GOP senator Cotton asks TikTok's CEO over and over if he's ever been part of the Chinese Communist Party. He's Singaporean. to politics – 295 points –
GOP senator asks TikTok's CEO over and over if he's Chinese. He's Singaporean.

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as much as i hat how tiktok runs their platform, as well as the CCP and how they run the country, that senator is an asshole trying to make it about him being chinese and all of the discourse attached to that topic.

He's not chinese. Singapore and China are separate countries.

yes exactly, that's the point

I know. You made it sound as if what was wrong was trying to make it about his nationality and not the fact that the guy isn't even from China.

I think the poster meant ethnically since the CEO is only a few generations removed from China.

I think the poster meant ethnically since the CEO is only a few generations removed from China.

Tom Cotton is only a few generations from his Confederate soldier ancestor, a couple more from his slave owning ancestor. source