9 Post – 184 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

You know tor is still a thing? It is also used to bypass the "great" firewall of china.

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Opensuse TW

Although most of the times while vim is not installed vi is. Even often together with nano.

X* predates almost everything still in common use.

it is ancient when talking about computer related things. 1984 was the initial release. Almost twice my age holy!

What is wrong with YAML for configuration? It is much more easy to read then say json.

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Tip for when you need to use the power button and do a force shutdown. Try the following first Alt+SysRq r>e>i>s>u>b

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For rdp take a look at remmina

It will never support 100% of games. Mainly due to extremly agresive anti cheats that are the same as root kits.

Works fine for me with firefox and Ublock. What does give me this exact message though is a extention called IDontCareAboutCookies

Ports below 1024 are by default reserved for root. So unless you use sudo or change this you wont be able to use port 80 and 53 without root

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they even purposely disable snaps by default.

More people to get in to I2P.

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Requiring a VPN is false see Their are a few ways to bypass the firewall from tor it self. the easiest is to use snowflake.

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Yeah btrfs and snapshots on TW is amazing. Also TW is rock solid even though it is a rolling distro.

Ubuntu sometimes gives me Windows vibes.

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Different OSes. Windows and Linux for example. No way to run a full fledged domain controller in a container. Just to name a example.

Would any form of crypto donations be interesting as well? Personally a great fan of Monero.

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I was the same back then. And have come across some stuff which is surprisingly easy to find. Later to realize how messed up that was.

I think monitoring is good but it has a fine line not to cross in your child privacy. If they suspect anything they sure know how to work around it and you loose any insight.

In the basis you are right. But nowadays a good large USB stick shut be able to handle it fine over a long period. I would recommend to put the cache and temp directory's on a memory drive. that way you do not constantly stress out the USB.

On the other hand nowadays their are USB cases for M.2 SSDs. this would eliminate the entire problem.

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I still like firefox. I configure it using a json file. Just load that file and the browser is configured for all users on the system.

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Opensuse Tumbleweed. A rock solid rolling release.

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I think Manjaro is a bit of a mixed bag. A good distro in it self but their are issues. Arch is great and a big part of it is due to the AUR. When using the AUR you can easily get dependentie conflics if you use it on Manjaro.

Also some sloppy things from the devs. From adding broken patches (some driver thing). To exidentely ddosing the AUR.

looks like I be spinning up my own private instance to not have to deal with de-federations or anything like that.

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Fully anonymouse and FREE P2P network great for torrenting and somewhat encouraged even.

Spytify but it is for windows only. You can use a vm for it. You got to have a premium acc to acces higher quality though.

Personally i rip straight from tidal. Been thinking of making a few tb available on I2P soon.

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Perhaps reseeding on I2P is also a good option

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For the sharing part take a look at I2P

Take a look at jellyfin

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Maiby opensuse Tumbleweed is something that might intrest you. Although it is company tied.


Back to the early 2000 era! Interesting to say the least. Why the NSFW tag though?

What i love about Mikrotik is. You buy it once and own it. Unlike something like Cisco or Juniper. You got tons of licensing fees.

What makes rust so resiliant against these types of atacks?

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I like a song from a artist so I download the entire catalog. Lossless where I can

Personaly i like to use borg.

While on one hand Manjaro is very polished. Some things they do is questionable. Like the time they suggested to change your date and time because they let their repo keys expire. Or accidentally DDOS the AUR. Just to name some. The Manjaro team has a rather bad track record of these things.

Wait a seccond... good catch!

Hoe does this work. If a company has not made a profit in 20 years. How is it not bankrupt?

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exactly. I have not pirated games in a long time because steam is at that perfect balance for me. With a few exceptions of course

Opensuse already does this by default.

Opensuse is a amazing roller release as it is rock solid and stable.

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