2 Post – 655 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

just looking around for now

you will own nothing and you will be happy.

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"voting AfD is so 1933"


always buy the more expensive ones with the foreskin.

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that's how.

one of the 3 LEDs can have 256 levels of brightness (off included)

take that to the power of three, and you have 16 million colours.

but no mortal can actually tell the difference between 255, 255, 255 and 255, 254, 255.

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who knew that an impossibly cheap computer was harvesting your data with a butchered open source operating system with a lot of closed-source stuff added to it?

sounds familiar...

oh my god, this (basically culture war) is so hard to witness as a european.

just use signal for god's sake.

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cough healthcare cough

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we're all going a little crazy, but this is just the right kind of insane. make it run pong with powerpoint controls next please.

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a good product is the best advertising. make linux usable as a daily driver, and people come flowing in from the shithole that is windows.

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in a fair world, all of these companies who abuse the GPL license woild get sued and have to face actual consequences. but the legal system favors the rich, and the FOSS dev is left to starve. killed by their own passion.

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we have nailed 2D printers. enshittification in the name of profits ruined them. i recommed epson eco-tank printers by the way. no subscription and one 10€ bottle lasts for hundreds of pages.

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how would we be?

i'm gonna list a few things:

  • war in europe
  • genocide in gaza
  • everything is a subscription
  • appliances are made to fail now
  • phone manufacturers blindly follow apple's horrible decisions
  • housing market is going to hell
  • general enshittification of every service
  • cars are getting worse every day, be it the phasing out of ICEs in favour of EVs that have no hope of lasting even 20 years (that one may be fixed until 2035), the general reliability problems or the ugly designs.
  • Windows is actively getting more invasive and even less private, although linux is looking very promising
  • the political right is getting more drastic, and it seems to be working for them


  • global warming, i forgor

i am not surprised

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who would have thought that taxing the richest money hoarders would actually bring money back into the economy?

with sonic runners, they had to reverse engineer the whole server infrastructure. i'd say the chances of you patching out server checks without decompiling the entire game are low.

but i'm not any kind of programmer, so i'd love to be proven wrong.

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people using user agent switcher so they can use bullshit like teams probably introduces errors into the statistics so microsoft can claim most users use chromium anyway.

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the main complaint from me is still the headphone jack. they faced insane backlash when they released the FP4. i thought this company cares about the user as well as the environment. but it seems they didn't realize that people want actual features (like wireless charging, the headphone jack, or a usable battery size).

don't get me wrong, i own a Fairphone 4 and love using it. but making these mistakes 2 times in a row now is just pathetic.

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here in germany, we have a politician who is in the AfD (a right-wing party, where many members are literally Nazis).

and he is an immigrant, talking about how we should stop immigration. he only gets accepted in there because he is as bigoted as them.

i know it has little to do with this post, but i got reminded of this story by it.

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we have alternatives to both. people just need to switch.

but youtube is really hard to replace.

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not really hard, because people will post anything on the internet. including me.

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It's using a plugin system for various sources, basically it's just a fancier front end for the source websites. it is not hosting its own (illegal) content.

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they literally banned pop-up headlights because of "pedestrian safety". how about having a real driving school system instead of letting people drive if they pass the test after the 1200th time by random chance?

i do agree that a multi-ton stainless steel bomb is dangerous, but cars are inherently dangerous. that's just something that needs to be adressed by proper training and infrastructure that makes collisions less likely.

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i used one of these once. believe it or not, they're uncomfortable.

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signature look of superiority

Enjoy when you can, and endure when you must.

-Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

not an exact fit, but i think about that sentence often

okay, shit will hit the fan at incredible speeds if this guy gets elected.

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anyone is better than crowder.

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that's just called "used", my 1060 is "old".

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if they pull this shit with music, i'm gonna have to look for self hosted music streaming apps.

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are these in haveibeenpwned yet?

edit: yes they are, i'm stupid

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"what in the cinnamon toast fuck is this?"

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i have also encountered one of the same species:

can't really agree with the "reliable" part but yea, they are affordable.

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landmine detector (single use)

yes please. keep suing them. that's pretty much the only thing we can do at this point.

i'm all for blocking relevant roads. but if your movement just throws themselves onto any intersection without being able to explain how blocking this specific one is relevant, your movement needs better planning.

as much as i hat how tiktok runs their platform, as well as the CCP and how they run the country, that senator is an asshole trying to make it about him being chinese and all of the discourse attached to that topic.

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Fairphone makes it as easy as they can to install /e/OS or any other custom ROM, probably because they believe in selling the phone as the hardware itself, with you being able to choose your OS.

like it should be. like we are doing with PCs.

but a fairphone does come with a very uncompetitive price tag, trust me, i own one.

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the psychological impact of a cat existing near you never fails to impress.

there's one of these for literally every meme ever huh?

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it was that way with vanced. once the original devs stopped, the revanced team took over and continued development. i fucking love FOSS.