
2 Post – 199 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Sony owns the blu-ray format. I'm worried.

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My home country (Iceland) has the highest gun ownership in Europe. It's not much compared to the US, but it's interesting that we have almost no gun violence. The reason is that we have very strict gun control with thorough background checks, mandatory training and psych evaluations. In addition to that, we have a functioning healthcare system and low income inequality. All these things need to be adressed before the US sees a decrease in gun violence.

I have a working theory that Donald Duck comics never got popular in the US because of the ever-present scathing critique of capitalism

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Somehow I doubt this will affect Ticketmaster, the biggest scalper of all

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Good. Why not ban those oversized SUVs while you're at it? They're a serious danger to children and they're not even good at hauling stuff!

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A refreshing take for sure, and even though Bernie is Jewish he sees this cruel regime for what it really is. There are no excuses for harming innocent civilians, ever!

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That's a bit offensive to whores. They only sell their bodies, he's selling democracy.

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I know "state-funded media" is an ominous word to Americans, but most European countries have their own government broadcaster and news organization, entirely funded through taxes.
Those generally offer high-quality non-biased journalism (of course it's always based on how authoritarian the government is). The British BBC, the Swedish SVT, the German DW etc. are all publicly owned broadcasting companies.

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I think Germany has actually accepted a lot more responsibility for the atrocities they've committed, compared to nearly every other European nation guilty of colonialism and genocide. I have British friends who were taught almost nothing about Britain's colonial past in school, while every German has to learn about the Holocaust in school.
In a way I understand Germany's reluctance to compare a Jewish ethnostate to Nazism, considering what they did to the Jews 80 years ago. But I think that comparison is completely justified and Germany should know better. Israel is an apartheid state, and Netanyahu is one Auschwitz away from being just like Hitler.

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Hmm maybe putting in rate limits, thus greatly reducing the amount of time people spend on the app, isn't the best strategy for a platform whose main source of revenue comes from advertising?

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You see the same shit on streaming services. "Oh this show has been out for two days and hasn't reached Game of Thrones level of popularity already? Let's remove it from existence forever."

I don't see why I should need to pull up my phone to order food at a restaurant.

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'Audiophiles': "Yeah I paid $20000 for this new DAC, I think the treble is a lot crispier"
Actual audio engineers: "I record everything with this $40 Behringer interface and mix with free plugins though my 30 year old Yamahas"

But... But everyone having a right to medical care whether they're rich or poor? Unthinkable! Think of the shareholders!

He posted this joke himself lol

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Yeah this also conveniently happens after they made everyone's Reddit Gold invalid. Pretty damn shady if you ask me.

Please drink verification can

I'm sure this fucker hasn't worked a 70 hour workweek in his entire life. Hell, I'd be surprised if he's worked 40.

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Just in case anyone ever doubted that the rich are playing by different rules than the rest of us.

Something tells me there will be a new prison complex built in the area in the next few years

This has to be one of the funniest Trump moments. He's a horrible person but sometimes he's hilarious.

Or 22 episodes of a soap opera

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I believe the point they were making is that whatever excuses Israel comes up with to justify this massacre is just that: excuses.

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I heard Captcha was being used as training data for self-driving cars. Which probably explains why almost all of them ask you to identify cars, motorcycles, bridges, traffic lights, crosswalks etc.

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Donald was always a more appealing character to me than Mickey Mouse because he's so relateable. He has trouble with love and with money and he's impulsive and impatient.
Mickey, on the other hand, is such a nothing-character. He's basically just a brand mascot at this point, with no recognizeable character traits.
And while there are iterations of Mickey that actually give him a personality, it's much less consistent than Donald.

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Lava eruptions like this tend to be less dangerous than ash eruptions, which can mess up air traffic and the ashfall is bad for the lungs and crops. So I don't think there's much cause for concern.

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Definitely skipping that update then. Thanks for the warning

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I hate it when corpos use the "oh we can't lower prices because our staff is getting paid too much"-narrative. What about the CEO who takes half the profits for himself?
It's the workers who create value for a company, they don't take it away by getting paid for their work.

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I once heard of AI gradually getting dumber overtime, because as the internet gets more saturated with AI content, stuff written by AI becomes part of the training data. I wonder if that's what's happening here.

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This is classic greenwashing. It's the smallest possible gesture a soda company can make to show that they "care about the environment" while not making any actual change to be more eco-friendly.
Same thing with those awful paper straws. Are you really asking me to believe that a massive burger chain can neutralize their footprint by giving you a straw that turns soggy in minutes? The straws were never the real problem, but it's the smallest possible step they can take to seem eco-friendly.

It's kind of funny how aware Danes are of their weird numbers system. I speak Norwegian and whenever I'm in Denmark they use the more sensible Norwegian number system to explain to me the prices of stuff (probably because I give them the deer in the headlights-stare whenever I hear something like "fem og halvfjerds").

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Police protect property, not people.

As a big fan of Eurovision, it pains me to boycott the contest this year but I can't stomach the thought of endorsing mass-murderers.
The EBU banned Russia from competing after their invasion into Ukraine (after a lot of public outcry, I must add), so why can't they ban Israel as well? If the problem is they "don't want Eurovision to be political", well tough luck, it already is and has been from the very start.
The answer, of course, is money.

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Well if it makes you feel better, lemmings don't actually leap off cliffs. It's a myth that started with a 50s Disney nature documentary where the crew literally threw some lemmings off a cliff. Pretty messed up.

I somehow doubt the real Margot is an avid Android tech enthusiast

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Also, don't greenlight 100 shows if you only plan on giving 5 of them a second season, and you base that decision entirely on algorithms instead of genuine human feedback.
And please, for the love of god, let me look at a movie for longer than 1 second before you start automatically playing it because your almighty algorithm determined that it would force users to pick a movie faster. It's the most annoying "feature" that makes me inclined to avoid Netflix as much as possible.

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Farming peasants worked pretty much from sunrise to sunset, sometimes even longer. If you count the number of hours the average medieval peasant worked in a year, it was probably a lot more than we do now.

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He's also a shill for Coca-Cola and regularly appears in their ads

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Ben Shapiro has entered the chat
"Well achtually, women's vaginas are meant to be bone dry. Every women I've slept with has been dryer than the Sahara desert."

Yeah why not just expand the dataset it draws from to be less racially biased?
Ah, right, that would require effort.