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Joined 11 months ago

Do xsnow and xpenguins next!

They were defined sure, but without distribution adherence they weren’t actually, this has been the case for a long time. Out of all the distributions, Gentoo is probably one of the most sensitive to this issue since most others have used initramfs or initrd for decades and Gentoo has always made it optional.

If the post was about FHS adherence I’d agree more.

I don’t know if this is really a “so broken” instance. /bin and /usr/bin (or sbin) have never been well separated, to the point where many distributions just symlink to /usr anyway. If you don’t want an initramfs to provide binaries you need them somewhere accessible.

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It usually expands in specific increments, so you still end up with a common size.

Firefox also has a resist fingerprinting setting, but it can break many things.

If it is really a concern, I have heard the mullvad browser essentially the tor browser without tor.

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Newer kernels are available, they even have a gui for it. Why would a Cinnamon user care about KDE or GNOME updates? (Some of which are broken on Fedora, like rdp login)

Mint Debian can run 6.7 right now.

Red Hat has long benefitted from being the primary enterprise Linux company based in the US (no, we don’t count Oracle). SUSE created US-based Rancher Government Solutions to get some of that business and it seems to have been getting a lot of interest, despite being early days. They did a good job of focusing on modern technologies and immutable systems.

For stuff that is still maintained but also legacy, military and contracting benefit from being a pretty insular community. Contractors are full of military retirees. What this does is give a pool of people who worked with the products for a very long time on one side who move over into maintaining them on the other, less knowledge is lost. It still happens and things must change eventually, but they manage to delay things where someone else like a bank might have a harder time when their knowledgeable employee leaves and they’re hiring people off the street.

The Mozilla Corporation does not accept donations.

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Poorly written article with little substance but a zinger of a headline. Think they’re trying to take advantage of announcements of Intel and TPM security flaws in the past to get more clicks.

This is a UEFI firmware issue that can be patched by BIOS vendors. It is an issue at a very low level, but not an issue with Intel or the TPM.

The exploit is in the UEFI firmware code for handling the TPM and used for privilege escalation in that firmware, “TPM won’t save you” doesn’t really make sense because no shit. The vulnerability doesn’t mean the TPM unseals its contents though, and I’m curious if the exploit modifies the PCR values enough that OS security could trigger (Bitlocker recovery and whatever). Wouldn’t help if the malicious software was already there though.

Clicking the potentially unsafe item lists the exact permissions.

It can access hardware devices, like your webcam or game controller. Likely --device=all in flatpak speak but I haven’t looked.

Yes, and they don’t develop Firefox (legally can’t) since they made a for-profit entity for that purpose.

Really great article, and thanks for posting the text of it.

Facebook is weird for me because it triggers my FOMO, but then if I use it all I see are a ton of random things with the most toxic people in the world living in the comments.

And similarly I just realized why my friends on instagram use stories and not posts, because for the most part stories is the only place I see content from people I know anymore (and again the FOMO).

I really relate to the sentence at the end, “there are people there but they don’t know why and most of what they are seeing is scammy or weird.”

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That’s also empty weight on the Learjet, gross weight is higher. This one is presumably that weight with the batteries so I suspect is smaller. Wish there were more details.

Have used various MVNOs for years with no real issues. US Mobile has been pretty good and can use TMobile or Verizon and soon AT&T.

I used them for a while but it’s really worth considering the full privacy implications of using Google for cell service. Also, since it’s tied to a Google account if that account is suspended for any reason, like a YouTube comment or some file uploaded to drive that they don’t like, your cell service is also affected.

Mark Ewing used to wear a red Cornell lacrosse cap and when he would help in computer labs people would look for a the man in the red hat. The company was called Red Hat after Mark but their logo has been a person in a fedora for a long time.

Fedora is a community continuation of Red Hat Linux, which was discontinued in favor of Red Hat Enterprise Linux. Back when I was starting out Fedora wasn't a thing, you downloaded Red Hat Linux for free directly from the company or could buy it in a box.

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They are using Linux as the hook in the headline, the attack on was widely reported when it happened, over a decade ago, although maybe not so publicly dissected. There was even an arrest.

The same malware is still active in the wild and attacking other people, that’s the real point of the article.

Certainly more than the Romans have done for us.

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This went in a different direction than I expected, in a good way.

Even if they do question, it’s not like they are in a safe environment to do so openly. They have to be prepared to give up community, friends, family, potentially their physical safety, and a worldview that says exactly who to be and how to live to be living a good life. That’s a huge step.

I know for a fact there are religious people going through the motions because the alternative is too frightening, just like people stay in bad marriages.

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Or from the union themselves at

We’re thankful that the Biden administration played the long game on sick days and stuck with us for months after Congress imposed our updated national agreement. Without making a big show of it, Joe Biden and members of his administration in the Transportation and Labor departments have been working continuously to get guaranteed paid sick days for all railroad workers.

No. If your name is Dave Jones they have to look around those broker sites for Dave Jones. If those sites were using hashes then they could use hashes too.

This is no different than any credit or identity monitoring service. The need to give them basic information should be obvious, people have to decide if the company is trustworthy or not.

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systemd-analyze plot > plot.svg

The Mozilla Corporation does not accept monetary donations, those go to the nonprofit Mozilla Foundation. This is a common misunderstanding.

Mozilla Location Services is currently run by the Corporation. I imagine making that dataset public could have privacy implications, since it is likely relying on wifi locations.

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It was useful 8 years ago when they removed it, that’s for sure.

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Every time a mastodon user uses @ instead of # and tags a Lemmy community, an angel loses its wings.

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Tech folks still fall for phishing. It takes a momentary lapse, failure to caffeinate, it happens.

Lemmy is currently full of newly registered domains with weird suffixes, the kind that traditionally have been a phishing indicator. is going to be harder to phish than some of the other ones where you have to read closely.

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Gonna take a bit. The dudes been doing the releases for over a year, everything they touched is suspect now even if nothing earlier is known. Also some other associated accounts have been doing shady stuff too.

And that’s just one project that had a burnt out maintainer who welcomed some help from this guy. There are probably others. The hobby project becoming a core piece is a big issue.

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Oh he's very active:

He was one of the founding members of Jupiter Broadcasting. Was heavily involved in openSUSE for a long time (maybe even on the board?) and did a lot of Linux journalism. If you've ever seen the annual tongue in cheek "Linux sucks" video, that is him.

It's a huge shame. He's very charismatic and likeable otherwise, I just wish he also wasn't carrying around awful opinions about so many other people.

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I have sometimes seen a phenomenon where people are very supportive of things until they are affected directly, and then they are supportive of those things in other people’s lives.

Unlike most, macOS is also registered and can use the UNIX name.

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fwupd can install from exe using the Dell script in

However that model is supported natively too:

IE: install gnome-firmware from flatpak or native package manager and it can do the whole thing, no need to download some exe.

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Mozilla has a separate article about how data is collected.

There is a very good chance it is collecting and sending data even if you aren’t subscribing to the services. The modem is there, GPS is there, sensors are there, and someone will pay for information about you. It’s a no brainer for them.

(Mozilla’s full Privacy Not Included breaks stuff down by manufacturer)

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Took it out ten years ago. It was super smart, and there are still situations where it would be helpful, like when a new Taylor Swift album drops that takes the service offline.

Publicly pressured by sock puppets. You can see some rando doing similar in repositories for projects like Avahi.

If only they contributed to the kernel maintenance workload.

Yes, they worked differently than the way Edge or Chrome do now and were in many ways superior for tab management, much more like Vivaldi’s sessions but more intuitive. I was a heavy user and so am biased. They said “just use an extension!” but it would crash and lose your session (and imo the extension works even worse today). It was really ahead of its time.

Few people used it because they didn’t advertise it or make it easily discoverable. You had to know the shortcut already through osmosis or drag the button out of the customize menu.

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I remember it better when I write it out. Typing doesn't do the same.

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The trick is to jump around like a choose your own adventure.