Refurbished Refurbisher

2 Post – 662 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

They already have a free version of Windows. Just don't activate it.

How did you go about doing that? I wanted to ask them about being able to replace the primary bootloader, including signing keys for any device that a user has paid for, which is a step above bootloader unlocking.

Kind of like installing coreboot or libreboot on a PC/laptop.

Microsoft would prefer that you pirate Windows rather than use Linux, as it further entrenches their dominance in the market.

They mainly make their money off of business licenses anyway, similar to Adobe and Autodesk.

There's a reason massgravel's scripts are hosted on Microsoft's GitHub platform and hasn't been taken down.

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Employers must consistently make employees think that there is a reserve army of labor waiting to take their jobs, that way the employees will tolerate more abuse and will fear asking for more from their employers.

It is the same reason why the corporations fight against the implementation of social services, why "benefits" like healthcare are tied to work, and why the social services that do exist come with a work requirement.

Well you see, they put it in page 69 of their EULA that got updated last week that they emailed directly to your spam folder. Since you didn't opt out of that clause my sending a registered letter to their offices in Uganda, Japan, Washington, and Ukraine, it is considered that you agreed to the EULA.

Yeah. I find myself using Google Maps on a web browser to look up the coordinates, then copypasta-ing that into Organic Maps.

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Took me a min

Well it wasn't made by the US Navy, it doesn't allow for clearnet traffic, it allows torrenting over the protocol. I'm sure there are other differences too.

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It's like Tor, but different.

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Always has been

Originally, yes. It was made to help people in countries with censorship get around censorship.

Nowadays it's maintained by the Tor Project.

Decommodify housing along with every other human necessity, like water, food, utilities, and healthcare. There's no way that any of these problems will be fixed permenantly otherwise.

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No it won't. Plenty of studies show decreasing overall productivity when workers work longer weeks.

This is just meant to make workers suffer more.

Ah yes. Trump. The guy known for willing to lose something on purpose.

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That's basically repeating my comment, but with more words :P

That looks like exactly what I need. Seems to work pretty well already.


Even worse, Reddit itself has been getting infected with corporate AI-generated "recommendations"

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Authoritarian tendencies since the web is a bit too close to providing its users with freedom of speech.

Yarr harr fiddle dee dee

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This is one of the most obvious potential cases of purposeful sabatoge. They were probably bribed by other big businesses to destroy their reputation so people would stop using the site.

There's nothing businesses hate more than their workers having negotiating power, and wage transparency gives them more power than they had before. There's a reason why it's considered "rude" in the US to discuss wages with co-workers; I always make a point to discuss my wage with all of my co-workers, since it's illegal for businesses to prevent that discussion.

In most other countries, it's the norm to openly discuss your wages; unions are also more common in other countries. It's just standard toxic workplace cultures trying to prevent people from getting paid what they're worth, or god forbid, forming a union.

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Wow. You just somehow accurately summed up the modern day result of late stage capitalism in one post. Nicely done

But digitizing does have some benefits, like bit-for-bit archival, usually by a "third party"

Pirating Adobe software is exactly what they want you to do. Their business model relies on businesses paying for their license because people already know how to use their software, in large part because people pirate it, and also they have deals with schools to teach their software.

What Adobe actually doesn't want you to do is to learn the software of their competition, since that's how they will lose money in the long term.

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We need to seize the means of reproduction

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Just put the year first :P

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When basically all dating apps are owned by the same company (Match Group), you get enshittification of all of them.

Their goal is to get repeat customers, which is the polar opposite of what people actually want from these types of apps.

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IIRC Sony allowed Linux to be ran on both the PS2 and PS3 so that they could sell the systems as computers in the US instead of video game consoles, since computers have a lower import tax rate compared fo video game systems.

This was, of course, until Sony removed OtherOS support in the PS3 firmware 3.21 on phat models after shipping Slim units without OtherOS and then got sued for it. It was removed because George Hotz found an exploit in OtherOS that allowed for full access to the hardware, as OtherOS did not have full access to the GPU hardware of the PS3. Ironically, this made the PS3 more of a target to hackers, since hackers generally just want to be able to run homebrew on their devices that they bought. This is why the Xbox One and Series consoles were never hacked, since they allow for homebrew via DevMode.

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I think the exhaustion is kind of the point. They want to desensitize us so that they can implement these changes with little pushback.

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$449 is still massively overpriced for a midrange card.

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It shouldn't be on the individual consumers to avoid monopolies; we need antitrust enforcement; we need to break up Amazon.

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I miss the xda of old, where shitty clickbait articles and ads didn't rule the front page.

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Pretty sure EULAs are unenforcable in the US since nobody can reasonably be expected to read every single one of them for every one that they agree to.

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I still agree with his sentiment towards Nvidia.

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You'll be fine. The Steam Deck is a PC itself.

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If only there was a way to locally generate white noise in real time, but alas...

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Seeing as there's zero Nintendo IP being used, I find that unlikely. The only company that would have any standing to go after him is Valve, and they historically don't go after modders and such. You also need to own a copy of Portal to play this game. You basically patch a file in Portal with a bps patch that will "convert" it into a playable N64 ROM.

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hbomberguy did a fantastic video debunking these claims. Now if only the antivaxxers would actually watch it instead of staying in their own bubbles.

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That policy sounds like destruction of evidence before it's legally considered to be evidence.

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Trusted computing has always given me the heebee jeebees. Why should users have to put trust in the vendor? Why should the vendor be able to potentially enforce DRM on my machine, where I want nothing even remotely resembling DRM in my machine's hardware or firmware? If I want to use software with DRM (Steam for example), I will specifically install it. If I want to use Secure Boot to verify the boot signatures of my machine, it damn well better be keys that are exclusively mine.

I prefer the idea of trustless computing, where everything is open source and all of the security implementations are verifiably secure and publicly auditable.

Because Nvidia wants an excuse to continue price gouging consumers on midrange cards.