Man accused of Antarctic assault was then sent to remote icefield with young graduate students to – 198 points –
Man accused of Antarctic assault was then sent to remote icefield with young graduate students

Stephen Tyler Bieneman has pleaded not guilty to misdemeanor assault over the incident last November at McMurdo Station.

A man accused of physically assaulting a woman at a U.S. research station in Antarctica was then sent to a remote icefield where he was tasked with protecting the safety of a professor and three young graduate students, and he remained there for a full week after a warrant for his arrest was issued, documents obtained by The Associated Press show.

Stephen Tyler Bieneman has pleaded not guilty to misdemeanor assault over the incident last November at McMurdo Station, which his lawyer said was nothing more than “horseplay.” The case is due to go to trial Monday in Honolulu.


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An AP investigation in August uncovered a pattern of women at McMurdo who said their claims of sexual harassment or assault were minimized by their employers, often leading to them or others being put in further danger.


It's pretty normal when you have a small pool of qualified individuals. Some men will take advantage of women and management will brush it under the rug because they need those men to do their jobs. There aren't any replacements without increasing payment.

So the women are basically unwitting whores being pimped as party favors to keep the men there? Sheesh I can think of so many better ways to fix that...

No. Not sure where you're getting that from. Might want ask if your emotions are clouding your judgement.

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