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Joined 12 months ago

Pirating isn't stealing because it's addition not subtraction. You're creating more of a thing not taking a thing away from someone who had a thing. Actually what Sony is doing here is closer to stealing as people had a thing they purchased and now they don't.

It is if women's nipples are nudity but men's nipples are not.

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I didn't see many memes about Swift's plane usage till she threatened the kid tracking her flights. If that's not just me, then she deserves it for making a stink about publicly available information.

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A lot of that was also the British taking Irish food supplies.

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Schrödinger's gender passing

Not being the worst isn't exactly a compliment.

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They could literally be Pokemon and I wouldn't care. I'm not going to defend the largest franchise with one of the most litigious copyright teams that primarily got popular having kids gamble on card packs.

Alcohol doesn't really taste good and neither do cigarettes.

People often times have illnesses that make these types of things consume their life. It's easy to look down on them but they honestly need help.

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For profit housing and for profit healthcare are abominations.

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Lol "it's not capitalism, because a nationalized healthcare is capitalism"

The profit motive of capitalist controlled entities is completely capitalism; it's basically a textbook case of capitalism. Don't fool yourself by saying the countries with more socialized healthcare are somehow more capitalist to the one that doesn't.

Gasoline is comparatively

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I disagree. At one point in time it was society saying black people couldn't eat with white people and it was people and companies willing to push that boundary that changed this.

We are all members of society and it is on us to constantly push back against the unfair traditions in our community.

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Wait why wouldn't they? People piss and shit and if you damage a rental with it, you're billed for it. I feel like you're very angry about a problem you made up.

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You should apply for the fantastic four with that much stretch. They're fucking nipples and we literally stick them in the mouths of our infants. You know damn well that we're not talking about the differences between men and women but the way society and twitch threats people differently.

Even men who present as women on twitch have seen this. Finnster has had bans for shit nobody would care about if he weren't so feminine looking.

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Because it's her body and she can do whatever she wants with it.

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A lot of them have mentors who are just hateful bigots.

That's exactly the vibe but he went to BYU so that totally fits.

Beans are cheaper dry than canned though. If you have the patience you can start them in a slow cooker before you go to work.

Garlic, onion, and peppers go miles in making beans taste good while also being cheaper.

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I disagree with you simply because brevity is nice but not at the expense of nuance. Having to try to follow a string of tweets because one simply can't suffice is awful.

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The goal wasn't to make the British go away, the goal was to have representation and more than half of the people in the colonies weren't even for the revolution. This is why they dressed up as natives for the Boston tea party so they could blame that shit on the natives.

The support of independence wasn't much till Paul Revere demonized the Boston massacre into being much more villainous than it was.

The colonies kinda got what they want in revolution with the articles of confederation but with the rise of the federalists the US was created as a V2 of the British empire.

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There's also eminent domain and HOA's

Eminent domain has been used a lot in the past to target minority groups.

Not me. There's nothing I can do to stop it and I refuse to bring kids into it. So my plan if things get really bad is to die and there's no sense worrying about that.

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If the company is going public it doesn't really matter, they can just sell the stock.

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Same. Then everyone can be greeted with a meowdy.

I'm in the same boat and at this rate I feel like my retirement is with Remington

That doesn't mean society isn't sexist. There's lots of bullshit society is sexist about like how men can't be loving and affectionate parents.

I wouldn't ever buy the content so it's not a lost sale either. All I've done is copy a file. gasp

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Capitalism only ever innovates in the extraction of more profit.

At risk of sounding like a zoomer, I'd rather have my expensive appliances interface with tech instead of incorporate it.

A device that monitors the washer's power draw and makes an led green in another room for 30 minutes after the power draw falls is fine. Plus I could use it for way more than a washer.

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If only something could be done about it but it seems for some reason the laws of physics don't allow trains in north America

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But many of those same western countries level out the population decay with immigration. To my knowledge South Korea, Japan, and China don't have as much immigration.

That's a mountain of assumptions and frankly insufficient attempts to feel like you can make an impact. The literal best way for a person to reduce ecological impact is to not exist.

Secondly, having someone exist for you even if their existence is pure misery is the most selfish thing. It's my body and it's my choice. Anyone who says different is someone who feels entitled to keeping me around regardless of what I want.

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I prefer to eat a kilo of uranium

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He seems most knowledgeable about cameras and filming but he uses mostly Macs so I wouldn't expect much computer wise.

Proceeds to paint lights

Even very famous Americans that we try to glorify, Henry Ford for instance.

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It is now. Just make the phone thicker instead of having a bump.

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Three branches of government? I'm sure the unilateral executive theory won't have any problems here and "checks and balances" will happen. /s

I choose to believe their aunt and cousin are ornithologists

Epic doesn't have to be as good as Steam; it has to be better than Steam. People don't up and leave platforms they like for new platforms for no reason. Epic can take a smaller cut on games but if that doesn't carry to the end user why should I care.

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