1 Post – 297 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Before getting Sponsorblock, I would always manually skip forward past the integrated advertisements. This tool does the exact same thing but faster and more convenient for me. My conscience is unaffected

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Efficiency. Combustion engines have a shockingly narrow acceptable power to fuel consumption zone

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With statements like that, the Onion writers will soon be out of a job

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Never too late to change. Just look at Amsterdam now vs a couple decades ago

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But how else could companies make more money off of something you already paid for? Will someone think of the shareholders‽

I think they misunderstood what about the steam deck is making it popular

Of course

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Why do these people always want to promote unlimited growth? Oh wait, higher profits

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Schools find out diseases are infectious. Can our top scientists figure out something to do about it? More at 11

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Haven't been on there since the event, though I do read some threads if they come up in a search. Not intending on returning, though I haven't gotten rid of my old account yet

A dozen today, 13 tomorrow, eventually more people will know about it and join. You don't have to go that far back for governments having any social media presence at all being a very weird thing.

Would much rather that these small satellites burn up safely (as designed) rather than hanging around in orbit as trash for hundreds of years. Believe it or not, but they did actually think about this before sending the rockets up.

Vector calculus

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On the other hand, they are spending real money on development time to fight against an army of independents doing it for fun or personal satisfaction. That's throwing money into a hole they can never fill up

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Fun story: we just had the first week of uni here and over the summer all the school computers had been updated to Windows 11. During the first class then naturally all the professors were logging in to the computers for the first time. Upon opening the course syllabus, every single time, a big popup would appear on the screen about how Edge is so great and asking for analytics data permission. About half of the professors just agreed to everything fast to get it out of the way but the other half did reject it. In one case a professor was reading over the whole thing for at least 30 seconds

Coding and algorithms. That's how you know it's good

Actually, it's his father

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That has been trash for pretty much a decade at this point

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Yeah it’s literally just better for everyone

Hibernate on lid shut, and I hate it

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Not to worry for you see, the 'single slice of pizza' you mention is actually a Mega Slice, which is probably at least 3 times bigger than a regular slice.

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Cannot use logic to convince someone whose argument isn't logical in the first place

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For some reason it turns French. I've never seen that behavior before to be honest.

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Revanced also works with no problems

You have holes in your walls or something?

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Yet another reason not to use that stuff, as if we needed more

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Because it's a bogus story. It's like saying that the leaves fell from a tree or water evaporated from a lake. The satellites are deorbiting because that's what they are designed to do, rather than hanging around as space trash for hundreds of years.

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Just give it a tiny parachute

The locations are arbitrary, it's just visualizing total land usage. In reality everything would be intermixed

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And transportation... and production...

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Something something anyone can build a strong bridge, only an engineer can build a bridge that just barely doesn't collapse

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Well sounds like they didn't go far enough then, they should cut all internet access so that users don't accidentally download malicious apps!

A user that wants full control of their own device should have that option available. There is no good reason Android makes it difficult to access its data folder for example for users that do want to mess around with that stuff.

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That's already not the case. Not only do you not need to replace the battery (the range is just slightly reduced over time), the degredation is a lot slower than that.

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Classic funny video, even if it was fake

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Spotify is very easy to crack, at least on Android

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The person working on the lighting probably doesn't really care about that


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Primary objective was to get further than last time, which they absolutely did. Not only were all the engines reliable for their first burn, they tested a successful hot separation, in flight ignition, and effective flight termination system. All of this was on top of the achievements they made last time and allowed Starship to reach space for the first time, making it reach past the N1 in only two attempts.

It was a great success.

PS. No it did not explode in orbit. The actual rocket scientists did think about this you know. The flight plan featured a suborbital track, and it splashed down safely in the ocean somewhere along it's predicted path at most about an hour after launch.

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I've never understood why some people simply must overfill the machine, ensuring that nothing gets properly cleaned. Literally just run the machine twice. It will still use way less water than hand washing, and it will do a better job.

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Wait until they find out how much water goes into meat and clothing production