How Reddit Crushed the Internet's Largest Protest

Dramatic to – 87 points –
How Reddit Crushed the Internet's Largest Protest

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Crushed? Only bots and shills remain on Reddit. And old people. They're now the Facebook of forums.

Not this old guy

Based on what I've seen, I bet more older and younger people jumped ship than Millenials. Boomers tend to stick to platforms, but IME Gen X is pretty willing to migrate.

It'd make an interesting survey; I suspect a surprisingly large percentage of "old people" on Lemmy.

I agree. I'm old enough to have a grey beard anyway. Lemmy reminds me of the way back BBS times. Just as terrible in many ways but also shows great promise.

There are still some great forums around on niche topics. They do need an invested admin though. Our local PnP forum is so much better than the Discords.

Nah, you vastly overestimate the percentage of people of all ages that even care about anything that goes on like the protest. There are still a lot of people there, but it's nice that most of the "good" (not sure about the right word here, I think you get my meaning though) people left, and many came here.

IMO, Lemmy has gotten worse since a few months back, though. Many of the most irritating things of reddit have become more and more common. Misspellings, in titles especially, to a point where it's surely done on purpose for more "interraction", shitty spam, way to many bots, etc.

Did you deliberately write "to many bots" instead of "too many bots" in order to get this interraction?

Am I whooshing?

No it’s a self verification. Bots always write correctly and never intimidate, you fuckas.