The Reddit Protest Is Finally Over. Reddit Won. to – 1263 points –
The Reddit Protest Is Finally Over. Reddit Won.

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At least personally i have not been on reddit for more than 10 minutes total since the middle of June. I am but one person, but i dont see how they can declare themselves the winners.

They can declare whatever they want. The ex users won't hear or rebut.

They think that the people who are left are more valuable than we were. At least in terms of data collection and ad views, they are probably right.

In the long run, chasing away the power users will probably harm the platform, but it's not immediately clear.

I still check in on niche reddits but my use dropped by like 95%. Used to reddit for like an hour before bed every single night. Been reading books before bed more since the API changed and it's been super nice!

Yep same here! Still check reddit for certain things but dropped it significantly and started reading again.

I still go to two niche subreddits. And while there go to the country sub for a glance. But even there things have slowed down.