Texas Has the Fewest Personal Freedoms

Salamendacious@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 894 points –
Texas has the fewest personal freedoms

Texas was found to be the state with the fewest personal freedoms, according to the Cato Institute's new Freedom Index.


And they may be quite determined to give those last few freedoms away in a bid to defend themselves from the imaginary threats.

They will trade their freedom in for imaginary freedom

Ex-Texan here.

It's a wonderful place to be a straight, white, Christian, middle-class male.

For every one of those things you are not, it gets worse.

What about rich instead of middle?

Even better. It's only when you're rich that you actually pay less taxes in Texas. See how they're anagrams?

As a persone who lives in TX, i can confirm anyone who has a " Don't Tred on Me" or a "Come and Take It" sticker, flag, or shirt likes to be treaded on and will willingly give it up

Luke 10:19:

Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.

Really piss them off, lol.

Lol if you think that'd piss them off, then you don't know Christians. They won't even see the irony (or if they do, they won't care), they'll just latch onto the Bible verse and tell you how it empowers them against people like you who try to test their faith.

Go up to them and quote Luke 10:19 at them, but make them look it up.

Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.

The Cato institute dissing Texas is actually hilarious. Republican infighting is the gift that keeps on giving.

Never trust anything the Cato Institute says, as a rule. It's almost certainly garbage.

Sure, but when a conservative propaganda machine claims that even Texas is too authoritarian ...

Then they just have an agenda to say those freedoms were taken by Democrats, and that you really need more freedom via deregulation.

First you sell the problem, then you sell your solution.

Even for Republicans that's an incredibly bold move. Democrats have been the minority party in Texas for over a decade.

Perhaps a million migrants from California might change that.


I kind of did the same with The Heritage Foundation.

They have a page cataloging every single instance of voter fraud they could find, and they're up to... 1,474. Total. Since 1982. Regardless of party. In the same span of time, just looking at presidential elections, over 1.1 billion ballots were cast.

This is an abjectly evil "think tank" behind Project 2025, which actively pushes the big voter fraud lie to push mass disenfranchisement, and even they could only find an astronomically small rate of voter fraud.

Came here to say this.

Ironically, Cato Institute is bankrolled by Koch brothers, the architects of modern republican party

Yep. We can look at the source to see what their metrics are. They have economic freedoms and personal freedoms.

The metrics for economic freedoms they used are fiscal and regulatory freedom. Focusing on fiscal, that branches down into: state taxes, local taxes, government spending, government employment, government debt, and "cash & security assets." It's obviously a libertarian based definition of "economic freedom", wherein they feel someone with $5 to their name and no obligations is more economically free than someone with $100 to their name and $10 of taxes. Completely illogical bullshit.

But you can look at it and see that a lot of them are incoherent or intentionally overlapping even if you buy into their base ideology.

Why are government spending and government taxation separate entries? Is someone with low taxes less "economically free" because their government budget is able to afford to be larger anyway? Why does government employment factor in at all? Surely — especially after you've accounted for any budgetary, taxation, and debt based impacts — there's nothing inherent to government employees existing that can be argued to impact someone's "economic freedom." Even within their base libertarian fantasies, the overlap and design of the categories will specifically make a richer, but otherwise completely identical, state less free than a poorer copy-cat.

The rest of their categories are even more bullshit. They have an entire section under personal freedom categorized as "Travel Freedom." A sane person might define that as both the right and the capacity to travel places. They define it as "This category includes seat belt laws, helmet laws, mandatory insurance coverage, and cell phone usage laws." So a state is less "free" according to Cato if it makes it illegal to text while driving.

tl;dr it's all libertarian bullshit.

I agree. I thought it was noteworthy that Cato put Texas last. They are not a neutral news source. But they did put Texas last in personal freedoms.

It's extremely biased, but not garbage. I say this as someone that has watched and read right wing news for years. Heritage Foundation is garbage. Cato is ideologically consistent and actually has good arguments. AEI is also good for extremely biased arguments.

For real freedom, move to Scandinavia.

Cant speak to freedoms, but I've never witnessed a more intense social pressure to confirm to social norms than I did there

Except when there was corona hysteria, anyways. Even at the peak, I saw only a handful of people wearing masks.

It was not hysteria. Lots of people died. And, yes, Scandinavians wore masks a lot.

And, yes, Scandinavians wore masks a lot.

Where did you get that from? We definitely didn't, it was quite uncommon to see people with masks, the majority didn't use them ever. Why are you, an American, gaslighting me how it happened in my own country?

Du er ret hurtig til at dømme andre...klovn...

Google says this one says:

You are quite quick to judge others...clown...

Du verkar vara helt besatta av politik från där borta, men okej, visst. Kanske danskar gick överstyr med munkorgen, men det gjorde inte vi svenskar.

Google says this one says:

You seem to be totally obsessed with politics from over there, but okay, sure. Maybe the Danes went overboard with the muzzle, but we Swedes didn't.

Og som vi alle så gik det jo også bare fantastisk i Sverige under corona...

det gik jo også bare fantastisk i Sverige under corona...

Ja, det gjorde det ju? Sveriges överdödlighet var ungefär samma som Danmarks, samt att vi fick inte lika hårda ekonomiska konsekvenser eller inskränkning i våra personliga friheter. Eller vad syftar du på?

Google says this one says:

No realli! She was Karving her initials øn the møøse with the sharpened end of an interspace tøøthbrush given her by Svenge - her brother-in-law -an Oslo dentist and star of many Norwegian møvies: "The Høt Hands of an Oslo Dentist", "Fillings of Passion", "The Huge Mølars of Horst Nordfink"...

Jeg vil anbefale, at du læser op på det emne før du svarer: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-021-95699-9

Og økonomisk er Sverige ikke ligefrem i topform i forhold til Danmark.

So your conclusions are based on a study using data from only the first half of 2020...? You know, when there wasn't any vaccine and it spread through our elderly homes?

So why don't you look at the excess mortality for the entire period for a more nuanced answer, https://www.scb.se/hitta-statistik/artiklar/2023/olika-matt-pa-overdodlighet-ger-liknande-resultat-for-sverige/ for example? Sweden had even slightly less excess mortality during 2020-2022 than Denmark, despite having very few restrictions.

It's hard to admit afterwards that your country maybe went overboard with restrictions, but the data shows Sweden had better results despite very few people wearing masks. Take it how you want to.

Sounds like the opposite of freedom to me.

Unless you want to protest cultures of sexism, hemophobia, and bigotry , in which case you will get charged with hate crimes for burning some paper.


Yeah fuck blood, all my homies hate blood

Just those disgusting mustard bloods, and the ones with lesser blue bloods.

Every once in a while someone reinvents homestuck



And stay inside your home....


They're probably going to say it is cold or dark half the year.

No, just doing what's socially acceptable. Work. Eat. Stay inside. Work. Eat. Stay inside.

You have clearly never been anywhere near Scandinavia.

I just walk around Holland after 7pm Scandinavië is worse....

From the part of small government, comes…..

But they let you have guns, cheap oil, and the premise you should mock other states for not being Texas.

In the overall freedom rankings, New Hampshire rated number 1, followed by Florida and South Dakota, while New York was dead last, with Hawaii 49th and California 48th. For personal freedoms, Nevada came tops followed by Arizona and Maine, with Wyoming 48th and Idaho 49th

Florida ranks number 2 for overall freedom? Not sure how much I trust the Cato institute’s methodology.

Cato is a very conservative\ libertarian group. The fact that they put Texas last for personal freedom seemed noteworthy to me.

They are 100% biased.

You can see their methodology. Texas came last for personal freedom, but their corporate freedom gave then a top ten result

But don't they have the gunz and the low taxez?!!!?

Texas has one of the highest tax rates for poorer people last i hear

Yup. When you take into account all state taxes, including their very high property taxes, you pay less taxes in California than texas if you make less than 660k.

After 660k? You save tons and tons of money. There is a reason a bunch of billionares have moved their "permanent residence" to the state

Can I see these numbers because I find that threshold to be entirely unbelievable?

Sure, im looking for where i saw that number 660k number specifically, but here is an article that shows the fact that you pay less up to that 600k range:

According to ITEP, Texans whose salaries fall into the lowest 20 percent of income earners (making less than $20,900 annually) pay about 13 percent of their income in state and local taxes. Meanwhile, Californians in the bottom 20 percent (making less than $23,200 annually) pay 10.5 percent. In Texas, the middle 20 percent of income earners ($35,800-$56,000) pay 9.7 percent in state and local taxes in contrast to middle income Californians ($39,100-$62,300), who only pay 8.9 percent. Most glaringly, the top 1 percent of earners in Texas ($617,900 or more) pay 3.1 percent of their income in contrast to top earnings in California ($714,400 or more) who pay 12.4 percent.

It seems unbelievable because of right wing propaganda, but the actual tax data doesnt lie. Almost all Texans are taxed higher than Californians by their respective states.

Wow, that's crazy. I wouldn't have been surprised if it were up to some much smaller number, but I'm shocked it's actually that high. I appreciate the link.

It's like raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiinnnn...

Shh stop with the rain talk or Perry is going to start suggesting prayer as a solution to drought again ..

But muh freedoms?

Are far less than they are in other parts of the world.

Yes, that is what this post is saying.

All that sweet, sweet economic freedom causes Fled Cruz.

It's not too surprising given that Texas was founded as a slave republic.

I suppose things might be mitigated, though:

women who need abortions can go to New Mexico for such (that and more regular use of pregnancy tests).

maybe get a driver's license out of state and use it in Texas—I also wonder if one can use fake fingerprints.

maybe have open-carry marijuana protests on Hitler's Birthday.

I drove from Houston to San Diego once. It was 26 hours and a ton of it was within Texas. You can drive for 8 or more hours and easily still be in Texas.

Also, out-of-state license whilst residing in Texas is illegal. You only have so many days (14, IIRC) to change your address on your Texas license if moving within Texas. I got hit with that at a traffic stop.

How many nations were not once slave states? It seems very low. Texas as part of Mexico also enslaved people till 1830.

Not nations, but only 13 of the US states allowed slavery. Alabama, Arkansas, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi, Missouri, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, and Virginia. So roughly 26% of the total states of the US, however since there were only 36 states at the time of the Civil War, that would bring the percentage of slavery supporting states to a whopping 36.111R% of the existing states at the time.

It seems very strange that Oklahoma isn't on that list. I know why, but still.

Those Texans were presumably Americans and as such were hypocrites when many went on about freedom while tolerating, at times engaging in, genocide and slavery.

wp:Mexican Texas

In 1829, slavery was officially outlawed in Mexico.[26] Austin feared that the edict would cause widespread discontent and tried to suppress publication of it. Rumors of the new law quickly spread throughout the area and the colonists seemed on the brink of revolt.

The new Texas constitution specifically allowed slavery and said no free person of African descent could reside in the new country without Congress's consent.[82]


If you meant 'until' and not 'cash drawer', that's a different word.

I’m an autistic masters student in linguistics and I’m better at giving orthographic advice, while being the kind of person who refers to it as “orthographic advice.” You should probably learn how to be more polite, because it really helps in life.

Should be noted that one of the reasonings for this rankings that Texas does not have school voucher programs. That's something that Democrats and even rural Republicans greatly disapprove of. Something the Republican Governor is trying to force through with frankly tyrannical actions at times. I can't help but think this article is actually trying to push that same endeavor more than being a haha look at this kind of thing. Some of y'all need to read past the headline.

Here’s the full report, (https://www.freedominthe50states.org/). Perhaps some folx are not all that concerned with TX.

Yeah, a lot of their "fiscal freedom" stuff is insane.

"Government employment refers to the state’s workforce, which can crowd out employment in the private sector."

Uh huh. Fuck off, conservatives.

The education freedom section is worse, they equate undermining the public education system with "freedom" and while they didn't weigh home schooling highly, they counted any kind of state standards or curriculum requirements for home school as "unfree"

This is the best summary I could come up with:

The methodology looks at issues from taxation to debt, as well as eminent domain laws, occupational licensing, drug policy and educational choice.

In the overall freedom rankings, New Hampshire rated number 1, followed by Florida and South Dakota, while New York was dead last, with Hawaii 49th and California 48th.

The state outlaws the use of recreational or medicinal marijuana, and anyone who possesses up to two ounces of weed may face Class B misdemeanor charges.

The largest issue for Texas, when it came to its low personal freedom score, concerned its criminal justice system, the study's researcher said.

While Texas has limited freedom on the personal level, it's unlikely to make a difference because the state has a solid housing and jobs market, with the exception of Austin.

"So far, Texas hasn't had a problem attracting people with lower housing costs and a good job market," Sorens said.

The original article contains 663 words, the summary contains 149 words. Saved 78%. I'm a bot and I'm open source!

Only way they'll get any back any time soon is through legislation on the national level.

But since Texas' problems are Red State Problems, Democrats don't give a shit on the national level.

It's why cannabis is still illegal at the federal level. It's why the federal minimum wage wasn't increased. It's why Democrats didn't bother to codify Roe. If it's a Red State Problem, it's not a problem. It's "got mine, fuck you" writ large.

And when everyone who can leave states like Texas does, it will cement Republican majorities in those states. It will make it harder for Democrats to get majorities at the national level. When the same backwards legislation that is just a Red State Problem that Democrats can't be bothered with right now is imposed on blue states, Why shouldn't I do what Democrats in blue states do when people who can't flee red states suffer under Republican policy? Why shouldn't I laugh and act like they deserve it?

But since Texas' problems are Red State Problems, Democrats don't give a shit on the national level.

It's why cannabis is still illegal at the federal level. It's why the federal minimum wage wasn't increased. It's why Democrats didn't bother to codify Roe. If it's a Red State Problem, it's not a problem. It's "got mine, fuck you" writ large.

You’re right that there need to be laws at the federal level, but you’re completely incorrect about democrats not giving a shit about passing legislation. The reality is that there aren’t enough votes to pass any of the legislation you mentioned in the House or the Senate, and the people who are blocking the progress are Republicans.

For example, the Raise the Wage Act of 2023 would massively raise the minimum wage over the next few years. Every single sponsor of the bill is a Democrat. It will not pass because Republicans will probably kill it in committee before it ever gets to a vote.

On abortion, Democrats have been trying to codify protections into law since 2013. Each time, the bills have been killed by Republicans.

The reality is that there aren’t enough votes to pass any of the legislation you mentioned in the House or the Senate, and the people who are blocking the progress are Republicans.

They had majorities in both houses and found excuses to not do it.

For example, the Raise the Wage Act of 2023 would massively raise the minimum wage over the next few years. Every single sponsor of the bill is a Democrat. It will not pass because Republicans will probably kill it in committee before it ever gets to a vote.

They can introduce things they have no intention of ever passing as much as they want. When they get a majority, they'll find the no votes if they reintroduce it at all.

Passing just about anything in the Senate requires 60 votes (a filibuster-proof majority). They currently have 50 members. No Republicans would ever vote for anything that would be perceived as a Democratic victory. Saying that 50<60 is not making excuses, it’s just basic math.

Passing just about anything in the Senate requires 60 votes (a filibuster-proof majority). They currently have 50 members.

They could have done away with the filibuster forever with just 50 votes, but preferred their excuse for inaction to women's rights, workers' wages, and lessening the impact of the racist war on drugs.

Tell us your suggestions for how to address this.

Next time Democrats have a majority, they need to act with the same unity they demand of their voters. None of this rotating villain shit. None of this "we split the bill into the one we like and the one we ran on but don't want to pass" garbage. If the party bills itself as wanting to accomplish something, then gets in its own way, all that tells me is that they were lying about wanting to accomplish it.

Do you understand the basics about the US Senate? Because it seems as if you do not.

Standard centrist gaslighting. Yes, I'm aware of how the Senate works.

If you're going to bring up the filibuster in response, you don't know how the Senate works. Or you like how it currently doesn't.

Republicans: make life shit.

Democrats: fail to stop it.

People: why would the Democrats do this to us?

Well, it's beyond local Democrats in some red states now. Their voters are leaving for other states. If Democrats don't act on the national level while they still can, the trend will continue until it's too late.

Take it seriously or don't. It can get as bad for your state as it is for mine. Republicans aren't hesitant to legislate at the federal level.

Tldr; federalism was an evil long con created by time travelling Democrats

When Republican policies that you don't do anything about now are implemented nationwide and it's too late for you to do anything about it, I'll probably never stop saying I told you so.

And I'll remind you federalism is by design and democrats didn't create it

That doesn't mean they have to do nothing about Red State Problems. Federalism isn't an excuse for letting fascism flourish just because it hasn't spread to your state yet.

Unless you're a Democrat. Then fuck red states, those worthless flyover people deserve it.

This is unadulterated bullshit

I suppose we'll see if my predictions hold true.

Until then, enjoy watching people who can't leave red states suffer.

All one needs to know to sniff out your bullshit is how the aca went down

Oh, you mean how red states decided to opt out of medicare expansion out of spite, and how that was a Red State Problem? How democrats got a majority and didn't even try to fix the bug that let red states do that?

Do tell.

You seem real mad that people are able to govern themselves.

We might even agree on what direction things should go, but your refusal to acknowledge local responsibility for local laws makes it difficult to take you seriously.

I get that you want Democrats to save you from your local Republicans, but that isn't really how the country (or the world) works.

You seem real mad that people are able to govern themselves.

I'm real mad that the only time Democrats show an interest in my state, it's because a progressive is running against a centrist and they want to make sure the centrist wins.

I get that you want Democrats to save you from your local Republicans, but that isn’t really how the country (or the world) works.

Cool. When Democrats have fled the red states and can no longer get a majority in the Senate, the same problems you're happy to ignore because they're limited to the borders of my state and those like it? Those will be implemented nationwide. It'll be too late for all of us then.

Enjoy watching the suffering of poor people in flyover country until then.

No matter how much you hate Democrats, no one outside of trumpets will be able to take you seriously until you recognize how the American government is fundamentally structured... in a way where Republicans are free to obstruct everything ever. You and I both know that is what happens currently

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Yes, the one which was the only significant effort to improve American healthcare ever. The one the dreaded democrats tried to make better and Republicans destroyed. Yes, that one. Thanks for recognizing that

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Thank you for that. I feel bad for we who live in red states and can’t afford to leave, but you brought up a perspective I’d not before considered. Not the voting part, but yes, d/r, good/bad fash still a fash. Afab.

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