games that makes me jealous of PS5 owners. Sony is getting their Super Mario Odyssey and I want it on my PC 😭

it's the car manufacturers that piss me off on this. Why is the license timed? Why isn't it licensed on a "per game release" basis? What does Toyota lose if the 94 Celica is still driveable in a dead racing game from 10 years ago? It's clearly a case of game devs having to acquiesce to the demands of stakeholders that don't understand video games.

probably true for a lot of people. i think the joke in this comic is that many of us grow to appreciate the little things more as we grow older, and that leads us to being excited about things that our younger selves would have characterized as "boring". It's the same as rewatching a movie you thought was boring when you were 20, and discovering that it's now your favorite movie ever.

I want to start by saying: you don't need to have a link to post to Politics! I think there's probably a subset of Beeple that prefer that anything politics related stays to that community, so they can filter it out easily if they don't want to engage with politics. My personal belief is that EVERYONE should be engaged with politics, but I know bad days happen and on those days just seeing Trump's name can push some people into a deeper spiral.

But you make a good point. For how conservative and corrupt this court is, it's surprising that they haven't been more brazen. In a lot of cases, when they haven't gone with the more politically-conservative ruling, it seems like they've aimed to reject the conservative argument on technical grounds more than anything. That said, they went scorched earth on the biggest rulings that have taken place since 2020, and to me, that says it all. They hear Congress and the President openly questioning their integrity, and they know this will lead to actual reforms of the Court if they let this continue. So they go back in their cave, and go back to making quiet little inconsequential rulings wherever possible. Then, when the bribe check is big enough or the ruling is important enough to the Conservative mission, they'll come back out swinging with a 6-3 ruling that ruins all of our lives even more.

But idk. I'm no expert, and it sounds like you are more plugged in to SCOTUS news than I am. Just some of my thoughts.

Empirical evidence is always the most reliable.

i need to make this meme now

Glad they still left Frank lookin like a caveman

Does "bullshit the Lord" work better?

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You wouldn’t call a burrito a dürüm, would you?

Is a dürüm not a type of burrito? sure looks like it to me...

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Christ, well that's not surprising, but that doesn't make it any less horrific. As you mentioned several times in the quotes, the UN is meeting with the Taliban this Sunday to discuss Afghanistan as a whole, and the Taliban has demanded that no Afghani women be present for this meeting. This report really calls into question the point of the meeting. If the Taliban are treating Afghani women this way, and the Taliban deny that they are even arresting women for "bad hijab", then what is there to even talk about?

You and I probably agree on more things than we disagree on, but I feel you are being unnecessarily mean towards Grail. If you don't like their posts or you disagree with their fundamental points, simply stop engaging. See Alyaza's comment on this thread.

It would be nice to have some guidelines about stuff like topics, frequency, whether there should be a summary of the link content included with the post (like in the case of news), and similar

fair point. I guess I would say that beehaw is in a place where more content and more things to talk about is basically always better, so admins and mods are going to leave the floodgates open until they have a reason to moderate it. The news communities have no explicit requirement to summarize the content in the post - some folks just do that to highlight a specific point. At least that's what I do.

my partner refers to all pasta as "spaghetti" and it drives me up a wall

The World Tour!!

aha i can be stickler for clear definitions as well, but I was just shitposting

i can't speak to all of the monoliths that have been erected. but this one seems unusual because it was "near Gass Peak in the Desert National Wildlife Refuge" (not a location that is easily accessible by car) and it was "made of folded sheet metal and held together with rebar and concrete, authorities said."

That sounds heavier than one or two people could just carry on their own, but maybe I'm overestimating that.

"The sad truth is that there are no great 'social networks' right now," he said on X.

None that he owns, at least...

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I love that the thumbnail for every article about Starfield is an uncomfortable close-up of a character's dialogue face.

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very brazen to post an article about yourself, Leo.

“Every now and then I have like this thought, like, oh my God, if I end up in a nursing home, how are they going to treat me?” Narinesingh said.

It's a terrifying thought. Nursing homes already seem like a terrifying and dehumanizing experience, even if you're cis and straight.

SAGE has seen a spike in the number of calls to its hotline following the wave of anti-transgender laws, and Adams said about 40% of them have come from trans seniors primarily in conservative parts of the country worried about the new restrictions.

Come to Minnesota (if you can)! We're becoming more trans-friendly every year, and unlike some of the other refuge states, you might actually be able to afford to live here!

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rant /rănt/ intransitive verb

  1. To speak or write in an angry or emotionally charged manner; rave.
  2. To express at length a complaint or negative opinion.
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last i checked, it sounded like Bioware's recent development challenges (Andromeda, Anthem, protracted dev times) came from poor leadership. I remember Jason Schrier's retrospective highlighted that for most of Anthem's development, there was no strong guidance from leadership, so the devs were largely just experimenting with dead-end ideas and hoping management would latch on to something and push into that direction.

So these 50 roles we are "eliminating" must be the executives and managers from that period, right? Right?

think clippy, except sometimes he just makes stuff up.

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Great explainer about the changes, and reasons why it actually behooves Google to continue to allow ad blockers in some form. All that said...this still reaffirms my decision to go Firefox, always and forever, to get the most complete privacy options.

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In a similar vein, go through your photos and clean up all the extras and outtakes that you don't want anymore. Also, star your favorites so they're easier to find later. This can take hours if you've put it off for years.

I think i've seen "Beeple" used the most. I don't hate it!

This reminds me a lot of what happened to Waypoint with Vice. They were running on an ad-based model since their inception, and then they launched Waypoint Plus (their subscription model) to basically save themselves from extinction. Then Vice itself hit the bankruptcy wall, so the Waypoint staff were all laid off because, while Waypoint Plus was profitable and sustainable, it wasn't growing.

Then the laid off staff just launched their own subscription-based small business and, at least for now, it seems like they're better off. Based on other comments, it looks like that is what the Escapist Staff is doing with Second Wind.

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lol byyyyyye. if he ain't leaving they should kick him out anyway. i know good electoral politics means coalition-building, but i don't see the point in building a coalition with people like Manchin and Sinema who seem to share none of the party's common goals.

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I wouldn't say that nothing has changed. Maybe you have to be a former daily user to notice, but most of the subs have gone downhill. Quality of posts is at a 10-year low, likely due to the mass exodus of power users and mods. I'm not saying that every valuable user has left, and I'm not saying that reddit is dead. But the quality-to-shit ratio went from 60/40 to 40/60, and it is noticeable.