0 Post – 175 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

Yes!!! Everyone should abandon that ad-riddled shithole

13 more...

Bro it's super easy and makes cooking way more consistent... You're not cool for not preheating lol

At a charger, probably. I'm no expert though.

12 more...

What values?

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IBM does WAYYY more than that my dude

11 more...

I never asked for this

When you describe exactly what's happening in the picture on the picture

Is this "god" in the room with us right now?

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He's not a "firebrand", he's a piece of shit

Maybe the ex president shouldn't have done illegal shit ๐Ÿคท

Pull what out of NATO? He's not in charge of anything. He can pretend to pull out of NATO while in prison

What's with the random irrelevant picture?

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Yet another reason to quit!

Instant nuclear fusion explosion

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Woo another social media to ignore! How long before he sells this one to musk?

Proud to be a bad investment here ๐Ÿ˜Š


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I mean I hope so, I can't normally shatter wood

It's Russian currency, I'm guessing they're saying Russia had a part in helping Brexit pass.

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Gonna be hard to do that from prison

Baldur's Gate 3! The amount of ways the game can play out is extremely impressive. There are a lot of tough choices to make that can greatly affect your party and even the world as a whole

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Don't reproduce

I would use it, IF I HAD ONE

Gotta protect your users from fake blue bubbles, I get it I get it

Anything but accountability, can't have that!

Idk why people even try to use chromium garbage when Firefox exists. So many problems suddenly disappear

Looks like you're missing the cup there mate ๐Ÿ˜ฌ

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I can't stand looking at his stupid face either

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Ahh the ol' "no you" defense. Unfortunately for you it only works when it's true, and even then, not so much

The wide-anused assfish

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Remove apostrophes from your plural words, they show possession, not plurality. Until next time.

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Marketing for what? Being incredibly stupid?

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This but unironically

Magnets definitely still work when wet... ๐Ÿคจ Also what that fuck does John Deere have to do with wet magnets lmao

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Threads isn't even a good name lol

I understand, but don't care

How about a sequel instead? The game isn't even very long

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Do you want drastically increased theft? Because that's how you get drastically increased theft

Yeah, unfortunately our state government is still pretty right-wing for some reason. Hopefully someday we'll come to our senses

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