3 Post – 343 Comments
Joined 8 months ago

Trust me, it's not.

For every story like this, there are literally millions where regular women make next to nothing for their nudes.

Most normal women with OFs usually end up having a few subs from people they know who just want to distribute their nudes among peers. Imagine thinking you're going to make thousands when you end up making less than $100, and now everyone has your nudes.

That's the reality for most people on OF. And it's sad.

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This is why 'competition lowers prices' is a load of bullshit.

Ya'll ever seen Walgreens and CVS? Same prices, right next to each other.

What about 2 gas station on opposite sides of the street, charging the exact same price for their fuel?

It's a gentleman's agreement at best, and a cartel at worst. Either way, no business is going to start an 'undercut war' because they don't want their opponents to do the same thing.

Here's another fine example: Nvidia and AMD. AMD releases worse GPUs, then just piggybacks off of Nvidia's ridiculous prices.

It's all a game to funnel as much money as possible to as few people as possible.

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I don't want people to see this as a failure.

Experiments are how we gain new information to try better the next time.

Misleading headline.

1 of the 3 cops was convicted.

The 2 paramedics who administered the overdose of ketamine are awaiting trial.

I think it's sad seeing this considering all the women I know who have been suckered into making OFs only to make a few bucks from weirdos saving their nudes.

Porn is the same, really. Most people who do porn make very little money from it, but still have to deal with their naked bodies on the internet.

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Small government for rich, white land business owners.

Big brother for everyone else.

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Wait till they find a white conservative did it.

Then it's no longer terrorism.

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You wanna know the real answer? Take advantage of others. Cheat, steal, lie, do whatever it takes to get ahead.

Once you have money, you immediately become one of the 'hard workers.' Without it, you'll always be seen as a lazy bum who only has themselves to blame for their position in life.

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Healthcare please.

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Israel absolutely does not need aid.

If they need more killing equipment, their ruling class can pay for it.

News has been neutered.

They're too concerned with stepping on people's toes to show people what matters.

I can't tell you how many times I've seen articles reporting on footage without showing the actual footage.

Most annoying thing: talking heads talking about a video instead of actually showing it.

They waste so much money on these roles that do nothing to help the audience.

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Speaking of, where did that money come from?

Did they just print it?

Weird how when it comes to helping the working class, taxing the rich is never an option. But when it comes to helping the ruling class, you can tax the working class and print money.

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Don't feel like you have to do without just because you're smart enough not to subscribe!

You can stream pretty much anything for free here:

Just make sure you have uBlock Origin installed.

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If you're poor, being an adult is foregoing all of life's pleasures and working until you are incapable of working any longer.

If you're rich, being an adult is indulging in all of life's pleasures and making others do the work for you.

So colossal, we didn't include it in the headline!

That's how I know this is a big nothing-burger.

Usually, yes.

A great way to breath new life into old hardware is to install Linux.

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Building everything from scratch is one thing.

Maintaining it is completely different.

That's honestly fair. Times do, indeed, change.

Older episodes can easily be written off as the violent-humor cartoons of the day were known for. Newer episodes don't have an excuse to making fun of child abuse.

That said, I do wonder if the satirical nature of the Simpsons was supposed to be evident in Homer strangling Bart. It always struck me as something he just 'did.' Not really funny or unfunny, just a facet of the show. It's possible the writers were originally trying to highlight how a dad like Homer might physically discipline his children out of rage while Marge just lets it happen.

Remember, the Simpsons are supposed to be satire.

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Telltale sign this is a shitty article.

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Now, imagine Jews having this sentiment towards Nazis during WW2.

After all, they're doing to Palestinians what Nazis did to them.

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Puritan values.

Alright. I'll be sure to let the children know.

I think most mainstream distros have reached a point of diminishing returns, and that's a good thing.

What? A news site that shows you actual footage instead of talking heads?!

Say it ain't so!

I'm glad Lemmy doesn't censor the amount of upvotes and downvotes.

It's good to see how many people here support/oppose certain ideas.

Kind of a breath of fresh air after being on that other hellhole for so long.

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Stallman has done his part and more.

It's up to us to carry on his legacy.

I think it would be a good look to balance pro-Palestine demonstrations with anti-Nazi symbolism.

Would be funny to watch 'journalists' report on the Nazis in a protest when there are more people with anti-Nazi gear.

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The headline is a little misleading. It makes it look like officers were only acquitted, which isn't true.

3 officers were charged. 1 has already been "found guilty on charges of criminally negligent homicide and assault." The other 2 were acquitted.

The 2 paramedics involved in forcing Elijah to overdose on ketamine are awaiting trial. Not sure why we're trusting paramedics to give correct dosages of sedatives, but here we are.

It's pretty normal when you have a small pool of qualified individuals. Some men will take advantage of women and management will brush it under the rug because they need those men to do their jobs. There aren't any replacements without increasing payment.

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It's what happens when people aren't easily replaceable. Some of them start to abuse their power.

Anti-zionist != anti-semite

This is the true affirmative action.

If law enforcement actually wanted to tackle the trafficking problem in Houston, they would go after the outlets.

All it takes is a quick search on to see where you can buy sex, right now, in Houston.

After that, they can go after people on Tryst. It's such an open secret because there is so much money being passed around.

Human trafficking is integral to Houston's economy and culture. They won't do anything about it because they don't want to.

The only solution to make sex work safer in Houston is to legalize it. Which they also won't do because they're "better than that" and legalization would result in better treatment of workers at the expense of employers.

Sigh. The only good drugs are the ones I take.

Let's stop policing what people put in their bodies, eh?

Probably one of the most complex issues that I don't see being brought up is Gaza's culture built around Sharia law.

Yeah, there are plenty of innocent people are children suffering. This still doesn't mean that if Gazans had there way, Israel would be a better place.

That said, the US should end all aid to Israel and let them fund their own genocide. They can afford it. They have a fucking intel fab for fuck's sake.

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EPA to push ban of toxic chemical 'CHEMICAL_NAME' found in US drinking water

Can I get paid to write headlines now?

Just like global warming, the consequences for funneling as much money to as few people as possible will not be immediately apparent.

Aviation, military, infrastructure, medicine, agriculture, all of it is going to get worse in subtle ways before we notice how broken they've become. People just can't be expected to care when they're not being compensated accordingly. The more people who realize that 'work' isn't about supporting society, it's about serving the ruling class, the more people will slack off because they don't actually care about the work being done.

Quality is down. Prices are up.

These problems will continue to get worse as long as the disparity in wealth continues to grow.

I've been making fun of them for years and they just keep doubling down on their stupidity.

I've lost hope for this generation.

You can stream pretty much anything for free here:

Just make sure you have uBlock Origin installed.

Use your brains, not your wallets. (unless you're a useful idiot)

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Houston is the 2nd most trafficked city in the US.

It's an open secret and there's so much money being passed around, nothing is really being done about it.

There would be so much more funding for education if the school system didn't waste it on proprietary software and copyrighted materials.

Oh well. At least the businesses are happy.