16 Post – 1287 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Mind crossposting this to !

Also, they will lose. The FCC has said that the companies can build towers where they are needed for coverage. They might have to make it look like a tree or something, but they cannot be rejected from building it.

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What about those military things that they use to disperse crowds? Where it makes you feel like your skin is cooking, but it's actually not. I feel like that uses high power and high frequency radio waves to accomplish that.

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The higher the frequency, the worse that is. So standing very close to an HF antenna that only broadcasts up to like say 30 megahertz is different than standing next to a 700 megahertz cell phone antenna, which is different from standing next to a 2.5 gigahertz cell phone antenna. The reasoning for that is due to power levels and wavelength of the radio signal itself.

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Fair enough, there's some really golden information in this thread.

You know, that's a good point. I didn't even think of that. But you're right.

Absolutely none whatsoever. Governmyth criminals have no right to tell me to go die for them. Go fuck yourselves.

I actually prefer to buy mid range phones that are brand new instead of buying phones that are a few generations old just because I know that with a new device the battery is new and I treat my batteries very well like only charging to 80% and so on. So I'm a lot more likely to buy like the Pixel A series or like the Motorola G series and such than I am to buy the latest Pixel flagship or whatever.

Which is why I've been buying nothing except OEM unlocked devices since 2016 I Payful price for them, but I don't have to worry about leaving my carrier Whenever I want and I don't have to be on extremely expensive cell phone plans either. There is nobody else in my entire life that pays less for cell phone service than I do and I only know one person who pays the exact same and that's because we are on the same plan on our own accounts. Literally, everybody I know in my life pays about four times what I do for cell phone service.

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Oh, gotcha. So crypto mining is bad, because he can't make money off of it. But AI is just fine, because he can make tons of money off of it. I understand now. Makes perfect sense.

Yeah, definitely Earthbending for sure.

Sprint would have failed without the merger and we would have had three carriers anyway so it doesn't matter whether they merged or not and in fact it's probably better that they did because it caused T-Mobile's service to improve dramatically since then. I knew friends who had T-Mobile back in 2012 and it was a joke. I had T-Mobile in 2016 and it was only okay.

Yes, my mom and I own a home together, because she is divorced, and I am legally blind, which makes it a bitch to find work. I'm actually doing better than her though because I did not fall into the stupid debt trap with high interest credit cards or student loans and since I'm blind I can't drive a car so don't have insurance and a car payment to worry about. So while I am not rich by any means, I actually have more money every single month than she does. Easily. Except for tax time, that is. That time she does have more money than I do, but only for a short time until it gets eaten by the credit cards.

Hey, that's an awesome setup.

Yeah, that one is beyond me as well.

A gunman could walk in with an AK-47 and shoot everybody dead on live tv... Oh wait, you mean what will happen in the debate? Well obviously since it's already over, we know the answer to that.

So much more efficient then.

I'm excited for him to #FreeRoss.

Well, for 20 years we had one space station and now with China we have two and if we eventually start to get commercial stations then we'll start to have even more so more people will be able to go up.

It's sad that these people got taken down. Maybe the next people to do it will do it from a country that does not have extradition with the United States, so they would be safe.

Edit: As for payment providers attempting to take such a service down, Monero would be the answer to this.

My guess is because they did all the pirating for you so you didn't have to worry about dealing with the technical hurdles of doing so.

If a service like this came around that allowed me to pay with Monero and did not require any personally identifiable information, I would totally fucking use it.

Switch to Linux where all accounts are local accounts.

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Who knows, commercial fusion power might actually be less than 50 years away now. LOL.

Edit: Do keep in mind that this stuff doesn't have to be the efficiency of the Sun because the Sun is actually quite inefficient and takes millions of years for the heat to get from the core where it is fused out into the galaxy. They have to be hotter than the temperature of the Sun and more efficient.

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I didn't say it didn't support network accounts, but you have to have a local account set up to sign into those network accounts. You can set up your computer fully without being connected to the internet and it won't give you grief about it.

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And we will still be here when Reddit finally does implode. Either from high interest rates and not being able to raise money or whatever we will still be here.

The Internet of Things


While not outright obvious, the title is technically correct. It is open source money.

Well, if he doesn't reignite inflation, I win. And if he reignites inflation worse than it is, I win even better. Because I don't hold my assets in dollars.

I donate sometimes with monero

Actually, I used one of those 5G home internet plans when I used to live in an apartment and they kept raising my rates on God awfully bad cable. And so I told them to shove it. It actually worked out really well. I was a little bit surprised because I had heard that wireless ISPs were not very good.

Well, I can't help you with the fact that you don't have a whole lot of money to begin with, but as far as the fees and regulations and currency issues, Monero would solve that.

Sounds like insider trading to me

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At least personally i have not been on reddit for more than 10 minutes total since the middle of June. I am but one person, but i dont see how they can declare themselves the winners.

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Go right ahead. If they actually manage to do it, that will be the end of my YouTube watching. Except on extremely rare occasions. I don't need it badly enough to deal with that.

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This is absolutely to be expected. If I was able to work from home remotely and then was told I'd have to go back, I would look for another job with the specific requirement that I must be able to work from home.

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I havent used reddit at all since August and from June 12 to August i was on the site for ~10 minutes total. I am a total lemmy user now with no need to use reddit at all. I dont even miss it since i can get everything here i did over their.

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So you mean they want windows to have something that Linux has had for 20 years? Android has also had this since ~2017 too.

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Wasn't this rejected once already? Perhaps if they wanted to do something useful, they should pass something that says that if something is majority disliked twice or something, then it should be withdrawn and not proposed again for at least 100 years.

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I have literally never heard of this platform. It just goes to show how successful it was. At this point, unless you are joining the fediverse, you are probably going to fail. Even nostr has fedi crossposters.

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But... But... But... We are Apple and we know best. Our users don't want choices!