4 Post – 1511 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Yes because all reds support Stalin, like all fascists support trump. Please.

How is it YT is still playing videos produced by this clown?

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Weapons kill bodies; protests kill corporate ideology.

The mass shooting was the 565th in the U.S. in 2023 and the deadliest so far this year, according to the Gun Violence Archive.

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It absolutely could be a simple scam, porn, or human trafficking. Maybe all three.

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He actually said it out loud. Instead of expecting fabulously wealthy and corporations to pay their fair share.

He wants to breed more wage slaves that are so disposable, it doesn’t matter if they starve on the streets, as long as they’re not self-medicating.

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Looking forward to the day I have the cash for Fairphone or some other alt to Android/iOS

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In bash? Impressive!

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Most importantly, Samsung has only ever shipped batteries to iFixit that are preglued to an entire phone screen — making consumers pay over $160 even if they just want to replace a worn-out battery pack. That’s something Samsung doesn’t do with other vendors, according to Wiens. Meanwhile, iFixit’s iPhone and Pixel batteries cost more like $50.


Just because one may be a hypocrite doesn’t make them wrong.

Tbf we’ve done it directly, too.

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Or free school lunch.

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This is evil, and they’re using it to cover corruption, their own, the DoC or both.

No they may not. We acknowledge they’re filthy, rife with noro and other viruses, and aside from other pollution, dump raw sewage into open water.

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Yes! Also because capitalism is the bestest, most innovative economic system ever!

If someone were systematically treating us the way we treat others, what are the odds survivors would become “terrorists?”

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Living your authenticity is fulfilling.

I'm probably the weird one, but I specifically make it a point not to buy anything I've seen in any ad.

Several lawyers who have appeared before Cannon described her as "generally competent and straightforward" — as well as "someone who does not otherwise have a reputation of being unusually sympathetic to defendants." However, the sources, speaking anonymously to keep from publicly criticizing a judge before whom they may appear again, added that Cannon is "demonstrably inexperienced," particularly when unexpected issues arise or her actions are questioned.


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I wish people would stop saying the USA can't sink any lower, because every time this is said, we prove it wrong. x_x

It was neither “rally” nor “riot.” It was a planned insurrection and you can bet the farm if it was blm or antifa doing it, we’d be witnessing public executions for it.

That's not so stupid if you've ever been on an industrial construction site. People have died with rebar through skulls, stomachs, viral organs.

The last panel is probably meme material, NGL.

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They also deserve a living wage, PTO and eight hour shifts.

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It’s an old etiquette thing about not speaking ill of someone but present to defend themselves. There are exceptions, imo, but I’m not Emily Post.

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This whole thread was awesome. Thanks, feddies! Sincerely, a real female (way too old to call myself a girl, but in threads like this, I feel like one!)

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“There’s a lot of good and a lot of bad with TikTok. But the thing I don’t like is, without TikTok, you can make Facebook bigger. And I consider Facebook to be an enemy of the people, along with the media,” Trump added.

Am I the only one who finds this foreboding?

Edited: bold mine

That and he's taking away any social support for kids that may not have any irl.

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I don’t understand mpd SCOTUS; they force certain states to redraw gerrymandered maps, then hand this Win to TX. Can an attorney please make it make sense?

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Friendly reminder: There will always be scabs

Supremacy clause is going to bite hard.

Was wondering if I floated a bad thousand dollar check if my restitution would be allowed in monthly installments.

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The couple failed to apply for a conditional use permit and chose to sue instead, the law firm countered. It said the council member cut an illegal sewage pipe — not a water line — after the food truck dumped grease into Parksley’s sewage system, causing damage.

And also:

_The food truck opened in June on the store’s property after the couple passed a state health inspection and obtained a $30 business license, their lawsuit stated. But Henry Nicholson, the council member, allegedly complained the food truck would hurt restaurants that buy equipment from his appliance store.

Nicholson cut the water line, causing $1,300 in spoiled food, the lawsuit said, and then tried to block a food shipment and screamed: “Go back to your own country!” when Bastien confronted him._

Could they have passed inspection if it was the alleged illegal sewage line? Can the town prove that and that grease was dumped in it? How does that differ from any other not-bright household dumping grease down the sink, because it seems likely a place where several households might do.

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Weekend at Bernie’s. The film, not Sanders.

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I’m watching a coup so slo mo, it’s dragging out for almost four years, while Congress, the courts and doj do nothing.

Yes, the clown chakra is certainly open, spewing it's poison everywhere. The yellowjack transmissions coming through, showing us who we really are, what god we really serve. Probably a bunch of fine Christians are complicit and/or approve. The old gods need to die already.

“ A one-sided viewpoint on political, religious or social beliefs does not belong in our classrooms.”

With zero sense of irony.

And act like they’re doing youthe favor, to allow you to politely hand them your hard-earned peasant pennies.

When they can afford to get sued by content owners and feel like coming off with that kind of money and/or bump their heads, I would imagine. Unless it goes to dark web.


He was the armorer’s boss, and the producer, so it was his job to make sure everything was as required. He failed his responsibilities, someone died. It’s pretty simple.

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