384 Post – 1222 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

I'm not going to lie when I first read the headline I thought this was probably a frivolous lawsuit but after reading the article I thought that stuff should get pulled.

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What frustrates me is schools are frequently very willing to spend money on sports related expenses. A librarian left a a New Hampshire school $4 million dollars. They spent $100,000 on the library and $1 million on a new scoreboard (source) In the vast majority of states the highest paid employee is a football coach (source). Local governments don't really care about education and because local governments are typically elected to me that means American citizens don't really care about education either.

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Hirox website that let's you interact with their scan of the painting

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I think the people cutting down 150 year old tress are pretty clearly the ones to blame for cutting down 150 year old trees.

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Police said that the father-son duo would often get drunk and fight with each other. The mother left the home last week when Deepak beat her up.

I know this will piss people off but alcohol has to be one of the worst drugs. People, and I've been there, make horrible decisions when they're drunk. Obviously not everyone but man, "hold my beer" is a meme for a reason.

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I think you hit the nail on the head with that one. We're facing another Republican engineered government shutdown but what's the #1 priority? Fashion.

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An AP investigation in August uncovered a pattern of women at McMurdo who said their claims of sexual harassment or assault were minimized by their employers, often leading to them or others being put in further danger.


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Yeah it is. I've actually heard people make this argument too. How stupid do you have to be to believe that?

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Teacher should 100% be an option

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Boebert was re-elected to a second term last year by the slimmest of margins — beating her Democratic opponent in Colorado's 3rd Congressional District by just over 500 votes.

Her opponent is running again and his name is Adam Frisch. His website is:

I found this telling (emphasis mine):

Mayor’s courts operate in a gray area of Louisiana law. Like municipal courts, they handle violations of local ordinances. Municipal judges must hold a law degree and pass the bar; a mayor can preside over court without meeting any qualifications. Yet, like a municipal judge, a mayor can impose fines or sentence people to jail.

Mayor’s courts must ensure defendants have fair trials. But unlike other courts in the state, they aren’t subject to rules like the Code of Criminal Procedure that are supposed to ensure courts are run fairly and properly.

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Do you have a source for Democrats purging legitimate voters in any systematic or politically nefarious way?

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Still in the house just not the speaker. Apparently it's a tradition that former speakers are allowed to have larger offices out of respect. But a lot of Republicans just love to hate Nancy Pelosi.

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Well I personally think the real issue here is teachers graduating with too much debt and the fact that most teachers are forced to have some kind of second job in order to pay their debt, bills, & rent \ mortgage.

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The very last line stuck out to me:

Markou, the grower, said of the tree-cutting. “You kill your own history here.”

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Do you have a source for Democrats purging voters?

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It is! It's unfortunate that Duolingo killed the volunteer program.

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Yeah that was my first thought. I'm willing to bet the company declares bankruptcy soon.

Hopefully someday it will be a federal law. I think disenfranchised voters ought to be able to sue the governors and\or attorneys general who removed them from the rolls.

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Hillary's quote:

You know, to just be grossly generalistic, you could put half of Trump's supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables. They're racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic – you name it. And unfortunately, there are people like that.

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I think that the fact we're hearing about this is proof that Ukraine is fighting corruption in a meaningful way.

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Ahh yes the rarely used "jump off a bridge reversal" defense. If everyone jumped off a bridge would you do it too? Of course!

She alleged that, after the company passed her over for a promotion to vice president that was given to a man who had neither applied nor was qualified and she filed her lawsuit

I can't imagine how frustrated she must have felt when they gave the position to someone who hadn't even applied.

I think you're absolutely right. Jordan won his election with over 69%. He is in no danger of losing his seat. It's beneficial for him to run around screaming and throwing political hand grenades. There's no incentive for him to try and negotiate with the white house or Senate. It's a long way off but I really hope the house flips big time in the next election.

You're of course 100% right. It looks like a cheap ploy to me though. McCarthy was not a friend to Democrats and he didn't kick Pelosi out of her office. It looks like either McHenry is trying to earn brownie points with the freedom caucus by beating up on Pelosi or maybe he's kicking her out of her larger office so he can use it as a bargaining chip to garner support for his run on the speakership.

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This has to be about limiting videos & reports of the Israeli attack from getting out right?

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I really thought Facebook overspent when they bought Whatsapp for $1B but I was wrong. It took Google too long to finally get behind a single messaging strategy. That's just poor leadership.

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That's unfortunately only an option if you're born in or live in a country that gives you that option.

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The real unfortunate thing is that she's lucky in that she's attractive and willing to do this. There are a lot of teachers who are in the same financial situation but don't have that as an option.

I think that there are a lot of Republicans right now who only care about not getting a primary challenger and it's a race to the "pure" right.

Tuberville beat incumbent Doug Jones with just over 60% of the vote. He isn't concerned about a Democrat beating him but a more extreme Republican could beat him in a primary.

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"Everybody's doing it. In capitalism, you try to get the highest price you can for a product."

  • Martin Shkreli

Who, if you don't remember, obtained the manufacturing license for the antiparasitic drug Daraprim and raised its price by 5,455% (from US$13.50 to $750 per pill).

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It's pretty hard to sell an app for $500

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If we can't handle her at her worst, we don't deserve her at her best

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Teacher pay, aide pay, and student loan debt should be the conversation were having here in my opinion. Not the morality of only fans and especially not useless crap like her username.

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That's hilarious

You know there's someone somewhere who would answer you with, "what's a desktop?"

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Some stores had the lemonade behind the counter that obscured the signs.

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I'm not trying to be a jerk to you. It's just a pet peeve of mine when people say or imply that Democrats and Republicans are the same. If it means anything I appreciate your response.