Three-year cruise canceled weeks before shoving off, after one woman sold her apartment to join unique voyage to – 330 points –
Three-year cruise canceled weeks before shoving off, after one woman sold her apartment to join unique voyage

Passengers who booked trips have been told refunds will be issued in monthly installments


Life at Sea Cruises' first three-year sailing was announced in March and promised passengers willing to fork out at least $29,999 per year


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No they may not. We acknowledge they’re filthy, rife with noro and other viruses, and aside from other pollution, dump raw sewage into open water.

Acquaintance went on a cruise. I made "covid cruise" jokes before he left. Well he came back and guess what.

I went on a cruise before COVID. The cruise line stressed washing hands to the point that it became annoying. (They have a "washy washy happy happy" song that they sing.) They had good reason to even before COVID as norovirus spreads like wildfire on cruise ships.

Overall, my cruise was a fun experience, but I don't think I'd do it again - even setting COVID concerns aside. I'd rather go to some destination and walk around seeing the sights than be trapped on a giant boat with all those people.