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Joined 12 months ago

For the last time, there is no need. We are large enough. 400,000 people is a large town or small city. Remember:

  1. There are no investors to please

  2. No stock holders to appease

  3. No CEO to bootlick

  4. No ads to chase

  5. No e-peen to contest

We are free at last. Free your mind from the tail chase of corporate controlled social media.

18 more...

A Soviet Russia joke: A Russian man was accosted by KGB goons and had his expensive watch stolen by them. After the KGB had left, the unfortunate man then cried out loudly, "The Swiss stole my Russian watch!". A bystander heard this and retorted, "You meant the Russians stole your Swiss watch". The man then replied, "Yes, but you said it!"

The Muscovites are not stupid. They are merely beaten down so hard and so long that they know to feign ignorance.

12 more...

The phrase orginated from "for God's sake". Therefore, it should be "for fuck's sake".

1 more...

People. Cocaine is not maryjanes. You can get addicted badly to cocaine. There's tons of neurological effects that will cause you to not function proplerly in society. By all means smoke your ganja but don't equate hard drugs with it.

19 more...

Lemmy is more stable now compared to a month ago. This is the growth that matters, not user counts. Thank you devs for the hard work.

The tie is the most useless piece of clothing ever invented. It serves no purpose (shut up about the original function, it no longer serves it) except to constrict your airway and dip into your spaghett.

15 more...

In many other countries, insurrection gets you a nice brick wall and a blindfold. In America, you get to run for President (again).

6 more...

They have pissed 4channers. You do not piss 4channers. The last time that happened, Trump got elected.

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Remember folks. Support Israel because they're "the only Democracy in the Middle Eastâ„¢".

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Immunity while head of state? Sounds like a monarchy to me.

15 more...

The Union should have scorched earth the South when it had the chance. Tear up their train tracks, block the harbors, nationalize all the farm lands, dissolve the rebel states borders into Federal Territories, hang all rebel political leaders and put all military officers above Lt. in front of the firing squad. Instead, you let them live and fester, even naming military bases, ships and tanks after them.

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Why does the "sole remaining Superpower nation" bow to a small onery loud mouthed pseudo-nation? Which one is in charge? Curious.

25 more...

Linus O'Tech Tips said TMC wanted to bring over Taiwanese work culture, i.e., wageslave 24/7 until you die for low pay but Americans balk at such demands. That's what is meant by shortage of "skilled" workers.

Lol. This venkman guy claims credit for creating the awards when it was reddit users who started the semi-ironic (and free) Reddit Gold shit.

2 more...

Crushed? Only bots and shills remain on Reddit. And old people. They're now the Facebook of forums.

9 more...

Punish the kid by forcing him to plant 300 new sycamore saplings but using a toothpick instead of a shovel.

4 more...

Except they want to send you videos. The power is with you, the viewer. Without you, advertisers will have no reason for buying ads. Google can't collect your data either. Realise that you have this power. Youtube is not like electricity or clean water. We can live without it if push comes to the shove.

16 more...

Funeral homes are parasites. Families should prepare and bury their own, unembalmed with no casket. A dead body is the most biodegradable matter in nature. Why pump it full of formalin and doll it up like a tart? Mourn the life of the dead, not their physical body.

69 more...

In 12 years, selfhosting will be so cheap and one-push-button easy that everyone will have their own instance and federated with each other. It will be called Neo-Geocities 2.0.

6 more...

Huh. Will this stop HP no ink no scan tomfoolery?

13 more...

Americans are dumber than I thought.

9 more...

It is my sincere hope that one day, the USA may gain Independence from Israel.

4 more...

Don't log in to watch youtube. You're not one of those....(spits) youtube commenters, are you? Use 3rd party frontends for your subscriptions. Some don't even need a google account.

31 more...

They've done away with naming diseases after people. Most new diseases now have descriptive names. E.g., Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS).

10 more...

The Union should have scorched earthed the South and executed all of the leaders and ex-US military officers who defected to the CSA. Instead, you allowed them to live and fester like moldy spores. Now the contagion is fruiting again.

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FOSS people have...weird taste in naming stuff. See: GIMP, GNU, et al.,

12 more...

Everyone has the right to follow their religion. If Big Kim didn't want to disobey her God, she is allowed to: by resigning her position in protest and joining a monastery.

I'm a broken record: any system built on the best case scenario is doomed to fail. Allowing politicians to draw voting districts when they have a conflict of interest is Tin Pot dictatorship tier.

1 more...

You can't run on having people vote for you just to avoid voting in the enemy. You must get people to vote for you because they want you. One day, a broadly populist Reagan-like Republican candidate will re-appear and he will utterly destroy your country.

Is the rail link called the Trojan Dragon or something?

1 more...

How very...Israeli.

2 more...

Yanks elect police officers and judges. They also allow corporations to openly bribe politicians and call it lobbying. Somehow, those "corruption index" reports always say the US is clean.

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Yep. Christcucks regularly blaspheme without even realizing it since their knowledge of the religion is only surface level.

6 more...

What does not kill you, makes you stronger. The only thing these script kiddies are doing is strength training the world admins.

Told you it's rich doom preppers who will build a literal walled garden.

1 more...

Begin, the Fediverse Wars has.

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Schizos, opioids, conspiracy nutjobs, lead poisoning and low education multiplied by spiritual bankruptcy. Deny it all you want, Yanks, but it's true.

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Do you wake up on the same snowy day, every day, with Sonny and Cher's "I got you babe" playing on the clock radio?

> Adobe

The clothing will go transparent unless you pay a monthly fee.

1 more...

Let's go one further:

  1. Get turned into a vampire

  2. Buy crypto

  3. Go sleep in your coffin for 100 years

  4. ???

  5. Profit