Starfield remake created in two days actually lets you fly seamlessly from space to the surface to – 156 points –
Starfield remake created in two days actually lets you fly seamlessly from space to the surface

A Starfield remake, of sorts, has been created in 48 hours, incorporating seamless travel between planets, something missing from the actual Bethesda RPG.


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I love that the thumbnail for every article about Starfield is an uncomfortable close-up of a character's dialogue face.

I just know what she's saying too "we you have a free moment i need to talk to you"

It's what you see like 70% of the game.

There's a mod for that

I've only seen one truly uncomfortable close up and it was when a dialogue initiated right in a doorway so the camera got pushed right up the dude's nose and I could see the empty space in his head lol

I prefer to play 1st person and I've always been quite okay with the camera angle for talking to someone, personally. It's kinda how I would see people I'm talking to face to face IRL, except I don't have to look down. I only dislike when multiple characters are involved and it does that jump cut to zoom in on a dude across the room. That's not natural at all.