The Menemen!

@The Menemen!
0 Post – 278 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

You are obviously not a germophobe.

This is comparable to a loud family feud carried out on the streets with yelling and throwing stuff at one another and then yelling at the shocked onlookers to move away.

Fanzines were huge in Germany for that reason.


Interesting how that channel found a new recipe for something popular. That channel might get big.

Gelsenkirchen and Duisburg are kinda famous atm.

To understand how unhinged our society is one only needs to understand how we constantly improve our technology, but don't use it to improve us as a society.

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You guys have profile pictures?

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The main reason why I didn't want high end packages for our last car was, that I am a cheap bastard. The second reason is, that I think touchscreens in cars are one of the dumbest ideas imaginable.

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But why? It is a full Linux distro. All games compatible to the Steam deck also run on other distros. So the motivation to develop for Linux is the same and we users of other destroy profit from that the same.

Even if she were the shoplifter, how would that work? "Sorry mate, you shoplifted when you were 16, now you can never buy food again."?

Don't use a baby camera that is connected to the internet. Use one with a monitor that is connected to the camera with a local encrypted signal.

The one we had isn't available anymore, but I am sure there are more modern equivalents.

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Embrace, extend and destroy is a known, well established, concept. Microsoft was quite open about how this is to be done.

It has already happened to established decentralised networks. See here!

Maybe it won't happen to Mastodon, maybe they have the masterminds who can counter it. But it is imo pretty clear that this is what Meta plans to do.

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I hate tiktok. I am not from the US, but banning the app that is most popular among young people while raiding dozens of university campuses? Don't sound like a great way to get young people trust the system...

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That used to be fairly common 10-15 years ago.

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Being a Turk myself: what do I have to do, to get my money?

After looking into this: is this name racist?

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I managed to almost completly keep my children away from it for now (8 and 10). But it is a struggle. And I will soon lose that struggle. So many children at age 8 or 9 have smartphones for fs sake.

I plan to slowly introduce them to stuff like this, so they will be able to deal with it. I did so rather successfully with the other bullshit, like Roblox. They are only allowed to play it when I am in the room, and I check that they follow that rule (they do).

Feels like walking on the edge though. Still unsure when to open the TikTok thing. Too early is bad, but too late and they will somehow already he on tiktok and I just don't know about it.

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Remembering when it was not yet released, thinking "This looks kinda cool, but the business model looks terrible". Seems it got much worse.

He apparently also googled the price of gold after taking kg bars of gold. Lol.

It's like a bad movie tbh.

Companies working against technical standards are basically working against society. And no one fights standards quite like Apple.

What is mind boggling is that either her or Trump will be the next candidate and it still isn't a sure win for the democrats.

But, tbh, looking at politics in the EU nowadays and I feel ashamed of making fun of the USA in the past. We are outfascisting you again, it seems.

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But be careful that the other option has "free return shipping" included.

Lol, the body language is so powerless. What happened to them that day?

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Didn't say we used to be better. We've always been a shitshow.

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Kinda like when I get likes from the porn bots over at twitter. :)

Maybe I am old, but having no micro-payment bullshit is what made gaming better.

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Can't wait to see adds for prostate exams or erectile malfunction on a plane when I get older.

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That every man has to be a breadearner, a handyman and be able to physically defend their home&family.

Man, I remember how back in 2009 we were hyped about this possible chance for a fairer world that a independent currency might bring. Guess we were quite wrong. :)

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I still use reddit on the browser, but I don't want their app. I simply don't enjoy the experience.

As long as old.reddit stays arround I'll still be there from time to time. But my commenting dropped from ~5 comments per day to ~5 comments per month and my clicks drooped to ~1% of what it used to be. I simply used it much more on mobile.

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Amd just after Munich announced it will go back to Windows, Microsoft decided to move its German central to Munich. What a coincidence.

No. There are still a lot of serious journalists on it. It is still a very important media for journalists to quickly share information.

But the porn&hate bots and the uncontrolled trolls make it unbearable. It has always been rough on twitter, but it has become an utter shitshow.

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It certainly became worse, but it's not like it was good before him.

It is crazy to starve people to procced calling them barbars for being desperate. But here they (the fasicst government) are, using this exact argument to justify a massacre.

Fuck SUVs.

Hey, I have a profile picture now. :)

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70 mph so 110kmh. Basically standing from a German perspective. :)