
15 Post – 185 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

wiki-user: Jvrava9


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Use https://twiiit.com for random nitter instances for now. https://status.d420.de has nitter instances statuses

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The fine would be approximately 10% of Apple's total revenue and the fine increases by 10% every violoation so I doubt that Apple can not accept the regulations.

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Google is an ad company, what do you expect.

I'd recommend you to install Timeshift. It automaticaly creates backups of your system. Just in case, you'll need it if you break something. It has a GUI and is easy to configure.

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Immich vs Photoprism.

Winner = Immich

Best comparison ever

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I selfhost immich

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Timeshift for backups is a godsend in these situations

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We'll see what happens

Friendly reminder that you can sideload apps without jailbreaking or paying for a dev account using TrollStore, which utilises core trust bugs to bypass/spoof some app validation keys, on a iPhone XR or newer on iOS 14.0 up to 16.6.1. (ANY version for iPhone X and older)

Install guide: Trollstore

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I run Debian

Install timeshift for auto backups, its a systemsaver.

I am scared to see what will happen when iPad kids grow up and something doesn't work, their understanding of an app is an icon with a label that you click so it opens. No troubleshooting skills whatsoever, even googling a problem isn't an option for them.

Our saviors XDA, some reddit posts and sometimes youtube videos.

I use UltimMC (MultiMC with cracked support).

Because the big majority of mobile games are filled with ads, pay to win, made for ipad kids, have a very simple concept and are generally just copy pastes of the thousands of shitty games on the store.

Some alternatives and corrections to your list:

  • You can already download YT videos in LibreTube and NewPipe, speaking about NewPipe, I would suggest using NewPipeSponsosblock for blocking in video sponsors from creators. Aves Libre is a better advanced Gallery alternative with EXIF editing.
  • Aimp is a good alternative to Retro.
  • Spotiflyer is an alternative Murglar.
  • Schildi Chat is a better alternative to Element X, its based on Element but is a lot faster and has a lot more options.

Ps: I've been seeing a lot of posts and comments by you in the communities that I follow, just want to tell you thx for contrubuting to them xD.

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Getting nvidia drivers to work

I recommend using this amazing ressource: https://github.com/jc141x/portal for games already repacked for linux and ready to run with a simple bash script.

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Same here, I have the nickname "hacker" at school just because I use an android and am tech savy. I have seen people that didn't know what a folder was, thx apple, and thought I was hacking the school or smth when I updated some stuff in termux.

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I mean, it is malicious if you think about all the permissions it had. Not saying that Huawei isn't spying on you too.

Nothing to complain about, thank you for maintaining this instance!

I use seaxrng everyday, ddg if I cant find something and startpage for 🏴‍☠️

Never in my life did I hear the term lave linge

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Casio G-Shock owner here. I prefer a watch to always know the time without checking my phone but I would never use IOT devices, including a smart watch for privacy & security reasons.

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I use Magic Earth, it has the best UI IMO.

From their Github: Q: Why use the dwarfs format? It makes it less convenient for users. A: Our purpose is to serve a community which is involved enough to be able to follow a short setup page. It enables us to provide users with new technological features that we find useful.

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Didn't know that the bot was ported to lemmy

Yt dlp shortcut with a-shell was my set up before I moved to android. Just share the link, select the format and quality.

Thx Spanish classes

Flac and opus on soulseek?

I think that qBittorrent already sets no limits on seeding by default.

Great use for keepass and obsidian

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I personally started on Linux Mint and after 6 months jumped to Artix. Mint is a very good base to learn and I recommend to just jump in and search everything you dont know how to do and eventually you will know enough to be comfortable using Mint.

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Meditate, go outaide everyday for atleast 2h, take cold showers and be outside once a week with nothing to bother you at all, leave your cellphone at home, use this time to think or not think at all.



Not to be mean but just check op's post history. He is a script kiddie and is just posting for attention. Ignore him.