17 Post – 107 Comments
Joined 12 months ago


steamed rice cake aka puttu in kerala, india

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Elon musk is just firing more and more people. What he want these kids to be? Steve Jobless?

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A powerful photo sharing platform without the shity parts of instagram. Just the opposite of doomscrolling prevalent there

Most of friedrich nietzsche's books

I'm desperately waiting for a reputed company like Samsung to ditch windows and introduce linux pre-installed laptops

12 more...

Its a knuckle cracking competition right? Right?? cc


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Ok but what is star trek

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Never, he knows what he does💀

Iirc sending red heart to girls is offensive in saudi

Yes its rural and using a well

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Ahhh😭 manufacturing defects

Change my mind too (͡•_ ͡• )

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Digital restriction management


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Hope they will not be confused with "i use arch btw" comments

All religion is fucking useless Jai sree ram jai sree ram 😼🚶 Anyone knows about Dinkoism ? Its a parody religion from kerala

The sketch with squigly lines here doesn't just represent hygiene. It shows how doomed he is

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I will no longer buy a phone without a headphone jack


My 2c: People find Mastodon/the Fediverse difficult because it was thought for desktop web browsing first. Question

I don't know if anyone realized this, but there is a significant difference between logging in to a Fediverse service vs. a centralized service on mobile, compared to logging to a Fediverse service vs. centralized service on the desktop. So let's round them up. Let's compare logging in to Facebook vs. logging in to a Mastodon instance (that is not .social, since we strive for decentralization, right?)

How to log in to Facebook on the desktop:

Open your browser
Go to
Enter your login details
Press Log In

All you need is a username and a password.

How to log in to a Mastodon server on the desktop:

Open your browser
Go to the server website
Enter your login details
Press Log In

So far so good, right? Everything seems normal, all the steps are all it takes to log in on both sites. Now let's switch over to your mobile phone and log in to Facebook (presume you have all the apps needed installed beforehand):

Open the Facebook app
Enter your login details
Log in.

Now let's switch over to Mastodon:

Open the Mastodon app (of your choice)
Type in the server you have your account on
Enter your login details
Log in

See the difference? Your app is not an app, but rather a browser as well. Instead of the app directing you wherever you need, you have to tell the app where to go.

Now, for people like you and me, who might have had the internet experience before the smartphone was so popularized, this might not really be such an issue. We know how to open websites and browse the web. But for those who grew during the smartphone age, this is a significant burden they need to overcome. They need to remember, like, 3 things, instead of just two: the username, the password and the website. This is not necessary for the likes of Facebook (as in my example), where only 2 things need to be known: the username and the password. One less thing to remember is always better.

And I would also argue that among the former group, there might be also people who might not understand: hey, I downloaded an app, why do I have to type in the website as well in there? Don't I have a browser if I need to type out websites?

I intentionally omitted the fact that on the official Mastodon app, you need to select the option to join another server or whatever, so an extra button, in order to simplify things and keep it more in line to how other apps ask you to do.

So I only see two solutions to this problem, as more and more people access their services via an app, rather than a browser:

Make the app use the email address of the user and the password, as present on that specific server, and interrogate all servers (would also be a tremendous hassle and might even pose a security threat).
Make the Fediverse even more like email and ask people only for their Fediverse address and their password - this is also more in line to how email clients work. The user would not have to bother to remember the website name, so that would be an extra.

I also find more fitting to call servers/instances websites instead when talking to absolute beginners, because that's what any of these people see in front of them when they open a browser. Not a server, not an "instance", but a humble website where it says powered by Mastodon.

Here are my 2c about this. What do you think?

Ok someone give me this lady's id I just wanna talk, just talk.. ಥ_ಥ

Tamilnadu government has also shifted to linux afaik correct me if i'm wrong

They said they are open sourcing their app so hope ahead

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Carton of toothpastes

Sound a pebble dropping in water Splashh...

Already on firefox on pc and mobile

Can't explain better than this🤯 Repost in !

Post photos of beans

Hi spain


So someone needs to rewrite the whole application using a appropirate language, Are you saying it would be a tedious work?


Aibohphobia is the (unofficial) fear of palindromes

Check out neostore or droid-ify on fdroid These are clients of fdroid but better

1 more... The blog itself is foss software writefreely

Kite Gnu/linux 20.04

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