30 Post – 41 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Based and playing with your friends pilled

Didn’t expect to see a T-Doll from Girls Frontline posting classified leaks of Military hardware recently

Pirates: “I’m 4 dimensions ahead of you.”

Hey! That crystal turtle is far more competent and a better congressman than Mitch McConnell!

Leave that poor crystal turtle alone!

2 more...

Those nft avatars are cringe

Same here unironically

Many of us would do it too

Unfortunately patreon is getting worse

Yeah, retro pugs are great!

A step in the right direction

1 more...

Same here

Reddit has gotten worse over time

It isn’t long before the final nail in the coffin gets hammered in

Very nice, now lets see the data about how many new communities are being created on lemmy

Not always

Lemmy still doesn’t create enough content that I want

But I try to use lemmy more anyways

Hopefully more people will use lemmy more

It’s not perfect, but lemmy is good enough for us

It won’t

I welcome the Reddit refugees as a former Reddit user

Same, lol

I agree with literally everything you said

Same here

I’m trying to use lemmy more

Well said

Short the stock! We hate the stock!

Same here

I bought as many puts as I can

Same here

I’m trying to use lemmy more and post more content

Well said

Work started on lemmy way back before lemmy could be a good alternative to Reddit

Same here

I was recently permanently banned from a subreddit for being a “spam” account

I tried to reason with the mods but they didn’t listen

Same here unironically

Anime, memes video games, the usual


Same, I miss old Reddit too

I spent 5 years on Reddit, a made a lemmy account after the API changes

I saw the writing on the wall,


Same here

I’ll keep using the computer I bought for as long as possible even if support for windows 10 ends

Same here

Well said

Yeah! I’m doing my part!

Same here unironically

It’s good to see more people moving to lemmy



Same here

I’m trying to use lemmy more

I’m posting more on lemmy now

Same here

Why not give the poor some of our old and used computers?

Same lol

Same here

Well said

I want more people in the fediverse too

But not at the expense of this culture too

Matpat the man responsible for game theory

Same here unironically

I still miss Apollo, I’m trying to use lemony more though

This unironically

Same here unironically


I’m still waiting for the day Reddit finally dies