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I feel like I've burned myself out a little bit on story heavy games after Baldurs Gate 3, so I cannot concentrate on the story lol

But otherwise..
Fps jumps between 30 and 90 and I feel the slowdowns (rtx3080, Ryzen 3900x here).
The graphics and animations are kind of shit. Standard Bethesda.
The menus are super fiddly.
The aesthetic is cool. I love the retro futuristic bulky style.
Music is great!
Voice acting thus far, is good.
Starship is cool but basically unnecessary. You just fast travel anyway.
Combat is pretty cool but stiff.

I haven't played super far yet so im hoping it gets a bit better soon.

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Yeah. I failed math on purpose too.

It's not as open and "huge scale" as people seem to think it is.
It's kind of "fake open" if that makes sense.
You cannot get into your ship and fly 500m east to your mission.
If you do that, a new instance is loaded and your mission is not there.

Made me disappointed.

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Did they pay you to write this?
Are you forcing yourself to enjoy the game because you paid so much?

Or am I insane?
I feel like im in Truman Show, noticing the facade crumble and all the streamers and reviewers acts like the game is fine.
I see streamers encounter serveral game breaking bugs and then instantly praise the game again.
The game is basically Bethesda trying to mask the limitations of their game engine.

I mean good for you that you like it but I spent 10hrs and then refunded (Thank god for Steam). Im not paying 100 bucks for Fallout 4 with space skin. I can not fathom how people accept this quality in 2023.
And for that price.

If someone is interested in my "shallow complaints":

  • It's not as open and "huge scale" as people seem to think it is. It's kind of "fake open" if that makes sense. You cannot get into your ship and fly 800m east to your mission. If you do that, a new instance is loaded and your mission is not there. You have to run those 800m.

  • The ships are cool but you don't need it. You just fast travel with a loadingscreen everywhere anyway. I saw the inside of my ship twice in 10hrs (not counting the cockpit view).

  • Navigating the menus are a nightmare. Inventory management is difficult.

  • Laziest intro I've ever seen. "Hello stranger, take my ship. No reason. Ok cool. Bye."

  • Very little improvement graphics-wise. The explosions are 2D sprites lmao. In 2023. For real. New Atlantis looks horrible.

  • Performance is shit. I get 40fps in towns with a "UFO rated" computer on userbenchmark. Nvidia card.

  • NPC's teleporting around, getting stuck everywhere halfway through floor, corpses flopping around, ships clipping through stations.

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To me it was a disaster because I expected it to be way more next gen after all these years. And it was very expensive compared to the quality I got.
Meanwhile my friend was all like "Eh, it's fine. Pretty much what I expected."
So I think people had very different expectations.

What I absolutely cannot comprehend is those who say "10/10, game of the century!"
Come on.. No way. If you really think that, you have really low standards or haven't played a new game in 8 years.

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I love that train track or horse gallop chugging rhythm some songs have.
Gives me feelings of movement forward, travel or progression.
Great car songs!

Muse - Knights of Cydonia, Roy Orbison - I Drove All Night is probably a good examples of this.

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Tabletop Roleplaying Games.
I bought Mutant Year Zero in 2015 thinking "Ah, this will give me countless hours of play! I can make my own adventures and stuff!"
Now, my shelf is buckling after trying a hundred different games and supplements, and getting addicted to pretty books.
Currently, my favorite game of all time is Delta Green. Investigative horror mystery. Amazingly horrific scenarios (adventures) with True Detective season one level of masterful writing.

Check out Glass Cannon Podcast playing it on Spotify if you want!

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I think some kind of exotic wagyu meat. Very good, but very small portion and not worth the money. I think it was 140€ or something like that. With a drink included.

Diablo 4. Played it for 10hrs then I got bored of running 30m, fighting a group of demons, running 30m, fight demons, repeat. Haven't touched it since.

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I played 10hrs and refunded. (Thank god for Steam)
I feel like im in Truman Show. I see how shallow the game is. Everything is a facade. They try to mask the issues of their old game engine and people (streamers and reviewers) just eat it up. Im watching streams where they run into game breaking bugs several times but still praise the game like they have a script to follow.

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The gunplay is really good

Is it really though...?

I just cannot fathom how flat earthers can believe what they believe.

I like the theory that we were "planted" on Earth very long time ago by advanced beings.

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I could not bring myself to finish Starfield. Such an old feeling generic janky game. Fucking fast travel simulator. They didnt even bother to fix the NPC faces. Like 5% technical improvements since Fallout 4.
Fuck that expensive crap.

Also looking forward to the Cyberpunk update.
Now maybe I can enjoy it. Love that world but I think I had every bug at release.

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What are you gonna do with it when you are done?
Photo mode in space?

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Imagine if Rockstar did a superhero game.
With their satire style on it. Like The Boys style.
Open world, some destructive environment, a deep character creator.

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It's what you see like 70% of the game.

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I've been crushing maggot-filled mutant satanist-skulls.
The latest patch for Darktide finally made it functional for me.
If I cap it at 60 fps it does not crash every 20min anymore.
Darktide really did not like my Ryzen 9 3900x and rtx3080 "ufo rated" rig.
But now it works at least, and it's fun.
Maybe a bit boring maps though.

My friend only pirates 80€ games to try them out before buying.

The last drop was when I realized that it's not as open and "huge scale" as people seem to think it is. It's kind of "fake open" if that makes sense. You cannot get into your ship and fly 800m east to your mission. If you click on your mission marker and click travel, a new instance is loaded and your mission is not there. You have to go back and run those 800m.
You really don't even need a ship honestly, you just fast travel everywhere.

I'll probably get it once the price goes down to 30-40 bucks or so.
100 was waaaay too much for this shallow game.

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Oh shit, you are right. This is how Starfield works. I forgot that Mass Effect had the same thing!

Dude, just let me question my own sanity if I want to.

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What you can do for 90% of quests is go to the planet map, click a new landing zone and land closer, skipping any exploration the game is trying to encourage.

This didn't work for me. If you do this, a new instance is loaded and my mission does not show up.

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I tried Firefox in like 2016 but it was very slow for some reason.
Is it fast now? Been thinking about securing my privacy lately so I might give it another try.

Im going for as much privacy I can while still maintaining as much functionality as possible.
Anyone having any pointers?

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Doorkickers 2. Cannot stop.

So far I share your opinion. So far..

I run a ttrpg Delta Green campaign between Cyberpunk 2077 on pc.

Remnant 2, really fun!
Doorkickers 2, a new update came out with new missions I have to conquer!
Hell Let Loose got better again with the latest update, so I play that if I have the energy to shout orders into my mic (because no-one wants to be squad leader).
Sons of the Forest is coming along nicely.

Stopped playing:
Gave up on Starfield. What a mediocre janky game with generic story. Frustrating and time consuming menus. It's not massive at all. It's just big empty rooms behind loading screens. There has been like 5% technical development since Fallout 4. They didn't even bother to fix the mannequin NPC faces for their game "that has been in development for 12 years" or whatever.
I cannot fathom how some people swallow that stuff and goes "10/10 game of the century" and pay 80€ for it.
Sorry for rant.

Looking forward to:
Cyberpunk 2.0
The infantry combat overhaul for Squad.

Why did you think that was an insult?
Well, I guess everything can be insulting you try hard enough.

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It's kind of difficult to explain this without telling you the whole thing.

Here goes...
Build outpost randomly.
Meet Bounty Hunter in close-by container.
Bounty Hunter asks for help with bandits, and to meet 1km east.
I get a marker on my map and on HUD.
I think "fuck, im not running 1km."
I go back to my ship and open map.
I put my landing marker close to mission marker.
Click to fast travel.
Loading Screen.
Ship lands.
Get out of ship.
Look around. It's a whole different map.
No marker on HUD.
Think "wtf".
Fast travel back to my outpost.
My mission is there again.

I shared a link to my google drive with free and available to everyone PDF's of tabletop roleplaying game supplements and got banned for piracy lmao

Oh, cool!

I keep doing breaching-plans in Doorkickers 2 and building bases in Stranded Alien Dawn.
I also fell back into Valheim with a new friend gang.

People seem sensitive here.
Getting their panties in a bunch because I asked myself if I was insane.
Never heard of that before.

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*Fast travel around to any point.

Im getting old. Feels like the first Avatar movie came out a couple of years ago to me.

What! I have the opposite experience.
Im a tabletop roleplaying gamemaster and it has helped me immensely with translations, formatting of text, compiling and keeping track of my players character backgrounds and even coming up with plots and scenes that are suited for each player.

I rarely vote anywhere. I think it's a toxic habit for many platforms and it fucks with some peoples brain.
Voice your sincere opinion that you really like blueberry ice cream. Get downvoted because someone thinks raspberry is better but just gave a downvote and no reason. Spend the rest of the day wondering why.

Do Worlds Without Number instead of DnD. Trust me.
I also started with DnD and slowly realized it's not a very good ttrpg.
You'll see when your players start sighing deeply everytime combat starts because everyone knows that this will take the whole evening.

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I've always been an Intel guy. But I have owned two AMD computers over the years. Both of those gave me a very unstable experience.
High performance, but unstable.
My latest pc is a Ryzen 9 3900x computer, and im definitely going back to Intel next time.
My ryzen is very warm (which makes the fans become loud, first time I've had to switch to liquid cooling to be able to be in the room) and I've had a very unstable experience overall. Had to fiddle with energy settings and stuff to get it running properly.
There has been several new games where I had to wait to even be able to play them due to crashes or inexplainable low performance.
Darktide for example, still crashes for me, while my buddies old Intel pc's runs it great and no issues. Totally missed out on that game as they are now done with it.

Sorry for rant, but Im quite frustrated with this pc.

Why would it have to take hours?
You already spend hours jogging on the empty planet surface in Starfield, because you cannot use your ship to fly 800m east to your mission marker.

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