Knesset to vote on declaring UNRWA a terrorist organization - The Jerusalem Post to World – 84 points –
Knesset to hold preliminary vote designating UNRWA a terror organization

Upvoted because it's a story worth knowing, but as far as I can tell this is just further harassment/condemnation of anything pro-Palestinian. As of the end of April, independent review "finds no evidence for Israel's claims about UNRWA and Hamas".

Israel has declared organizations as terrorists on bad premises before. E.g. - in 2021 Defence for Children International was formally labelled a terrorist organization after they reported the rape of a 13-year-old Palestinian to the US State Department. Josh Paul, a director involved with the investigation, gives details in an interview about why he resigned from the State Dept. post-Oct. 7th. The short version is: the allegations of rape were credible, Israel was confronted, the next day Israeli forces seized all the local assets of Defence for Children International and declared them terrorists.

EU nations have formally rejected "terrorist organization" labels being applied to humanitarian/watchdog agencies in Israel/OPT before.

They're just justifying shooting at neutral aid workers. I imagine they'll declare the Red Crescent a terrorist organization next.

Sadly they haven't needed evidence for much of what Israel has done over the years

Terrorist organization to vote on declaring UNRWA a terrorist organization. There…fixed the headline

If “Israel” calls you a terrorist, you’re probably doing something right.

Thanks, I needed a laugh this evening.

Hey, do you need a new GIF? Seems relevant tonight.

Well this isn't a Riker moment, but it is pretty damn funny.

Sad trombone is always a favorite.

I love the ambiguity in this GIF. It's both judgy, and still castigates both sides of an argument for being stupid. Its coming into vogue.

It's also not mine. Lol.

I haven't seen the film, but I believe it's an actual line from it.

You think israel would do that? Go into the Knesset and lie?