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I‘m not sure how GDP is measured for an international company such as Google. Does the entire Revenue count cos the HQ sits in the US? Or is the license fees that it pays to Bahama‘s (in order to avoid taxes) is substracted from the US GDP? Does somebody know how that is measured?

Don’t know if that helps you - here in Europe it doesn’t look better. In all countries you can choose between the crazy, the stupid and the as-always. I‘m afraid the politics machine transforms you in one of those or scares away the motivated.

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There‘s a word for that „Greedflation.“ This is what western car makers do. Luckily, the Cinese car makers grasp their chance and disrupt the market

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Yes and No. Yes, it’s not only corporations and we must act ourselves.

No, it’s the rules that set the game. Corporations play within the rules. Politics is owning and can change the rules. The society and corporations will follow accordingly. If we really want to change we can. Look what happened during Covid. In retrospect, some insane rules (eg Germany kids not allowed to enter playgrounds. Kids couldn’t play to save the elderly). However, society obeyed to those rules.

It’s not us, it’s the rules that must change. In my view this should be the priority.

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Thanks to Putin who moved solar from „don’t annoy me“ to a „strategic matter.“ Where is shadow, there is light

Go out and plant a tree. I’ve done mine 10 years ago.

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I just learned: In ancient times the government paid money to their citizens to get their fellowship. Only conquered countries had to pay taxes.

And in ancient times in Mesopotamia, there have been quite regular debt reset events. All private debts got null. Commercial debts still were valid.

I‘m currently reading „Debt“ by David Graeber. Interesting to read how religion, money, guilt and debt are intertwined. How we are forced into the rat race by burden us with debts - with both, moral and financial debts.

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I think it came up like this: Saudi king at his last visit at Chinese Wall. „Uw, one can see it from the space? That’s awesome.“ At home: „Servants, build something as big as the Chinese Wall that is visible from the space, so everyone sees how great I am.“

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Just watched on tv a documentary about strikes a hundred years ago in the US. Facing the Rockefellers, Carnegies and alike. Police was shooting them down. That’s the US. Railroaders are on strike just today in Germany.

No, commenting is fast but reading is slow and clutter.

Sentences have both meanings and sound, yours have sound

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Captain Obvious was hiding for a while. Now, he runs with your most personal data. Even your kids will thank you in coming years for whatever behavior, diseases, IQ or political preferences will be found to be rooted in genomic data. The world will know theirs.

Edit: Oh, and you‘ll help your family members to be jailed, if somehow involved in criminal acts.

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Too many. In Europa it’s the same. Around 30% of new cars are SUV‘s. And it’s not the people, it’s the corporations that drive this trend. They earn more on this huge cars. (And silently killed all small cheap cars. Only China is building small cheap cars) And guess what the industry whisperers say, what the solution to this is?

Buy even more SUV‘s. That is the solution!!! Ahem, of course they’re electric. But keep buying big costly cars!

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True point.

My IT setup to get control of my daughter’s not-yet-rocketed-addiction is: screentime from Apple (that can be circumvented), seperated wifi for teens with on/off times (still they can use mobile network), blocked ip‘s for insta & tiktok at router level (still not all IPs in there), and a hacker-style tool called Firewalla to monitor and control their traffic with porn, youth filter-block ability (also in the router, but not sure how well this works at eg youtube)

For this setup you need some steps beyond standard IT knowhow. And still it’s only 95%. Some day they find how to get through the little holes.

Oh, this effort for 3-4 hrs screen time a day including podcasts and whatsapp.

Next step will be to separate devices. She wants a new phone for birthday. Then we put Spotify for the podcasts on the old phone and block everything else. The new phone for the rest with even more reduced screen time.

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She is under 12! Start thinking before you shout.

And btw it’s not monitor porn but porn filter

Interesting that she comes out of that system that she criticizes. That will be a tough fight for the school companies. I hope she has so much integrity as it seems.

Luckily, Germany didn’t put it eggs into the iPad school basket. Observing my kids learning with it by Gamification Learn Apps, it has this bad taste of game addiction not learning.

Food for another white-male-techy-western-biased AI

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Don’t think labor costs is a big factor. Car production is the sector that is most automated. Just think of this endless bands of hanging cars with robot arms working on it. Tesla even topped this.

It’s mainly the unwillingness to design and sell cheap cars due to less profits. In Germany we had electric cars for 20k€ or even combustion cars under 15k€. But they stopped building it. Although it was sold out in weeks.

In my region there was a Startup by the Aachen University RWTH (which is an elite university in Germany) bulding small EVs for around 20k€. They simply bought all parts from suppliers and just assembled it. And engineered and designed it first. Unionized and still competitive. Unfortunately, they didn’t fly.

EV building is rather simple. The software is key. And this is the missing part at car makers capabilities.

I second your thoughts on trade war. However, I guess it will be much simpler with high taxes, high quality regulations, and may be less support by car workshops. We will see…

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People who live in caves all the time cut emissions by 95%.

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If there aren’t enough humans to do work it’s a shortage. In fact every year more people move into retirement than young people enter the workforce. Europe is aging fast, US not that fast. Even China faces the demografic change: Average age of warehouse workers in China is 45 years.

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ChatGpt: 1+1≈2

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I bet this will come very soon. Still employers are resistant to recognize the changed landscape. Who isn’t willing to offer a decent pay, won’t get employees. All shitty jobs will fade away. Only needed jobs will stay. With better pay. And everything gets more expensive.

Food delivery? Go, get it yourself. Or pay double the price of today. Supermarket? Only self checkout and a single cashier for the entire wallmart. Hospital? Telemedicine. Craftman for repair? You’d better learn it at YT Diy.

Here in Germany, every then and now are some news about an industry that can’t find enough people. Typically solution: Better working conditions, more flexible work times, and yes, better pay. However it’s everywhere.

If one stands up in a theatre to have a better view. Others will follow. And soon the view is as it was before.

This is far better: People who live without social media all the time cut emissions by 66%.

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High tax on humans, low tax on companies and property

German here. Same shit with house prices here. Unbelievable expensive. Netherlands, Denmark, Swiss, France all the same. All out of the cheap money/ interests thanks to Lehmans & broker bros.

The only country where housing is affordable is China. They built way too many apartment buildings. Entire ghost towns. People are fucked there as well though. Standard people lost a lot of money. Crazy world.

There‘s nothing more annoying than a group of „individuals“ on a night tour. Each move, either in this or that club, to the right or to the left, stay or lesve this place, as to be discussed in deep detail and from every micro perspective. Until a shared view emerges.

It’s simply a better way to be a group of people to have a leader who hs a say. Good leaders care about the group members and might even have more experience than the groups individuals. I‘m quite happy to have a guide in a museum who can tell stories about the images. I‘m happy to have a leader to follow in the mountains. And I‘m happy to have someone leading a group through new fields of anything, so I learn from an experienced and might do my own steps in this s field alone.

If you just need the energy for the pool, a small setup without battery is all you need. Saves you half the price. Panels and inverters are around 900€ in Germany. Putting a battery on it makes another 1,200€ and it makes sense only, if you need power in the evening.

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Indeed there are worse countries. I think of Cuba for example, where it’s more about „the train arrives this day.“

However, in German culture the notion of timeliness and efficiency is very strong. Our expectations to our railroad is high as it was quite on time the last decades. And it perfectly fits into our recent feeling of become mediocre as a country. There‘re so many challenges that where Germany falls behind other countries and isn’t in the top 10 anymore.

Part of the real causes of this trouble is that the railroad was privatized 30 years ago. Together with Deutsche Post (now DHL) and Deutsche Telekom. All those three went international. Two with success. Deutsche Bahn expanded into road freight quite heavily as there was opportunity to grow and money to make. They took the money granted for the rails and invested it into trucks. The German government is now in discussions to unbundle the company and split it into small „tasks“ so they focus on their main business. The Bahn deserved to be cut down into pieces. Not well managed.

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Good bot

Sure it was more complex. Not going to write a Phd here.

My point is, the society accepts rules even tough rules if it’s for everyone. If it’s fair. So, at Covid times younger people, who are less likely to get serious sickness were accepting being „caged“ for two years (exaggerating a bit. If you are 5 years old. 2 years is half of your life!)

I strongly miss this generational fairness when it comes to climate change. Not seeing any step back in terms of carbon consumption/ consumption at all from the older people.

Indeed. Go out at the street and show you want change. Politics fear many people on streets fighting for their rights. Look at France, Israel. When was last time you fight for your rights?

Done as well

Next time drunken, I‘ll try 8

Yes and No. It’s a stupid privatization they did.

They privatized the railroad, but never sold some stocks. Now, it’s a private company owned by the state and subsidized by tax payers.

No retail banks create money while they grant a loan - it’s called book money creation https://www.geld-und-geldpolitik.de/en/banks-and-book-money-chapter-3.html#nav-vier If you wanna get rich, start a bank

You miss the point of „Costs of missed opportunities“ if you (a) are always fully invested, (b) keep even underperforming stocks/assets forever until (c) some of those may go bankrupt.

Same with other assets.

Btw the price if assets matter if you buy. Not if you sell, this is a pure bet on raising prices. One should have an idea how much an asset can raise in price. (Or would you buy a property right now, because price will raise anyway?)

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I think you might be alluding to timing the market? In that case you're "speculating", not "investing". Speculation is making a(n educated) guess about market directions. Investment is earning an expected return over time on capital.

That might actually my different view point.

I think one should time the market or even trying to do so. There aren’t always good times. I mean that thing of „time in market beats market timing“ is for buy&forget investors who don’t want to put much effort in their finances. If you care, you see which area is a go and which a no-go at a certain moment in time.

That speculating vs investing is well written. I‘m not a native English speaker and put both under the umbrella of „Investor“ - who actually does both. So for me „speculating“ is key when you buy a stock or asset.

Having, even a rough, idea of how the price is and how it might move should be essential. And with this mindset the price of buying is important only. Because you won’t buy a going to decrease asset, would you? Charles Munger and all those other value investors are doing it like this.

Good questions. Might be the case. I really appreciate that this decision strengthened the authorship as originally a human authorship. Otherwise many other ownerships might be taken over by computers. With ownership reliability and consequences came hand in hand, but a computer gives a shit about consequences.

Indeed. Now, publically available for every governmental police. Not the US only. Even Iranian or Saudi police. Hey wait, don’t they punish family members of political enemies?

Seriously, once there were police men at my door asking for a DNA test by free will. There was a rape in my county and they asked every male. I wondered who‘s going to be that stupid and handing over police your DNA. Once its stored in a database…