Three-year cruise canceled weeks before shoving off, after one woman sold her apartment to join unique voyage to – 330 points –
Three-year cruise canceled weeks before shoving off, after one woman sold her apartment to join unique voyage

Passengers who booked trips have been told refunds will be issued in monthly installments


Life at Sea Cruises' first three-year sailing was announced in March and promised passengers willing to fork out at least $29,999 per year


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Cruises oughta be banned for how polluting they are. Rich folks can have em back when theyve cleaned up their climate mess.

No they may not. We acknowledge they’re filthy, rife with noro and other viruses, and aside from other pollution, dump raw sewage into open water.

Acquaintance went on a cruise. I made "covid cruise" jokes before he left. Well he came back and guess what.

I went on a cruise before COVID. The cruise line stressed washing hands to the point that it became annoying. (They have a "washy washy happy happy" song that they sing.) They had good reason to even before COVID as norovirus spreads like wildfire on cruise ships.

Overall, my cruise was a fun experience, but I don't think I'd do it again - even setting COVID concerns aside. I'd rather go to some destination and walk around seeing the sights than be trapped on a giant boat with all those people.

when theyve cleaned up their climate mess.

Ah, a doe eyed optimist, I see.

This oligarch party ain't stopping until everything that can burn does. At this point hope is irrational, a side effect of rational despair.

No one tells the wealth class anything. They tell us, and we obey like good lil capital generating livestock.

The old gods must die. Clash of the titans time.

Apart from the areas others have mentioned they are also absolutely terrible for the local environment due to the number of tourists they drop on an area. We should ban them for that alone

Rich folks

Cruises are often cheaper than just going on vacation.

My honeymoon cruise was less expensive than if we'd just flown to the Caribbean and stayed at an all-inclusive hotel.

Nations won’t stop using oil as long as it is economically viable.

Banning cruise ships doesn't matter if we still burn up the oil anyways.

You are correct. Not using oil in one place, will only make it MORE AFFORDABLE for China and other mega pollution providers.

Except 1) we sent our rubbish there and dumped it in the water, air and dirt, and it doesn’t stay put, 2) it doesn’t stay put, 3) we sent manufacturing there to avoid paying people minimum, let alone livable wage. How shallow thinking is amazes me.

we sent manufacturing there to avoid paying people minimum, let alone livable wage

This is a good thing for the people of both nations tho

No it isn’t, neolib.

It very objectively is. Their people stop subsistence farming and our people get cheaper goods.

It's not like we're hurting for jobs.

Now they get suicide nets and we get three jobs and a side hustle. That’s so disingenuous and just because fash lite party said it doesn’t make it okay to parrot it.

Oh I'm sorry do you want a factory job? I can get you one no problem. I work in corporate for a large manufacturer.

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What the h does that have to do with anything?

Fact of the current global economy is: you buy less oil (etc), other will snatch it up very quickly.

Myopic much?

Sorry, but facts remain facts. Lots of good things you can do for nature but spending less oil just for the heck of it will probably mean some other country WITHOUT FILTERS IN THEIR CHIMNEYS will use it, at Lower price.

And that’s an old paradigm that must die. I rebuke your negativity. We have the power but some would deceive us into thinking we’re bound. I rebuke that too.

Sure, but it's a real life situation that you won't admit too. Other ways are needed between "saving" and banning

I didn’t say it isn’t. It’s sad that not only are we post-implicit and post-explicit communication. Thank you, Southern Strategy!

And that’s an old paradigm that must die.

Paradigm means “pattern” or “model.” I can’t think of any one syllable words to make it easier than that.

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