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I get these are jokes but I really don't find anything funny about it, it becomes a meme and then people start getting more creative and pushing it more and being more covert and people come up with other little japes then new Linux users get their shit destroyed and maybe important info gets lost or precious memories so they say Linux is a piece of shit and go back to windows.

It's not even funny to start with so when it inevitably inspires people to be assholes and bullies that's all we've achieved.

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Think of the children being used to push an agenda that helps the very wealthy? Well I'll be, what a totally new and not at all predictable move.

Ban all ai that aren't owned by rich people, make open source impossible, restrict everything that might allow regular people to compete with the corporations - only then will you children be safe!

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I love threads like these because it really shows how flexible opinions are, post about ai surveillance state and everyone is against it but post about car drivers getting fined for not wearing a seatbelt and everyone loves it.

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These laws are dangerous, kids are going to sneak a peek at adult things and when they do going to pornhub is far safer than having to avoid strong filters by joining a private discord group full of creepy old guys.

Honestly these laws are a groomers dream, keeping kids naive and then funnelling them in to poorly moderated or purposely immoral porn sharing communities creates actual dangers which aren't present when a teenager sees some videos from the front page of pornhub.

What we actually need to do it have real conversations about things

That's because all you absolute fucking babies are still crying they took your plastic straw away.

The reason we don't have sensible climate conversations leading to real action is because the SLIGHTEST thing anyone suggests and you fucking scream your toddler heads off for years!

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People love to say things like this but it's kinda ridiculous, pretty much every new tech is hugely successful. Those battery advances that no one really believes in? You've probably got one of them in your hand now, you're probably physically closer to someone using chatGPT than you are to someone reading a book - if not you almost certainly met more people today who have used gpt more recently than they've read from a book. Vr adoption continues to grow, automation solutions are getting installed all over the place at a rapid rate, electric cars are gaining market share, whole countries are using desalination for their water supply, everyone that's said anything about Osiris rex has been excited about the move towards space based industry.

The bulk of the population is loving the endless tech upgrades and eager for more, yeah not everything is good and most people are adult enough to realise that.

(No I did not read the article, someone said it was shit and I don't doubt them)

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Building up happens brick at a time, pulling down happens at freefall speeds

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I'm against heavy handed regulation because it pushes people into more dangerous spaces, if you're a teenager or unID'd adult who can't access real porn sites do you decide not to look at boobs or do you seek out unregulated communities on places like discord?

Would you like your kid seeing generic regulated porn or seeing the kinds of things people can't post on regulated porn sites? Plus not only is there the fact that the content on underground sites is by their nature the stuff not allowed on regulated sites but also do you want your kid taking to the creeps that hang out in porn sharing groups on discord?

When you swap underwear with another character they don't even mention it, no options to seduce NPC's for fun or profit, sex doesn't go into a turn based mode with various special traits and action options based on class and alignment...

I'm just saying if I made it then it'd be far hornier.

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And what would it be doing in there?

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I think something we could do as a community is to make resources that help make understanding things happening here easier, like rapidly updated community guides to the available apps with screen shots showing features.

Really what we need is independent and community development of cool new things that you can't get anywhere else, a real reason to actually come here over all the other similar choices - ideally things that corporate sites would avoid because they're focusing on profit.

One tool I'm going to be working on is having an instance/community that makes it easy for people to work on collaborative design - ideally it'll be a pipeline where idea get refined into design briefs then fact finding tasks split from that and eventually it all boils up into a series of implementation tasks, testing and documentation then finally actually gets turned into an open source product or a piece of creative commons media.

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Jesus, just call me out by name if you're going to be so specific

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Funny, it all feels very dead to me - but then I guess that is what the fireball spell does...

How am I supposed to identify as my character and get immersed in being them if people want to have sex with them?

I'm convinced theres a troll game going on to make the dumbest aita post, last time I went in to check my messages I saw one with a guy asking if he was the asshole because he yelled at his daughter for missing her recently dead mother

It does annoy me that the Devs built in a system to let you set languages but everyone just sets it to 'duhhhhh I don't know what language I'm speaking?!'

But yeah I do like looking at the silly German words on pictures

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So many countries have really successful desalination projects powered by solar farms, New Orleans could have all it's water needs met if they invested in infrastructure rather than constant disaster mitigation.

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People want the government to provide services efficiently yet the second anyone suggests not doing things the most expensive and outdated way possible everyone loses their minds.

Are you all accelerationists or just the no give only throw dog?

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When I die and my laptop gets put into a box and shoved in a dusty corner forgotten for generations I want my descendant to be able to open it in the year 3000 and see all the tabs I had open when I died.

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Another day another puritan panic

Yes we should ban open source and consumer gfx cards and everything else to stop the possibility that someone might have a sexual thought -in fact all humans should be blinded at birth to avoid this!

Won't someone think of the children!!!!!

I do wonder if the people who exaggerated and invent dramatic versions of what's posted there realise we can just look at it ourselves and see they're being silly? I guess what I really want to know is do they hope people won't look or have they not looked and are just assuming it's like that?

Alex Jones will yell about the headline and say Soros is microchipping food and if you eat cheese the 5g vaccine will do a false flag and turn the frogs even gayer.

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If you want an actual answer they want the Islamic world to unite and kill everyone else, it's been a pretty constant theme for a while now from middle Eastern terror groups.

That's why the fundamentalists in change (and not living in Gaza) wanted to commit an attack Israel could not ignore, nation's like Saudi Arabia and Jordan we're getting on too well with Israel and that would ruin their chances for a middle Eastern caliphate...

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It is a really cool idea though

Germany has the most renewables per capita of any European nation and have been heavy investors for a long time now.

Q: Mr Trump you were the best president everyone says it, the other day someone came to me and said that Mr Trump was the best president, perfect President, just like his phonecalls were perfect - they tried to say it wasn't a perfect phone call, crooked Hillary and sleepy Joe said it wasn't perfect but it was a perfect phonecall, was it a perfect phone call? Everyone says it was perfect except sleepy Joe's son Hunter's laptop...

A: the election was stolen by very bad men, very bad, not as bad as hunter bidden and crooked Hillary but very bad...

I bet he can't even answer his own questions

Are you a climate change denier or one of these that wants it to happen?

Hydro is a fantastic power source and a vital part of the transition from fossil fuels. If you look at the list of selected projects they're all pretty decent and benefit local economies as well as the national energy strategy.

Yes it would be nice if Biden could wave a magic wand and change America into a socialist utopia but the reality is he has to work in the system that exists and which a disappointing majority continue to want to exist.

It's a computer science term that's been used for this field of study for decades, it's like saying calling a tomato a fruit is a marketing decision.

Yes it's somewhat common outside computer science to expect an artificial intelligence to be sentient because that's how movies use it. John McCarthy's which coined the term in 1956 is available online if you want to read it

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I think the shortage caused a lot of people to lose interest because they couldn't get one, also a lot of the board improvements have pretty complex benefits so they open up new possibilities but don't really have a killer app yet. I think the power requirements have pushed it out of the range for a lot of projects though.

It's so hard to tell if they're heading towards a sweet spot or off a cliff with that one, I think the rest of their line is much stronger, zero 2 and the 3a+ or whatever it's called are Ideal little boards

If you're trying to say the way ryker throws his leg over a chair is the cause of me becoming a communist programmer then I have to tell you that you are sorely accurate.

People need to start paying creators to make stuff for the public domain and refuse to pay to access anything that everyone doesn't have access to.

I've given Wikipedia money, I'll never pay for Netflix.

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It's interesting because no one could believe Alex Jones or any of these greedy mega/maga church leaders if they came at it neutrally, they believe because they want to, because acting like they believe it benefits them.

But then such a cult gets built up you start getting true believes who are so caught up in the cult that they can't think anything else. People feel the need to prove how much they belive so they join these crazy groups and movements, they love putting on a big show of being a warrior for the cause but of course they don't want to actually mess up their life because then they wouldn't need the excuse to be selfish... So they do meaningless things like go to protect the boarder knowing full well what everyone knows - it's just some roads with gates there's nothing interesting or even slightly dangerous there.

I remember Trump supporters saying that he'll be great because he's rich and so doesn't need more money from scams and corruption...

You don't get that rich without being deeply corrupt and deeply addicted to money

Yeah, like most people don't realise but until about 1900 most piano music was played by humans, of course there were no pianists after the invention of the pianola with its perforated rolls of notes and mechanical keys.

It's sad, drums were things you hit with a stick once but Mr Theramin ensured you never see a drummer anymore, while Mr Moog effectively ended bass and rhythm guitars with the synthesizer....

It's a shame it would be fun to go see a four piece band performing live but that's impossible now no one plays instruments anymore.

People are never going to stop learning to play instruments, if anything they'll get inspired by using AI to make music and it'll get them interested in learning to play, they'll then use ai tools to help them learn and when they get to be truly skilled with their instrument they'll meet up with some awesomely talented friends to form a band which creates painfully boring and indulgent branded rock.

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Honestly probably the same amount of people who'd support carpet bombing Florida if they started firing missiles into neighbouring states.

If you only imagine yourself on one side it's easy to say the other one is evil but live isn't that simple really

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Everyone's got so much hate it's weird, they're probably mostly having a great time, helping each other out, making new friends and all that stuff.

I know it's not everyones cup of tea but that's the great thing about life we all like different things, if we didn't the one thing everyone likes would be super crowded.

You'd always find a way to accuse him of genocide or some equally inflated horror, it's such a predictable tactic.

Life Evacuation Valve, he's saying we should all get one installed

There's a lot if you look for it, recent developments in tidal are incredibly positive and we're absolutely going to see a rapid uptake in marine electrification as existing technology progresses through the market. Most people never really think about the resources used and pollution caused by small boats but one of the big destructive forces at play is the infrastructure requirements - small boats need big boats to supply their fuel stations.

Transitioning away from this system and instead using costal tidal generators to charge electric ferries and barges could be a total game changer in many areas, especially many of the highly trafficked and polluted tidal basins like in north Brazil, Nigeria, or island clusters like in the Philippines. Also the intercoastal waterways around the US and other leisure spots.

We're making great progress in many areas and I really think it's important to acknowledge this and cheer it on least we get so caught in a false sense of doom that we just give up.

A lot of it is very clearly an ego thing, they're all saying 'I'm smarter than most people who need to push the button and anyone smarter than me is also worse off...' it's the same thing people do with the age they were born 'older generations don't understand, newer generations have been ruined'

I think it's partly because no one wants to admit if they were smarter then they'd make better choices because then there might be someone smarter who suggests that change their mind on something and that's never going to happen.

Like all the comments 'i know things are bad, if don't want to understand how bad they are' it's inconceivable that they could understand their misthinking on a subject and change their opinion, they see it as any extra intelligence will just make them more sure they're right.

Personally I'd hammer that button for a few days then spend some time trying to work out solutions to my problems and the world's problems - if I can't do it I'll go back to the button until I'm able to