Both have gotten much worse to – 655 points –

Add Youtube to the list...

Add most of the commercial internet to the list

What's happened to YouTube? It's been more or less the same experience for me.

Unless this is about ads? But tbh i don't even consider that to be remotely on the same scale as the issues with Reddit and Twitter

They have a few problems like demoneytising for arbitrary reasons, over zealous moderation on some topics and almost zero on others - I think things are starting to relax a bit but there was a time where history channels would avoid saying the word Hitler or Nazi in their documentary about ww2. Likewise if a film or news story has someone 'commit the unthinkable' and 'unalive themselves' it can make hard topics much more difficult.

There's a lot of engagement spam too, so many channels doing fake restorations, fake pool building, fake animal rescues... Then the ones which just have an ai voice reading fake stories from Reddit, chat gpt gibberish, or awful old jokes copy pasted from old books.

There is amazing content too though of course and I think it's by far the best place to get entertainment and education resources

At least they've had (bad) attempts at blocking adblockers recently. Search function has became almost unusable etc.

There are multiple workarounds for YouTube ads like Revanced on Android for example. On Computer I didn't encounter any issues for using the uBlock Origin extension.

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we have alternatives to both. people just need to switch.

but youtube is really hard to replace.

Don't worry, there's TikTok. /s

SEO might actually enshittificate YT or make it dependant on AI. Both are hard to deal with from a privacy or open source POV. has some promise. It's not free but it's very cheap and creator-owned. Plus there's no ads. But it can never be a true replacement for Youtube because it doesn't allow just anyone to upload there.

Your best bed with youtube is odysee. It is not perfect but much better then youtube.

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Call me paranoid, but a ton of money is at stake over platforms that used to be useful in terms of spreading information. And they're both being tanked at the same time? During heightening 'geopolitical tensions'? And in the face of a strange upcoming election in the United States where both platforms started and are based?

Don't attribute the to maliciousness what can be attributed to the incompetence

Perhaps, in Twitter's case. I don't know.

In Reddit's case it's simply a moron aping another; I don't think that Huffman has the depth of thought necessary to evaluate the impact of his own actions.

Twitter is bought out by a raging right-wing sociopath who literally coups other countries for resources, purposefully affects public policy at every opportunity, and habitually pumps n' dumps crypto and stocks, and you think it's impossible for him to have destroyed the platform that used to be the international commons on purpose???? Please justify your reasoning, I can't wait.

and you think it’s impossible for him to have destroyed the platform that used to be the international commons on purpose???

Don't be a liar. Or worse, assumptive trash eager to put words onto the others' mouths.

I did not say anything remotely interpretable as that. I literally said "Perhaps, in Twitter's case. I don't know."

Please justify your reasoning, I can’t wait.

I'm not justifying the claim that you're lying (or assuming) that I made.

Please go back to Reddit, where assumptiveness and illiteracy are praised and cheered.

[I apologise to other users in this community for my tone, but I think that it's warranted here.]

Apologies, I suppose. I read it as "perhaps, except in Twitters case."

I won't go back to Reddit, but I will lay down, do some reflecting, and cry a bit. Cheers!

Apologies, I suppose. I read it as β€œperhaps, except in Twitters case.”

Apology accepted. I also apologise for the tone.

If you want my opinion on Twitter: I'm not too informed on the platform but I think that he did it on purpose, and due to stupidity. He is a right-wing sociopath and a moron with enough money to become too big to fail.

A smart but malicious person in Musk's shoes would've likely introduced the changes slowly, boiling the frogs there, shifting the Overton window to the right, in a way that benefits rich people in detriment to everyone else - because that would benefit Musk himself. Twitter as "the international commons" makes it valuable for anyone to spread shitty discourses there, in a way that they reach governments directly.

But instead of seizing the tool for his own purposes, he broke it.

That is an apt take that I fully, 100% condone.

I love these kind of unnecessarily hostile interactions that deflate almost immediately and end on a good tone. Cheers!

I'm going Hanlon's Razor on the motive with everyone else here but the fact these platforms were so important to the last election and a failure to capture that influence is the reason they are sinking now. Anyone with a plan is definitely not succeeding and I'm not buying that any of this is 4D chess.

Am I the only one who is frustrated about the text placement over the colors?

I think they wanted to avoid "Reddit Twitter becoming becoming worse worse"

For me, it's not the text placement itself but the mapping of color and text. Reddit should be red, Twitter should be blue 🧐

I'm colorblind so I could be way off... But it looks like the red one is Twitter and the blue one is Reddit which just seems ironic lol

In 2023... Why would you use either?

to be where the people are?

I love the idea of our little corner of the Internet, but it doesn't have the content or the users of the incumbents.

Conceptually I get what you're saying, but I've never used Twitter and I dropped Reddit in July cold turkey.

I have had no issues being where the people are just sticking to the Fediverse.

I don't feel like I've missed anything. I did pick up Mastodon, but that's just lurking. I picked up a few news apps to fill in a blank or two, but those usually end up on Lemmy anyway.

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Easy. Twitter is where my metal homies are. Reddit for baseball. I don't care about the political angle of each. That's not why I'm there.

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I think rich people are working really hard to try and get the republicans in power next election, that should probably tell you all you need to know about how to vote

I more likes on my tweets than ever since Elon took over! ...And the increase is all bots.

It's why I moved over to Kbin / Mbin lol