
0 Post – 183 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

We know Trump is a liar.

Biden had to prove he wasn't feeble... and he failed at that.

Voting for Biden and his administration is still 100% the correct decision, but that debate isn't going to convince any swing voters. If you want to use the incumbency advantage you need to convince folks you can stay the course for the next 4 years.

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You know who just had the opportunity to focus on what Trump did (and is doing) wrong and flubbed it? Biden.

A vote for Biden is the easiest decision I'll make this year. Biden and his administration are doing solid work and I want to see more of it. Trump ensures genocide in Gaza. Trump ensures even more horrible acts in Ukraine by Russia. Trump ensures an even further conservative Supreme Court, further destroying and reversing settled law. Another 4 years of Trump will be a disaster.

But I know this already.

Any other generic Democrat would have kicked Trump's ass last night. Trump tells a lie, they correct it. Biden got a few blows in but he flubbed so many more.

Look at abortion, a layup for Democrats. America as a whole agrees with Democrats on the issue. What did Biden do? Fumbled and wandered into something about immigration.

The focus on Biden because we want better. Biden is better. Prove it.

"...like forcing users to upload copies of their government IDs to access an online service."

"Some states, like Louisiana, have tailored their bills to ban kids from seeing online porn by forcing everyone, including adults, to verify their age before using the site. Google’s proposal does not oppose age verification on porn and gambling sites."

That's terrifying. Signing up for Lemmy would require uploading a government ID. I don't know the solution to this problem, but I'm not confident this proposal is the right one.

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Today? Maybe a few. A week, a month, a year from now? Reddit is going to get worse. People will leave.

Looking at Twitter it's clear some folks will never leave no matter how bad it gets, but plenty of folks will leave.

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This reminds me of a similar joke from AIM days.

You could tell your friends that you were going to "hack" their computer.

They would of course not believe you.

You would then send them a few images that looked hackery and a few that were broken.

The broken images were actually a link to "A:/fakeimage.jpg" and "D:/fakeimage.jpg".

This would cause A drive, the common "floppy" drive, to turn on and look for a fake image for a few seconds. As I recall this worked even with no disk inserted and made a bunch of noise.

Similarly the D drive, the common CD drive, would spin up, also making noise. I believe this did require a disk in the drive, but at the time everyone always had some form of disk in the drive.

What you had really done was nothing, but making your friends computer make noise unexpectedly was still funny.

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I know we're shit posting but if I could get real for a moment, this is how I learned about 9/11.

TV rolls in. Whole class goes "Yay". Teacher says, "Be quiet and watch". Whole class goes, "Oh no, he's grumpy". Whole class goes, "Wait... This is live TV". A whole world changes.

Otherwise though, TV good.

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That's a link to the most recent release of Firefox and the security vulnerabilities that were fixed.

You'll notice the first one listed says, "This issue could allow an attacker to perform remote code execution and sandbox escape."

So if you visited a site that exploited that bug, it escaped the sandbox and ran whatever code it wanted to. Since you were running as root it could do anything it wants. Your device is now the property of someone else. Potentially all your data has been stolen. You probably didn't even notice.

Now. Realistically. You probably didn't get exploited. Your device may not be vulnerable to that particular bug. But new bugs are found, and fixed, and created every day. Can you be sure you weren't exploited?

Let's look at it a different way. Think of it like driving a car with no seatbelt or airbags. As long as you don't crash, you're fine. The car still works fine without seatbelts and you have more freedom to move your arms around.

Let's look at it a different way. Do you ever lock the door to your home/apartment? Heck do you even close the door? Why not leave it wide open?

At the end of the day security is about layers and the trade offs for convenience. You can run KDE as root, and you can run Firefox as root. You'll probably be fine. It's like driving without a seatbelt or leaving your front door wide open, but you can do it. If you do drive with a seatbelt and at least close your front door, you can probably run KDE and Firefox as a regular user.

Yeah anyone apart from Larian making BG4 is basically fucked. Maybe if they wait 5-10 years and a studio with an established brand comes in, but that isn't what's going to happen.

Prior to BG3 I held BG1&2 somewhere in the top 5 games of all time. BG3 had an impossible bar to meet and they not only met it, but far surpassed it.

I'm genuinely sad at whatever BG4 releases as. It's like someone who loved Diablo 1&2 looking at Diablo 3&4. Diablo 3 was a shell of Diablo 2 and I literally just had to check if Diablo 4 was a released game. Maybe it's fun to someone, but I've completely checked out of the series.

So here's to BG4, BG:TCG, & BG:Mobile, shells of the greatness that came before them.

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It's bulletproof not soupproof.

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Lol, that's exactly what I thought of too. Assuming https://legiscan.com/LA/text/HB71/2024 is correct I think my image fits the legal requirements.

It does specify specific text, but it doesn't say I can't add additional text.

Also it has to be easily readable.

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Ancient tech? Looks at literally every laptop and desktop sold.

Headphone jack removal is anti-consumer and any device without one is missing a key component. Why would I buy a device missing a key component?

Plus you can find wired headphones EVERYWHERE. Walk into any gas station and pick up replacements for $10. Sure they may not be the best quality, but they work. Also, no charging, just plug them into your device. Also, no setup, just plug it in.

Someone can probably give a better answer, but it starts by him not paying.

He will appeal the result and that could easily take another year or so, during which time he doesn't pay.

Then he will just not pay, that will take some time since you can't complain to the courts that he didn't pay after 1 day, it probably takes at least 90 days, but realistically probably closer to 120 or 150 days so that he is REALLY overdue.

Then he is given a grace period to respond, that's another 30 to 60 days. He'll just say that he can't. That goes back and forth for a while, at least 6 months total.

Eventually the courts might put some sort of lien on Trump's income except he doesn't make money the traditional way, so it won't pay out. That takes another 6 months or so.

Then maybe they start going after assets. Assets aren't just free, so that takes even more time.

Also during all of this Trump moves assets around. He isn't allowed to, but he's already not allowed to and he has.

At some point in this process an agreement for a settlement is brought up. Trump will offer pennies on the dollar, which no one will accept. Trump will use this to bide even more time.

It's neverending legal maneuvering. Just bullshit on bullshit on bullshit. Eventually someone gives up or dies. It takes tens of tens of years. At any point Trump can just start to pay a little bit of it, then stop after a few months and the process starts again.

BTW if you don't pay your bills the full fury comes down on you. No baby gloves.

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It's funny that WiFi is alphabet soup as the other comment mentioned, they rebranded to a single, simple number...then chucked an E on the end.

I get how/why, but it's just funny.

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Ernő Rubik invented the Rubik's Cube in 1974.

In 1980 it won German Game of the Year special award for Best Puzzle.

Albert Einstein was a German-born theoretical physicist.

Einstein died in 1955.

Einstein famously stated "Time is relative".

In Einstein's time all Rubik's cubes were solved.

I'll die alone on this headphone jack hill if I need to, I only buy phones with headphone jacks.

Currently using a Motorola of some sort, replacement for another Motorola.

I will never forget Four Seasons Landscaping for the simple reason that it is the funniest thing to ever happen.

It's an SNL skit come to life.

It's so funny that you can't make a joke out of it.

The only option would be to "Normal Al" it and have everyone dress up in costume and deliver the press briefing they intended at the actual Four Seasons.

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Infinite scrolling. Sometimes I want things to end. It's fine if I have to click "more" but I want to know when I've reached the "end".

Also many apps/sites forget where I am it I leave, so if I leave and then go back I'm in the middle of a mess.

(I'm fine for it to be an option, I personally don't like it but I don't care if folks who like it keep it.)

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So I watched the video and it sounds like they were also using a website to determine where Pokemon were appearing. Reading the Vice article the quote "and that they were only monitoring a tracking application to catch mythical creatures" appears.

I mention this both because I find it interesting. The phone app will show you Pokemon nearby, but if you've caught the Pokemon before you can only see in your immediate area (the immediate area is wider for rural areas, but hardly enough). They also seem to know exactly where each Pokemon who pops up is, with more accuracy than you would get from the phone app and likely further away from where they were.

And the second reason is that, while the video proves plenty, I assume they were using their car computer to check a Pokemon tracking website. I would bet the start of this investigation came from checking the logs on that device.

The difference is that while Cheney is "the worst" there was this idea, impractical as it is, that you could change their opinion.

Let's take for example Liz Cheney's view on same sex marriage, specifically in relation with her sister Mary. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mary_Cheney#Dispute_with_Liz_Cheney

Liz was against it. Liz was called out. Her sister and her fought for what looks like 10 years. Liz admits she was wrong.

Yes, it took the classic "I'm against it until it affects me" routine, but her opinion changed.

The "worst" Republicans of the past are that. Someone I disagree with fully, but given enough time can be convinced to change their mind.

(Also as a quick aside that doesn't mean that Republicans are "always wrong" or Democrats are "always right", it's to show that a production conversation can happen.)

If you look at the MAGA Republican that isn't the case. Trump has "never been wrong" and will never admit fault.

The funniest example of this being the development of COVID vaccines. Trump led Operating Warp Speed to get the COVID vaccines in record time (ignore if this is true or not, that's the belief). But who are the most unlikely to get COVID vaccines? MAGA Republicans. Trump even tried to convince them, but was booed for it. The one time Trump was actually correct he was booed. Trump can't be wrong so he's shut up about it ever since.

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While the "not a bot" argument exists, it is a weak one. I suspect the goal of this is,

A. Convince users outside of NZ and the Philippines to either create an account or at least keep (not delete) their existing account. Twitter needs to prove to advertisers that Twitter has reach/influence and with this they can say "you may have heard Twitter is bleeding users, but did you know the number of new Twitter users has actually increased xx/yy?" and it won't technically be a lie.

B. Elon really does think this service will be an everything app of the future. He and anyone who believes this is absolutely bonkers and should genuinely seek help. However the value of an account that is already onboarded (e.g. had a credit card on file) is worth far more than any regular account. Convincing an account to spend their first dollar is much harder than convincing them to spend their second and so on.

At the moment there are no independent representatives in the House. We have two vacancies, but it's one Democrat and one Republican.

If you mean in the long run, at the next election, sure; but we can't wait that long for this mess to be sorted out.

L4s, who I believe is a bot, posts to this community regularly.

Assuming the content is generally high quality I don't have a problem with it.

If it's bad, the community votes it away, if it's good, the community votes it higher.

The core of social media in my view is the discussion, we can have a discussion even if a bot posts the discussion topic.

We should set rules, sure, but I don't have a problem with bots inherently.

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Not even just "certain countries", in the U S of fuckin A.

The first four seasons, arguably the best seasons, were only available to HBO subscribers. The only way to get HBO was to be a cable subscriber. So you were paying probably $100 a month to watch one show. There is NO WAY that was going to be successful. This was the rise of Netflix. I could pay $100 per year for their content. By 2014/2015 I was getting House of Cards, Orange is the New Black, Bojack Horseman, it was a great time.

Now lucky for HBO Game of Thrones is a powerhouse. So what do they do in 2015? They launch HBO Now... as an iOS exclusive. I want to pay you but you cut out half your audience? Guess I'm pirating Season 5 too.

Finally by season 6 HBO Now is available for everyone. I've now watched the majority of the show by pirating it. I don't fault anyone who continued to do so. And this was the American experience. I can only imagine how other countries handled it.

Game of Thrones wasn't in jeopardy because of piracy. Game of Thrones only succeeded due to piracy. It was a fantastic show (in the early seasons) but doomed to "cancelled too soon" without piracy.

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I don't get most of it, but I vibe with paper towel lady at 1:06.

Also cucumber lad at 1:24 has childhood bordem that I can relate to.

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I felt this was buried at the end of the article,

"The Boston Globe and an HBO documentary series has cast a new spotlight on the case."

And it looks like this documentary JUST came out (December 2023), https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_in_Boston:_Roots,_Rampage,_and_Reckoning

Specifically I was curious why a 1989 case was coming up and being apologized for now. I'm glad this happened, just curious "why now".

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  1. What's the catch?

  2. So you'll just answer ANY three questions I have truthfully?

  3. Wait... Did those first two count?

Exactly! When I was younger I wasn't that immature and stupid... Thinks back to when I was younger. OH! Shit. Yes I was.

In the trailing off part of the article,

"Many stock trades are done by computers, reacting in fractions of seconds to new information. The inflated margin likely triggered a buying frenzy before most people could digest the numbers."

Which, if true in this case, is even more funny to think about. Not only does the share values not reflect actually company value, but that value isn't even what a person thinks it is.

I'm reminded of the helpless employee who says "The computer won't let me do it." The enigma of the computer that is off doing it's own thing.

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I don't understand the "it's just a meme" logic. I've seen it used a few times to excuse whatever the meme says.

Imagine if the meme was "Stop signs don't make sense, I've got places to be, vroom vroom"

That's stupid and dangerous advice. This meme isn't dangerous, but it is stupid.

Obviously if there was a "Sarcasm rabbit" type meme, now it makes sense. I've never seen this meme image before, maybe that's what it's going for, but for now it's going to get shit on.

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As a white guy I learned this from music,

Uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco, cinco, seis.

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I've been playing since launch, although admittedly not much the past few weeks, and I think it's fun depending on what you find fun.

I've never been big on the Battling (PvP or Raiding) but I've enjoyed the "Catch 'em All".

I do however agree that even the "catch" part of the game is poorly put together. For example while the game may contain 800+ Pokemon, realistically you can only ever catch ~30 different species at a given time. If you started a new account today and did ALL the activities available, really grinding for a month, you'd probably only have ~200 or so Pokemon. If you played for a year, maybe double that.

For this reason why isn't Pokemon HOME considered the game with the most Pokemon?

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Not at all? Just throw it into one big drawer?

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Chrome + Wikipedia was my plan. Plus "website" is so vague I could also read millions of books. Grab a spot on a show like Jeopardy and become the new chanp.

National Treasure is 46% and it's sequel is 36% for critics. Audiences like both more and if a third film in the trilogy is ever made I'm in.

Nostalgia is the simple answer. I watched it last night, it wasn't very good, but it had some funny jokes and throwback moments.

In terms of ratings, 67% is probably a bit high even for the target audience. Outside the target audience it should be much lower.

In terms of content, they stretched the skit to make the first movie and it was fine. For the sequel, they pretty much just reference things and add a little bit.

Basically if you think you'd like to see it, you'll probably enjoy at least parts of it. If you skip it, you're not missing anything.

Similarly Trump could fall over dead tomorrow and then it's old man Biden vs young . This is the current plan for any Republican currently in the race, the hope that Trump takes himself out, either via the legal system or just poor general health, and then they can swoop in and be Trump "lite".

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The funny thing is that is exactly what they did last time they came back. EyePhone and Susan Boil jokes.

Luckily it just takes one season to get them out of their system and then we get some new things.

Someone who disagrees with you is not a bootlicker.

Meta is a garbage company. Meta has done terrible things historically. At the moment we don't know how Threads will affect the rest of the Fediverse. I'm ok with giving Meta a short leash. If you disagree, join an instance that has already blocked them. That's how this works.

I fully expect, once rolled out, I'll block Threads, but that is MY choice to make.

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It's a demonstration of "power". For example if it were 100% effective then the organization would notice a 100% drop.

Imagine if you were a company that made donuts. You wake up at 4am every morning to ensure donuts are ready for your customers at 6am. You make all different varieties and you make them coffee and then you open the doors and... nothing.

You wonder at first of you've set your clocks right. Was it daylight savings? Maybe there is traffic? 6am turns to 7am. No one. You sip your cup of coffee. 7am turns to 8am. Should you make a new pot of coffee? No one has come in yet, you don't want to waste it. 8am turns to 9am. What are you going to do with so many donuts? You've eaten 4 already. 9am turns to 10am. Maybe you can give some away, but who needs several hundred donuts? 10am turns to 11am. All your coffee and food is going to go to waste. 11am turns to noon. Into the trash it goes. You can give away some, but what a waste. You can't run a business like this. Making donuts that no one will buy.

Luckily it was just a 24 hour strike. The next day you probably have even better business than usual. Heck maybe you even had better than usual the day before. But that one day. That one day was a waste. That one day was terrifying. That one day was a signal.

Sure, you can recover from that one day. But if someone comes to you and says we can make that one day into two days. We can make that one day into a week. Into a month. Into a year. You listen.

You start small. You negotiate in good faith. The company shows their hand. The union shows their hand. You talk it out. Everyone wants to make money. We can figure it out, together.

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Crostini. https://chromeos.dev/en/linux

A "one click" install of Debian (in a VM) that runs alongside your ChomeOS device. It's a great starter tool for those getting used to Linux and even for the Linux Pro it gives you a terminal, which 99% of the time is all I need.

You can use GUI applications as well so GIMP and other tools are available.

Super easy, barely an inconvenience.

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