2 Post – 646 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

1993-2002ish was the golden age of the web. Now everybody just goes to the same handful of websites for everything. Even if you hate Spez, you still can't find any quality answers to anything without adding to your searches. Everything else is SEO-optimized blogspam generated by a bot. There are no real personal webpages being run by a single person or a small entity anymore. Everything is corporate and centralized.

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The major thing that keeps me from trying Airbnb is the fact that you have to clean up after yourself. I go on vacation to relax, not clean.

Also bedbugs.

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Do "people still play this game." This guy. It's literally the #1 title on Steam

Why are so many people openly hostile towards redditors? Are you trying to get us to leave?

What you're failing to realize is that Lemmy needs new users in order to grow. You may not like the bitching, but it keeps conversations going which drives more engagement to the site.

Stop trying to push people away from the platform. People need an alternative to reddit. They've been a monopoly since 2010; it's time for that to change. Won't happen if redditors don't want to come here because they feel unwanted.

So please, try to chill the fuck out. And leave us be.

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It absolutely does, though. Vanilla crashes all the time and has several game-breaking bugs. I don't recommend that anyone plays New Vegas unmodded – especially on a newer machine that'll be less compatible (like my 7700X + 4090 rig running Windows 11) – unless you just hate yourself. You need community patches to get it in a playable state.

Same goes for Fallout 3. It's not nearly as buggy as NV, of course, but try running it Vanilla on a modern Windows 11 machine and let me know how well that goes for you lol. You get massive framerate dips and it literally crashes every 5 minutes on a brand new PC if you don't install any mods to make it compatible.

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They don't actually weigh you in jail. They just use whatever's on your ID. Ask me how I know.

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The remake was so boring that I uninstalled the game before I even finished the first mission.

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Neither. I lick it.

Never use a service that requires you to share the files you downloaded to pirate, not without a VPN. As you've might have noticed, their complaint is for distribution, not downloading. That's where they get you.

I can't wait for AI to make a PC port of every console game ever so that we can finally stop using emulators.

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Why were they fired?

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Try paying them better. It really is that simple.

Everyone's giving you long-winded answers, but this is the ultimate truth.


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Haven't rooted in years. Don't really need to anymore.

Plus root breaks my banking app and I need that.

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Use StartAllBack. Not only does it restore the old Taskbar features, it also lets you do even more things, like have the Start button on the left but keep the icons centered, and customize the transparency level (among other things). You can even use your favorite era of Start menu (7, 8.1, 10). Personally I'm using Win7's Start Menu with Windows 11-related buttons added in (like Settings).

(Edit: It does cost $5 after a 90 day trial, but that's less than the cost of lunch, and with all the features you're getting I'd gladly pay 10x the amount.)

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I don't mind touchscreens in cars; what I can't stand is when they put every important feature on there so you can't even adjust your A/C or turn up the music without taking your eyes off the road for several seconds.

They should be limited to things like displaying the song title, controlling things from your phone like maps, music, and calls. Showing the backup camera, extra info that doesn't fit on the dash, etc. Not replace every god damn function on the car.

About fucking time. It would be nice to have Old Reddit Redirect, so I don't have to put up with that crappy redesign whenever I need to Google something.

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There is a system implemented that tracks every song played for licensing purposes. Anyone can jump on with their own music and I get sent the bill afterword. I'm more than happy to pay for the licensing fees for the time being. I'll probably start begging for donations eventually.

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How do gendered languages even deal with non-binaries?

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It ended about a week ago. At the very end the entire community got together and covered the entire thing with a giant "FUCK SPEZ". It was beautiful.

I remember when chips first hit 1GHz around 1999. Tech magazines were claiming that we'd hit 7GHz in 5 years.

What they failed to predict is that you start running into major heat issues if you try to go past ~3GHz. Which is why CPU manufacturers started focusing on other ways to improve performance, such as multiple cores and better memory management.

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We must do everything in our power to make sure that Republicans never hold office ever again. It's for the good of the planet (and American society as a whole).

Don't forget to vote in 2024! And not just the general election!

His intelligence makes him arrogant. Just cause you're smarter than most people, doesn't mean that you have to be a dick about it. Yet here we are.

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I use a Firefox extension to redirect any YouTube links to open in Ungoogled Chromium, which so far seems to be immune to Google's anti-Adblock campaign.

edit: Extension is called Open In

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Again? That's twice in a week!

What keeps compelling toddlers from Michigan to run off into the woods with their family's dogs?

Yeah seriously, OP; WTF.

EDIT: Relay still works. If you have to use a reddit app, use that.

Also, who cares? It's your game; play it however you like. I mean, isn't the whole reason why people play video games is to have fun? If save scumming is your idea of fun, I say scum away.

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How often did someone take you up on the offer?

Why the hell would you link to TikTok. I'm glad I read the URL first cause I almost clicked on it.

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They cut their PC division too? What the hell are they planning to sell, then?

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Their PCs are shit too. I've owned two DELLs in my lifetime; on both PCs their stupid proprietary motherboard failed... twice. Pissed me off so much that I learned how to build my own computers.

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Well there's your problem. You're looking at Samsung phones.

Honestly, they're one of the worst when it comes to bloatware. They do it because their devices are so popular that they can get away with it. Stick with a Pixel, and you can't go wrong.

(BTW, what's with iPhone users' obsession with iMessage? Google Messages has the same capabilities. Not trying to hate; genuinely curious. If your only experience with texting on Android is with using whatever came with your device, then I understand why you'd prefer Apple's implementation. That's the whole appeal of Android: if you don't like how a component works, you can swap it out.)

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Then why isn't Edge more popular?

This isn't the early 2000s anymore; people know how to download a browser.

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Literally? Are they pulling an Elon?

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Well as someone who has played the PC version, I can immediately tell that this game is probably running on Medium or possibly even Low. There's fewer confetti particles, the explosion is less detailed, the fur doesn't look as real and the lighting isn't as good. Not to mention that it's running non-native resolution/no DLSS cause you can clearly see the ailiasing. That said, it looks great for a $500 machine. My PC was over $4K cause I just had to have a 4090 (after I saw how disappointing the rest of the RTX 4000 lineup was. I usually only buy midrange GPUs).

In other words: Optimization.

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It really is stupid cause literally every business accepts NFC payments now. Even gas pumps. But not Walmart.

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The title made it sound like we're finally eating the rich.

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I never liked Brave. The whole "allow ads to get awards" thing doesn't sit right with me. The only adblockers that do that are the ones that are in bed with the ad companies. Firefox with UBlock Origin and NoScript is all you need.

(I mean, there are other good addons for privacy as well, but it's easy to go down a rabbit hole and next thing you know you have 30 different extensions installed and websites are breaking. Then you have to start disabling things one-by-one until you find the culprit. Setting your security settings in FF to "Strict" and using those two addons should be good enough without going overboard.)

Edit: only thing that sucks about Firefox is that it still doesn't support HDR and RTX Video Super Resolution yet, so in the meantime I use the "Open in Chromium" browser extension when I'm watching videos on YouTube, so that they display properly with all the enhancements.

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Occasionally replace the parenthesis with a semicolon – or dashes – and you can get away with it more often.

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Come on, redditors, join us already. This is sad.

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Long live 1337x and Stremio.

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