issues loading a web page to – 11 points –

I have no clue why, but i am not able to load on fennec 124.2.0 (android) but it loads fine on firefox focus 122.0, tor browser 13.0.12 (android based on firefox 115.9.0), and firefox desktop 125.0.2.

Can anybody else see if it's doing the same thing? Because I'm wondering if the desktop Firefox and the mobile Firefox are formatting in different ways when it retrieves the AAAA record from the DNS or something?


Yeah this seems a DNS issue not isolated to Firefox, I just tried 3 different devices and was not able to reach on any of them.

Well, I've changed the DNS to point at my IP address properly, and my DNS resolver control D recognizes the proper IP address, but the web page just does not load for whatever reason.

Edit: If I type in the IPv6 address directly into the Firefox address bar, it does load. But not when typing the domain name instead.

What response/error-message do you get from trying to load the page? I can't load the page on my Firefox Desktop, due to the secure DNS setting. Maybe explore the DNS setting in Fennec, just an idea. Here is what I get:

I just get the standard address not found when attempting to load it on mobile. But on desktop it loads fine. I know for a fact the web server is up as I am able to access it fine locally with its IP address and I can even type the IP address directly into the address bar and access it but it will not work if I try to ask for the domain itself.

Having intermittent difficulties loading various things from different phone browsers for the past hour. More so on Firefox.

Have yet to try desktop browsers.

Can you access the page when the url starts with https:// instead http:// ?

I don't have any kind of HTTPS certificate, like let's encrypt for it. So I'm not sure.

Edit: nope. Ping works and monero on port 18089 works, but no web page