2 Post – 106 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I see where you're coming from but you aren't really speaking for the majority on lemmy. We are more open to open source projects and linux around here.

Unfortunately, I also have to use windows for some things, but microsoft and windows 11 are hot garbage, just like your attitude.

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It is not even close to a good enough reason. First of all, I don't really give a shit about what other people do or don't do on their computers. It is not my responsibility. Second, sneaking in their cloud solution isn't the right move ever.

Let the user decide if they want it, enable it by default I don't care, but don't sneak it in like it's a fuckin trojan lol

My bad, I didn't think pointing out someones bad attitude was crossing the line.

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Literally the person asking?

This sentiment is idiotic. There are plenty of reasons not to vote for Biden. Don't blame people who actually vote with a spine for the shit political problem in America. Voting for the "lesser evil" has just been a slide further and further right for decades.

No representation, no vote. People can and should vote for who they feel aligned with and everyone should be okay with other people doing that. You know, actual democracy and shit. Fuck this team sports shit. Third party is an option. If the dems actually wanted to win they would offer basically any other candidate.

Biden dropping a $37bn package to bolster police forces in response to peaceful student protests should show you that its fascism on both sides of the coin.

If Trump wins, at least the liberals and the leftists might actually realign and then maybe something decent will happen before we are all obliterated/enslaved by our corporate overlords.

Either way we are in for more dumpster fires.

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AI bros are just NFT bros with an actual product.

Agree with you on the price, disagree with the sentiment. Unless you're comparing to a linux machine it is a bad take. You can do plenty to MacOS and it isn't constantly trying to reinstall fucking one drive or hijack my search bar or reset my privacy settings after an update.

But yeah, they can fuck off with the prices.

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They aren't banning it for privacy issues though. They literally passed a domestic surveillance bill at the same time lol

They want to get rid of tik tok because they can't control the narrative and people are successfully organizing on the platform.

I bought a house and I get to move in tomorrow! It is big hype for sure.

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The amount of finessing you'd have to do to get pictures looking like this. Most of the "I asked AI what insert thing looks like" posts are pretty disingenuous. You have to do some quality prompting and then usually some cleanup with masking.

This seems more like the author's idea of what europeans might think but it is actually just a US citizen's stereotyped ideas of the people in each state.

Audiobooks are expensive to produce and have extra licensing associated with them. Even Amazon can only give out 1 credit for $15 a month. A single books costs anywhere between $10-$60 bucks. Its just unreasonable to expect spotify to be able to afford that when they already barely pay musicians.

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Jfc, can't we just fire all of these demon encrusted maggot sacks already? The military industrial complex is a cancer on the world and basically all of our politicians are corrupt pieces of shit.

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The US is a capitalist dumpster fire. Seems like a lot of folks in here don't use the platform much because they are just repeating the same talking points western media parrots.

The big problem seems to be that younger generations are connecting and organizing on there and they can't shut it up. If the issue is that a foreign adversary is exposing the corrupt shit the US is doing and that they allow US citizens to connect with each other rapidly on such issues, well... where is the fucking problem?

Outside of that, it is a dope platform with a scary good algorithm. Lots of good folks in there. Most content creators flocked there because the other platforms are shit now. Bytedance has complied in every way but they are essentially trying to force the sale of tiktok despite them not wanting to sell. That is shitty.

Tiktok is not the problem. What a fucking joke.

In this thread, people who think it is okay to bomb civilians in the name of stopping "terrorism".

If Israel are the good guys, why do they need to push legislation through in the US to make it illegal to criticize their government (antisemitism awareness act)? Why are cops all across the US beating peaceful protestors for chilling in the name of peace? Why is the US government's response to crack down on this so extremely? Why are they arresting legal observers and press at these student demonstrations?

I am certain that peaceful students that suffer rubber bullets, flashbangs, and teargas at the hands of the state will be on the right side of history.

The domestic apps scrape and sell the same data to anybody who will buy it, foreign adversaries included. They are banning tiktok because the younger generation is way more connected on there and there is attention being brought to places they don't want it. Simple as that.

No, they are trying to imprison peaceful protesters for speaking out about another shitty country instead. Some scary shit happening with libraries too but that depends on the state.

The US is beautiful. Many of the people are great. The policies, politicians, military industrial complex, infrastructure, healthcare, and the police are all shit though.

The surveillance state and the propaganda is everywhere. It is eerily similar to Orwells 1984. Has been for a while. Thats all I am trying to point out.

The US literally has slave labor as a punishment for crime in for profit prisons. The place is a joke as far human rights go.

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My wife has a very similar experience. Sometimes I feel bad about it like I am messing up part of her identity but I just want to be supportive.

This is an extremely pathetic and ignorant take that reveals very little understanding of the history of Palestine. Israel flavored koolaid must take like shit.

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I saw someone say Israel is just Britain, France, and the US in a trench coat and it is way too accurate 😂

If beehaw defederates because people are promoting communism I am 100% out of here. You should actively question capitalism and the neoliberal programming we've grown up with.

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tldr: everything

I used to work in that factory. All I will say is that it didn't help my fear of flying. 😅

I have had pretty big ups and downs with my relationship to food (and on the scale) over the years. You're nailing it during the week so focus on the positive that you're providing your body with solid nutrition 5/7 days. More than most.

Maybe someday you get the energy to prep the weekend, maybe not. That does not make you a failure and it is not something to be ashamed of. Just do your best to feel good and take care of yourself. It is far better to reward your successes rather than punish your (perceived) failures.

Just my 2 cents but it sounds like you're doing great.

Maybe because they are killing a fuckton of civilians as they target said civilian infrastructure. It is a warcrime. Pretty fucking clear violation of the Geneva convention. Do better.

When I first used GPT I did a lot of extra projects outside work. I had it walk me through making a shitty multi-client drawing app, start a terraria clone in godot, a forum tool for my wife, and a bunch of random personal tools.

And then it got me started on my biggest personal project which is using the GPT api. It is a next.js app that is pretty much a multiplayer AI Dungeon at the moment but I have bigger ambitions. Probably too big.

I am a frontend (react + typescript) developer and I have always wanted to do more outside of work but never got around to it. GPT just makes it so quick and easy to have a jumping off point for a project. It has introduced me to a lot of things I don't see in my day to day.

Initially, I felt the "oh shit, this is gonna take my job" fear, but without actual dev experience and the ability to debug, all those projects would have come to a screeching halt very early on. It is a great sidekick to help me brainstorm or get through my thoughts, though.

To be honest, we should be pushing for peace there too. Ukraine is taking hits that they won't recover from and it is quickly turning into a much bigger global conflict. We need less war and less war machines in the world, not more.

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Nobody thinks he is going to be better. People are saying it will be more of the same because the current guy is actually already doing messed up shit and people like you don't care. That is the whole point.

All these pro-colonialism war boners should perform brain surgery on each other.

Key quote with no fuckin substance. Israel dropped a bomb on a refugee camp that shoots shrapnel outwards in a football field sized radius. Gee, I wonder what killed so many civilians. smh

Yeah it is when I am browsing all with memmy.

The US gov wants everyone to pretend that they are the true beacon of peace and democracy as they go around bullying other countries for their lunch money.

Look at the hague invasion act passed in 2002. They have always known that the court might hold them accountable for malicious acts in the region.

Imagine the US invading the Netherlands to protect war criminals. Absolutely no global credibility after that.

As if the US isn't exactly the same. It gets a little tiring that all the western countries are so sycophantic towards the US and post this garbage propaganda.

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These aren't just some random selection of students though. This started with students (who also have the support of many professors) at ivy league schools. The top schools in the US in fact. Those are not stupid people. They picked their targets and demands concisely with historical evidence to back it up (see ending south african apartheid). Why else do you think the state has been cracking down so hard on some super peaceful demonstrations about a "foreign" nation?

Caveman logic: Biden kill brown people, trump probably kill brown people too so better vote Biden?

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If you just want to use a local llm, using something like gpt4all is probably the easiest. Oobabooga or llama.cpp for a more advanced route.

I use ollama with llama3 on my macbook with open-webui and it works real nice. Mistral7b is another one I like. On my PC I have been using oobabooga with models I get from huggingface and I use it as an api for hobby projects.

I have never trained models, I don't have the vram. My GPU is pretty old so I just use these for random gamedev and webdev projects and for messing around with RP in sillytavern.

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Pedophilia is not some weird fetish, though. It has no place in this world. Pedophiles just don't deserve to have their sexual needs met in any way - period.

A lot of the comments in here seem a little bit too sympathetic.

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Not so hard to understand that a government representing people instead of a government representing corporations makes a hell of a lot more sense for humanity.

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I hope you don't need to draw conclusions in your line of work because that was pathetic. What an insane response to a very casual recognition of the American police state.

I am not even defending Russia, its just the same neo-liberal police state bullshit that happens to also exist in the US. Not all states are equally in your face about it but your rights barely exist and if you can't see that then you aren't paying attention.

I am not a tankie, just a person that is capable of observation. But that is the most typical anti-socialist rhetoric just because I point out that the US is just as vile as all the oppressors.

The fact that you included Hamas and not Israel in your shit stain of a comment means I don't have to take you seriously though.

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I do use the platform and used to think the same thing everyone else my age thinks but it is actually super good. Most content creators moved over for a reason.

There is a lot of "good activism" on there and I think that is the thing they would like to stamp out.

I think it's a scary thing combined with the fact that politicians have been trying to pass KOSA and similar bills that outline very harsh punishments for anyone using vpns to circumvent national bans.

America isn't free and it is getting less free by the day.

Thank you, I never thought it would happen 😂